
Little Monkey, I’M Not Here To Listen



Arriving at the most central house of the Senju clan, Tsunade shouted loudly as she entered the door.

Immediately afterwards, a kind old woman walked out.


"It's Takuya."

Seeing Takuya Senju, Uzumaki Mito had a warm smile on her face.

"Why did you two come over together today?" Mito asked, looking curiously at Tsunade and Senju Takuya.

"Grandma, we came today to ask you for a favor," Tsunade said with a smile.

"Oh? How can this old woman of mine help you?" Uzumaki Mito asked kindly.

"Mito-sama, I want to marry Kushina," Takuya Senju directly stated his purpose.

"Yes? That's great. Speaking of which, Kushina is also at the age where she should get married. It would be great if Takuya could marry her," Uzumaki Mito said happily.

A few years ago, the Uzumaki clan was nearly wiped out. Now, in Konoha, only she and Uzumaki Kushina remained. Similarly, the Senju clan was reduced to just Tsunade and Takuya. As the wife of Hashirama Senju, Uzumaki Mito was pleased with the idea of Takuya Senju wanting to marry Uzumaki Kushina.

"Grandma, you forgot, Kushina is the next Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. If Takuya wants to marry her, we must first get the village's permission," Tsunade reminded.

"Hmm… that's true. In that case, I will go to the village later and talk to Hiruzen about it. You don't have to worry too much; with me coming forward, this matter should be fine," Uzumaki Mito said with a smile.

"Then thank you, Mito-sama," Senju Takuya said quickly.

"Thank me for what? Speaking of which, I can live until now thanks to you, Takuya," Uzumaki Mito smiled and waved her hand.

After chatting for a while, Uzumaki Mito left for the Hokage's office. After she left, the smile on Tsunade's face slowly disappeared.

"Takuya, do you still have the Life Extension Pill?" Tsunade asked seriously.

She could feel that Uzumaki Mito's life force was about to run out.

"No more. That kind of thing, I got it by accident," Senju Takuya shook his head.

The Longevity Pill was a rare item he had obtained from a unique opportunity ten years ago. It could extend a person's life by ten years. When Uzumaki Mito's life was nearing its end, Takuya gave her the pill to keep her alive and protect him and Tsunade.

"It's a pity," Tsunade sighed. Despite being the best medical ninja in the world, she could do nothing in the face of such a situation. Takuya had used an unassuming pill to extend her grandmother's life, something she still found incredible.

"Forget it. Grandma has lived this long, and it's enough," Tsunade said, collecting her emotions. "Remember to come over for dinner tonight, and I'll call Kushina over."


At the Hokage Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi was reviewing a mountain of paperwork when a familiar, kind laugh sounded.

"Mito-sama? Why are you here?" Hiruzen asked, seeing Uzumaki Mito enter.

"Little monkey, long time no see. You've got a lot more wrinkles," Mito teased with a smile.

"Haha… Mito-sama, is there something wrong?" Hiruzen asked, helping her sit down. Since the Uzumaki clan's destruction, Mito rarely left the Senju compound.

"It's about Kushina. Our little Takuya wants to marry her, and I came to inform you," Mito said with a smile.

"Takuya? Senju Takuya?" Hiruzen's mind filled with information about the only remaining male of the Senju clan. He dropped out of ninja school to manage the family business and had considerable assets.

"Mito-sama, Kushina's status is special, and her marriage cannot be decided so rashly," Hiruzen said thoughtfully. He had a different candidate in mind for Kushina—Minato Namikaze, a talented ninja with no significant background but immense potential.

"Little monkey, don't be mistaken. I'm here to inform you, not to ask for your opinion," Mito said, her smile fading and a powerful aura emanating from her.

"Oh… Mito-sama, I was just speaking casually. Please calm down," Hiruzen said, breaking into a sweat. He recalled a terrifying incident where Mito had unleashed the Nine-Tails' chakra, devastating a large area of the forest.

"So, you don't object?" Mito asked.

"I didn't object in the first place. It's just that for such a thing as marriage, the parties involved need to agree," Hiruzen said cautiously.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll talk to Kushina myself," Mito said with a satisfied smile before leaving the office.

After she left, Hiruzen sighed. Although he was the Hokage, he felt powerless in front of Mito, which made him uncomfortable.

"Senju Takuya is just a businessman who is not even a ninja. Even if he marries the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, he can't cause any trouble. Besides, Kushina may not choose Takuya," Hiruzen thought. "Perhaps it's best to slow down on embezzling the Senju assets until after Mito passes."


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