
CHAPTER 62 Immovable Object, Meet Unstoppable Force

  ~ JESSE ~

  I swallowed hard. She didn't scare me in the sense that I knew I could outrun her- not how I usually felt with a wolf. But I was beginning to see why the servants had all been so nervous. She was the kind of person who looked at you, and it felt like she could see through your clothes and read your thoughts.

  And she wasn't impressed by anything she found in either place.

  "Thank you for seeing me-" I started, trying to be polite. But she growled.

  "Girl, you sent for me as if I am a common wolf, submitted to your will. Even the King- your mate- does not do that."

  "Can you explain why?"

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "He made you Queen and you don't even know the dynamics of pack rank? What the fuck was he thinking?"

  "Believe me, I've been wonder the same thing. A lot."

  Nothing changed in her expression. But she didn't speak immediately, so I plowed out.

  "I asked to speak with you this morning-"
