
Chapter 4: See You Later

Few days already pass since I stated my plan to join the army. Pops already accepted my decision and didnt pester me much to my assumption. He said i'm already big enough to decide what i'll do in my life, although he occasionally would dropped me warnings about wars and telling me to be careful out there.

Ma on the other hand, has been trying to dissuade me in this past few days with every chance she'll get. But as the days pass by, her dissuasion intensity decreases and her acceptance of my decision increase. I think its for the best she stop worrying for too much.

Emily is.... being Emily.

Although her teasing became more frequent than usual, its probably because I'll be gone for who know how long so she's savoring the memory she'll have with her big brother.

Heh, that brat is just too cute sometimes.

I've also been researching about the War this past few days. I've started to watch news and gather past articles. Its for my best interest to do it lest I've been clueless on how the war started and how the war progress till date. I also tried to cover up informations about the terrain we will fight in, the enemies known tactics, weapons and the diseases we'll likely contract in the foreign land.

I maybe dumb and foolish sometimes, but I'm not brainless. I still want to live and fight for another day and be in my best physical performance while doing it.

And here's what I've this past few days.

The Vietnam War just didn't start out of nowhere, it was the result of tensions and conflict. It all started back in the late 1940s and 1950s when Vietnam was a battleground for French colonial forces and the Viet Minh, who were fighting for their independence. By 1954, after a grueling struggle, the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu, and Vietnam was temporarily divided at the 17th parallel. The North was led by Ho Chi Minh and his communist government, while the South was under the anti-communist leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem.

The United States, driven by the desire to contain the spread of communism during the Cold War, threw its support behind the South Vietnamese government. Advisors and aid flowed in, but the situation remained dangerous. The North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong, a communist insurgency in the South, were determined to unify the country under communist rule.

By the early 1960s, the conflict had escalated. The assassination of President Diem in 1963 only added to the instability.

Then came the Gulf of Tonkin incident in August 1964, where North Vietnamese patrol boats allegedly attacked U.S. destroyers. This incident gave President Lyndon B. Johnson the pretext he needed to escalate U.S. involvement. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, granting him broad military powers.

In March 1965, Operation Rolling Thunder began, a sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam in hopes of boosting the morale of the South while to weaken the North's ability to fight. But alas, it didn't work. The bombing alone proves to be insufficient and did not break the resolve of the North Vietnamese.

Partly because the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) anti-aircraft weapons which were able to shoot down hundreds of American aircraft during the bombing strikes. And more often than not, the bombs dropped often fell into empty jungle, missing their targets. Such as one of the reasons why the U.S. started sending Army and Marines to reinforce and defend the bases located there.

It was clear at this point that the United States was fully committed to this war.


Then the fated day of my Induction arrived.

I stood in front of the houses gate with my duffle bag slung over my shoulder. My family gathered around me, their faces etched with a mixture of pride, worry, and sadness. They gathered here for one last farewell before I board the bus that will take me to the Induction Center,the first step on my journey to Vietnam.

Pops was the first to step forward. His easygoing demeanor still present, but with seriousness present. He placed a firm hand on my shoulder, his brown eyes locking into mine. "Take care of yourself, Jim." he said. "Remember what we talked about. Stay sharp, stay safe, and watch out for your buddies. We're proud of you, son."

I nodded. "I will Pops, you take care too."

Next, Ma approached, her fiery red hair swinging at the morning breeze. Her blue eyes, usually so vibrant, were glassy with unshed tears. She pulled me into a tight embrace, crushing me. "You come back alive and in one piece, you hear me?" she whispered fiercely, her voice trembling. "I can't lose you, Jim. Promise me."

I patted her back as I said. "I promise, Ma. I'll come back. I swear it."

As Ma stepped back, trying to compose herself, Emi moved in front of me. Her usual mischievous grin was still there, but there was a softness in her eyes that I hadn't seen before. She gave me a light punch on the arm. "You're late, brother. What took you so long?" she said playfully, her voice wavering slightly as she repeated what she had said in the dining room.

"Eh, I was just late for a few minutes and you already miss me?" I responded with a playful grin.

She rolled her eyes, then smirked. "Miss you? More like I was hoping you'd trip over your own feet and save me from having to listen to your terrible jokes."

I laughed, ruffling her hair. "Nice try, brat. But you know you'd miss my jokes. Who else is going to make you laugh?

Her smile softened, and she hugged me, tighter than she ever had before. "Be safe, Jamy. Don't do anything stupid."

I hugged her back, feeling the warmth and love in her embrace. "I'll be careful, Emi. You take care of Ma and Pops for me, alright?"

She nodded against my chest, then stepped back, wiping her eyes quickly as if to hide any sign of tears. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't go getting yourself turned into Swiss cheese out there."

I laughed softly, giving her one last squeeze. "Heh, don't worry about me. Tell that to the guy at the other end of my rifle." 

"Hmph, braggart idiot, I meant that."

Chuckling at that, I look at her with gentlest gaze I could muster, "See you later, Emi."

She widened her eyes at that, I see tears falling as she gave me the warmest smile I have ever seen.

"Um! See you later, Jamy!"

They gave me a final hug after that.


As I boarded the bus that will take me at the Induction Center, I closed my eyes trying to organize my thought.

'Was I too selfish for doing this? For pursuing my desire? Yeah, I am. But I promise them, I will come back alive and share my stories for Emi'

The bus finally started moving to my destination. Suddenly, I hear some lunatic screaming, trying to stopped the bus and calling my name.


"Who's the fucker screaming my name, wait.... that screeching voice sound familiar...." I widened my eyes at realization, "Mack!"

'That bastard is coming after all'

I unconsciously smiled at this, quickly yelling I shouted, "Old man! Stopped the bus!"
