
Chapter 162: Hades' Hope

Hades POV

For the first time in forever, he did have hope. Ravyn was right.

It seemed almost pathetic, though. The only reason he felt safe was because he borrowed Jude's body, in a way. The only reason he stayed safe was because of Jude's willingness to accept him.

He felt embraced, protected, accepted for the first time in a long time. He didn't deserve any of it.

In Jude's voice, he said, "So ... we're all agreed we're not telling any of our pack councils?"

He could smell the tension in the room, like the air before a lightning storm.

Dane replied, his blue eyes as hard as glass, "I don't see how we could even begin to explain. Jiro? Do you?"

Jiro's eyes narrowed. "This is a matter of secrecy. The councils need to know most things, but they don't need to know everything. Being an Alpha has its privileges."

"And being a Luna, too," Garnet added. "We keep the Alpha's secrets."

"As well as our own," Lilia said, injecting a touch of humor. 

Hades breathed a deep sigh of relief out of Jude's mouth and nose, enjoying his healthy lungs and just breathing. At least he'd migrated into the body of a man this time. Less confusing. Thank the Moon Goddess.

He hadn't thought those words in centuries, and he waited for her to strike him down ... but the blow never came. But she'd be harming Jude, so maybe she couldn't lay a finger on Hades, so to speak. He was safe from her, too.

Which only made him want to curl up in a ball, because of the deep shame and guilt. He'd never again be worthy in her eyes. Maybe if he helped Jude and the others beat the Dark Goddess, he'd erase some of his debt.

Edna and Graydon Chalice both stepped forward. "Legally, you have no obligation to tell your council, Jude and Ravyn," Grayson said in this voice full of authority. "And we have no obligation to tell the witch circle--"

"No," Hades said in Jude's voice. "But you should. They should know where I am."

Dirge looked at Jude in disbelief. "Where YOU are?"

"Where Hades is," Jude corrected. "They should know where he is."

"But won't that cause trouble for the witches if the shifters find out?" Thessi questioned.

Hades smiled slightly, stretching Jude's pink lips. "Did Brighmere make war when they discovered you posed as a shifter in Evenhide, Thessi?"

Blushing a delicate pink, Thessi said, "But that's not the same thing--my brother knew."

"But someone in authority knew, just as in my--Hades' case," Hades argued in Jude's voice.

"It's worth the risk." Edna Chalice, who looked so like her daughter, circled him, touching him and closing her eyes. She gasped and stepped back. "Oh my ... your energy is off the scale."

Hades leaned into her touch, enjoying the feel of Jude's body. 

He'd shifted into wolf form, and the freedom was so delicious that he almost passed out from bliss. He'd felt the hot hum of desire and the joy of being inside Ravyn when they made love.

"But many things are still the same." He met Ravyn's violet eyes. "They just are. My ... my emotions towards my family and friends and my pack are the same. But more heightened, in a way. I feel them more deeply, because I have Hades' feelings too ... no more envy and hate and disdain, including for humans."

Florinda's pretty human mate Alicia exhaled with relief. "So, we can all sleep better."

Bram approached him, clasping Jude's hand in his. "Father ... you mean it? You still love us as much as ever?"

"Oh, my beautiful boy, I do." 

Hades felt overcome by sentimentality, and he wrapped Bram and Mali in Jude's arms. Both he and Jude felt the power of this moment.

"You're my children," he/Jude murmured. "My legacy. And I couldn't be prouder of you. I love you."

He'd actually said those words with pure intention. Without the darkness in his heart. He'd been freed. Mali and Bram seemed to sense it, because they buried their faces in his chest and clung to him, just like when they were pups--he had Jude's memories now.

The freedom he felt was so intoxicating that he shifted impulsively to Jude's wolf form, the large black wolf with a fringe of silver on his paws. 

A wolf again. He was a wolf again. His legs itched to run ... and before he knew it, the door to the Great Hall loomed closer and closer. He'd break down the door if he had to ...

Tulaska opened the door, her gray eyes gleaming with approval. "Run," she murmured.

He heard Bram yell, "Someone stop him!"

Too late. He needed to roam free!

* * * * *

Cyran POV

Shifting to his red wolf form, Cyran raced after his friend and former master and family member. So confusing!

Beside him, he saw Ravyn sprinting in wolf form, and Cyran could smell Garnet and Patch accompanying him. Talon Blackthorn, too. Naturally. Hades was his ancestor.

Tulaska had let Hades have his taste of freedom, so she must have a good reason. But Cyran, for one, questioned the logic of Hades going feral when he and Jude had just accepted each other. And during such an important conversation, too. 

Faolan Castle was so sprawling and vast that it took forever to get to the main door, and one of the guards let them out. Along the way, they encountered tipsy guests from the ball meandering down the corridors. The ball seemed like years ago, even though it was still the same night, well into the wee hours. When he emerged into the night air, the moon shone high in the sky. He hoped the Goddess spread her light as a blessing.

He picked up Jude's evergreen scent mixed with something a little spicier. Hades' scent. Interesting. An unusual blend, and fitting the new reality to two shifters shared.

Jude's black tail waved ahead of his pursuers, as if daring them to catch him. Thank the Moon Goddess the Hemmings had been dealt with and now languished in prison. Whether that was Judes' decision or Hades', Cyran approved. Jude/Hades could wander free without pack members going rogue and attacking him.

Zigzagging through the city streets, Hades ran towards the scene of the crime, so to speak, out in the open green space beyond Graywolf City. 

Cyran held his breath, and Ravyn summoned up a first of speed, overtaking Jude/Hades and pouncing on him. Surprised, he tumbled to the ground and rolled over and over with Ravyn while they sparred together. Their fire picked up bits of grass and dirt while they played. They didn't venture as far as the looming, silent hills outside the city. Instead, they pummeled each other, wrestled, and played on the grass like pups.

Patch nudged Cyran with his nose. "Should we break that up? Throw water on them?" Patch's wolf eyes sparkled as he communicated through the mind-link.

Cyran howled with laughter. "I don't think they'd appreciate it, and I think they need some space and time alone."

Patch huffed. "Maybe that might be the best thing. Jude's sickness seems to have magically been cured. No one at the ball suspected anything."

"They can't be out here alone, unsupervised," Garnet objected, planting her red paws on the grass. "Someone has to watch them--Jude is still vulnerable. I'll do it."

"Who knows more about Hades than I do?" Cyran shot back. "I'll be their chaperone. And I'll coax them back to the castle."

Garnet's eyes glittered golden in the night, like two tiny spotlights. "Promise?"

"Promise. Go back to Faolan Castle, everyone." Cyran lifted his nose regally. "I'll look after our unconventional pair. I promise, I won't let them out of my sight!"

Oh, what could possibly go wrong here?

What is your opinion of Hades now?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AmandaMaddencreators' thoughts