
Revolution [part 3]


The night continued to be a bottomless abyss as I pushed further into the structure.

The darkness was palpable, a suffocating blanket that enveloped everything.

The dim light of the corridors barely illuminated my path, casting long shadows on the damp, peeling walls.

Every breath was a deafening noise in the silence, and the irregular beating of my heart seemed to pound in my ears.

Each step brought me closer to the truth hidden behind those walls, a truth they feared to reveal.

The images of my recent atrocity continued to haunt me. The metallic taste of blood and the smell of rotting flesh were etched into my memory.

But I had to move on.

I couldn't afford to hesitate or succumb to despair.

With every bite, I had fed a new determination.

I would no longer be prey.

As I advanced, the corridor seemed to narrow, stifling and oppressive.

The walls, dirty and encrusted with mold, were a reminder of the decay and death that permeated that place.

Each step echoed like a distant call, a sinister cry that seemed to come from the darkest corners of my mind.

I paused for a moment, my breath coming in gasps and condensing in the cold air.

I felt the weight of my knife in my hand, a simple but lethal weapon, my only defense against the horrors that might await me.

I had to stay vigilant; every movement could mean the difference between life and death.

Slowly, I moved toward a slightly open door, the peeling and rusted paint falling apart at my touch.

I pushed carefully, the sound of rusty hinges echoing in the corridor.

The room inside was shrouded in darkness, the air heavy with moisture and decay.

With a knot in my stomach, I entered the room.

The walls were covered in incomprehensible graffiti, signs of madness and despair carved by whoever had been there before me.

In the center of the room, a figure wrapped in rags lay motionless, another victim of the horror that permeated that place.

I approached slowly, my senses alert for any sign of danger.

The figure did not move, but the smell of decomposition was unmistakable.

I knelt down, the knife firm in my hand, ready to defend myself if necessary.

The skin was cold and ashen, a sign that death had arrived long ago.

As I explored the room, I found fragments of paper scattered on the floor, covered in confused and disjointed writings.

They spoke of experiments, of suffering, and of a dark force that ruled that place.

Every word was filled with fear and despair, an echo of the tormented souls who had walked those same corridors.

I stood up, feeling a new determination grow within me.

I had to discover the truth behind those words, understand what was happening in that cursed place.

But most of all, I had to find a way out.

Every minute that passed brought me closer to madness, and I knew time was not on my side.

With one last look at the lifeless figure, I headed towards the door, ready to face whatever awaited me beyond.

The darkness was still my most faithful companion, but I was no longer the same.

I had become part of it, a predator ready to fight for his freedom.

The corridor ahead seemed like a tunnel without end, an infernal passage that swallowed every hope of salvation.

Each step brought me closer to an uncertain exit, but the path was strewn with invisible dangers.

The cold bit into my bones, and the humidity seeped through my clothes.

Hunger continued to twist my stomach, but the horror of my recent meal had left me temporarily nauseated.

I moved slowly, every sound amplified by the tomb-like silence that surrounded me.

I heard the rustling of my breath, the irregular beating of my heart, and occasionally, the distant and unsettling echo of something moving in the shadows.

Every shadow was a potential enemy, every corner a trap.

I had to be fast but also incredibly cautious.

As I advanced, my foot struck something metallic.

I bent down and found a grate. Perhaps a passage to the lower levels, or a way out.

With effort, I lifted the rusted grate, the sound of metal scraping against the floor.

Beneath it, an iron ladder disappeared into the darkness. I had no other choice; I had to go down.

The ladder was cold to the touch and slippery with moisture.

Each step down was a risk, but I couldn't stop. The darkness was total, my only company the sound of my breath and the beating of my heart.

Finally, my feet touched the concrete floor.

The air was even heavier and more stagnant, and a sickly-sweet smell of decomposition filled my nose.

The walls of this new level were covered in rust and mold. I could hear water dripping somewhere in the dark.

I moved slowly, my hands outstretched to feel for any obstacles.

Every step was a struggle against a possible danger. But I had to move on.

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me.

I stopped, holding my breath, trying to identify the source of the sound.

My heart was pounding so hard I thought it could be heard by anyone out there.

Another noise, closer this time. I couldn't stay still; I had to move.

I started running, my feet slipping on the damp floor.

The corridor seemed to close in around me, as if the walls wanted to crush me.

My run was frantic, driven by the fear of whatever might be following me.

Finally, I reached a metal door with the number 5.5 inscribed in dark red, almost a warning.

I pushed with all my strength, hearing the screeching of rusty hinges.

I entered and closed the door behind me, my heart pounding furiously in my chest.

The room was enveloped in oppressive darkness, the only light coming from a faint, flickering bulb hanging from the ceiling.

The floor was cold beneath my feet, covered in dirt and debris.

The smell of decomposition was even stronger here, a miasma that filled the air and twisted my stomach.

My mind was a whirlwind of dark thoughts as I tried to figure out if there was a way out.

Every shadow seemed to hide a secret, every corner a hidden danger.

The flickering light of the bulb created plays of light and shadow on the mold-covered walls.

I approached a corner of the room, noticing for the first time a message carved into the wall with a knife.

The message "There is no escape," written in blood, was decidedly a sinister warning.

I felt as if I were falling into a bottomless abyss.

Laughter echoed in my mind, an echo of my own despair.

I knelt, the knife clutched in my hand, trying to make sense of it all.

Every breath was an act of will, every heartbeat a reminder of my vulnerability.

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me.

I turned quickly, my heart pounding furiously.

In the dim light, a figure wrapped in rags moved slowly towards me. Terror enveloped me like a cloak, but I knew I had to react.

With a cry of desperation, I plunged the knife into the...figure, feeling the blade penetrate the rotting flesh.

The figure stopped for a moment, then fell to the ground with a muffled groan. I knelt beside it, my breath coming in gasps, trying to determine if it was really dead.

The skin was cold and ashen, a sign that death had come long ago.

I stood up, feeling a new determination grow within me.

I had to keep fighting, keep surviving.

Every step I took was an act of defiance against the dark forces and my enemies that seemed to want to trap me.

The room was a labyrinth of fear and despair, but somehow I knew it was all part of a bigger plan.

A plan to escape.

I had to find the key to get out of that nightmare.

I moved slowly, every shadow seemed to whisper forgotten secrets and every corner hid potential dangers.

The cold bit into my bones and the smell of decomposition was a constant reminder of the death that surrounded me.

But in that darkness, a small light of hope shone.

A hope that, despite everything, I could still come out of that place alive.

I continued to explore the room, looking for clues, traces of something that could help me.

The graffiti on the walls spoke of failed experiments and unspeakable suffering.

I found an old diary, the pages yellowed with age.

The words written in a trembling hand told the story of a man trapped in that place, just like me.

He spoke of a hidden exit, a way out that only a few knew about.

His last words were a warning:

"Do not trust the shadows, but follow the light."

I felt a new determination surge within me.

I had to find that light, I had to find the way out.

With the diary clutched in my hand, I approached the door and prepared to continue my journey into the darkness.

I opened the door cautiously, my heart pounding furiously in my chest.

The corridor ahead was even darker, but I felt my determination was stronger.

Every step brought me closer to the truth, to freedom.

I was ready to fight, to survive.

As I advanced, I heard a distant noise, a light rustling that seemed to come from the depths of the corridor.

My breath quickened, but I couldn't afford to be afraid.

I had to be brave, I had to move on.

I followed the sound, hoping it would lead me to the light I sought.
