
Chapter 252 Suspicious Points

Atop the mountain peak lay a hidden, resplendent and majestic great hall.

The auspicious beast guarding the hall, carved into the stone, was none other than a Kirin. Although Xie Jiuniang couldn't determine what type it was at first, the presence of what resembled a Heritage Hall, invigorated the exhausted people, as if injected with an adrenaline shot, instantly standing up full of energy.

Jian Lingyan was the first to exclaim, "Wow, is this the Heritage Hall?"

"Is this really the Heritage Hall?"

Xie Jiuniang suppressed the excitement in her heart, striving not to lose her composure.

But as she took steps towards the steps of the Heritage Hall, a gentle barrier blocked her way outside the grand entrance.

On the contrary, the Water Kirin was able to get in?

It got in?!

The Water Kirin appeared confused for a moment on the other side of the barrier.


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