
Chapter 261

Hearing this, Dazhuang's face instantly flushed red, and he reverted back to the boy-next-door look.

Seeing Dazhuang's embarrassment, Na Jie couldn't help but laugh, her body quivering with mirth.

"Alright, you guys get busy. It's not easy to set up a massage parlor; you still need to renovate and all."

After a moment's thought, Na Jie added, "Here's what we'll do, I'll help you get in touch with a renovation team, and you can negotiate with them."

I nodded my head, watching as Na Jie left.

"Wow, this is the prime spot on East Street, and it's so spacious, perfect for a massage parlor."

As Huan Huan surveyed the storefront, her excitement got the better of her, and she threw her arms around Dazhuang's neck, planting a kiss on his face.

"Dazhuang bro's really something, securing the toughest part right from the get-go."

"Now, we've got to really get down to the renovation, and buy some equipment. In no time, we'll be ready to open for business."
