
Chapter 8: The First Week

**William's Point of View**

As Susan leaves the room, I sink slightly into my chair, a sense of relief washing over me. She passed the test. Although I already had a clear idea of the best materials due to my skills and vision for the future, I wanted Susan's perspective to assess her reliability and critical thinking abilities.

To my great surprise, she exceeded my expectations. Susan is incredibly competent and visionary. Her knowledge of materials and her ability to analyze costs and benefits were impressive. She demonstrated a deep understanding of production challenges and proposed innovative solutions. This is precisely what Majestic Publishing needs right now.

However, her only flaw seems to be her shyness. Sometimes, she hesitates to express her ideas and defend her positions, which could be a hindrance in high-pressure situations. Nevertheless, with a bit more confidence, she could become a pillar of our company.

Taking a deep breath, I reflect on what this first week has revealed. The situation is far from hopeless. With people like Susan on our team, there is hope. It's time to redouble our efforts and continue pushing everyone to give their best.

Standing up, I walk to the window, watching the city come to life. Majestic Publishing is still far from regaining its former glory, but with my vision and a competent team, we will get there.

On the other hand, there have been significant developments in license management. David managed to sell all the licenses for a total of $27 million. David severely lacks vision. He doesn't see that these licenses are no longer as popular as they used to be. He stubbornly refuses to sell them even though he knows they are almost no longer exploitable.

After thorough consideration, I made a difficult but necessary decision: I will have to part ways with David. His very conservative vision refuses change. Majestic Publishing needs leaders who can see beyond immediate gains and plan for a prosperous future, and above all, who accept change.

"However, Susan definitely has a future here. We just need to help her overcome her shyness. With the right support, she can accomplish great things. As for David, his departure is inevitable for us to move forward," I thought aloud.

I turn around and start preparing for the next meeting. It's time to outline the next steps to implement Susan's recommendations and start turning our vision into reality. The road is long, but each day brings new opportunities.

I also think about the progress I've made on the "How to Train Your Dragon" project. The world-building is almost complete, with precise details on the characters, dragons, and general plot. I've even started writing the story. I've decided to take the first film, which was already great, but split it into three books, adding more content, drama, adventures, and details.

First Book

On an island in the northern seas, known as the Isle of Berk, stands a Viking village, a testament to human tenacity in the face of relentless dragon attacks. Hiccup, the son of Chief Stoick, aspires to contribute to the defense of his village, but his chronic clumsiness often makes situations worse. However, his ingenuity drives him to build a rudimentary cannon with which he manages to hit a Night Fury, a fast and elusive dragon, but no one believes in his feat. Setting out to find his downed victim, Hiccup discovers the wounded dragon trapped in a natural hollow. Ignoring contrary advice, his father allows Hiccup to undergo dragon-killing training, even though Hiccup knows deep down that he is incapable of killing a creature he has saved. Hiccup then begins training with other village youths, including Fishlegs, an expert on dragons, Snotlout, eager for the hunt, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who constantly bicker, and Astrid, a formidable warrior. In secret, Hiccup cares for the wounded dragon, which he names Toothless, learning to understand him.

Second Book

Through his observations and interactions with Toothless, Hiccup gains a deep understanding of dragons, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge allows him to excel in the arena, where he successfully faces various species of dragons, astonishing his father Stoick, who has returned from a sea expedition to find the dragon's nest. But Stoick refuses to believe in the possibility of taming dragons. Hiccup even wins a duel against Astrid, becoming the arena champion and earning the right to publicly kill a captive dragon. However, troubled by the cruelty of this tradition, Hiccup uses his blacksmithing skills to make a tail prosthesis for Toothless and a saddle to ride him. Astrid, curious about his successes, discovers his secret and Hiccup takes her on a flight to prove Toothless's peaceful nature. Flying above the clouds, Hiccup and Astrid witness an unexpected sight: a horde of dragons carrying loot to a volcano, where their nest is located. Hiding behind a rocky formation, they watch in horror as a gigantic dragon receives the offerings from the other dragons, ruthlessly devouring those who fail to bring something of value. Back at the village, Hiccup tries to warn his father of the imminent danger but ends up in a fight with the Monstrous Nightmare dragon, which goes wrong. Fortunately, Toothless intervenes, and Stoick is forced to admit the truth about Hiccup and his dragon.

Third Book

With Toothless captured, the Vikings prepare an expedition to attack the dragon's nest. Rejected by his father, Hiccup is about to give up, but Astrid convinces him to fight for what he believes in. Together, Hiccup and his former rivals train the arena dragons and embark on a rescue mission. Arriving at the volcano, they face the dragon king and his horde but are overwhelmed by their numbers. As the battle seems lost, Hiccup dives into the waters to save Toothless, putting his own life in danger. Stoick, finally understanding the value of their bond, joins the fight and saves both his son and the dragon.

The dragon king emerges from the depths of the volcano, spreading his majestic wings and breathing incandescent flames. His roar echoes through the valley, making the ground tremble beneath their feet. Facing this formidable monster, Hiccup and his companions prepare for the final showdown, knowing that their village and their future are at stake.

Guided by their courage and determination, Hiccup and Toothless lead the assault against the dragon king. Using their special bond and mutual understanding, they coordinate their attacks with deadly precision. The other dragons and their riders join the battle, forming an unlikely alliance against a common enemy.

The fight is fierce and intense, each moment filled with danger and suspense. Hiccup shows remarkable ingenuity, exploiting the dragon king's weaknesses and finding opportunities where others see only imminent destruction. With each calculated move, each exchange of fire breath, they get closer to victory.

Finally, in a brilliant moment of triumph, Hiccup and Toothless manage to neutralize the dragon king. With a final burst of fire and a resounding roar, the monster falls, defeated. Their village is saved, and the peace between the Vikings and the dragons is solidified.

In the days that follow, the village of Berk celebrates their victory with festivities and rejoicing. Hiccup is hailed as a hero, his name sung in the sagas to come. But for him, the true reward lies in the special bond he shares with Toothless, a bond forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by mutual trust and respect.

Every word I write in this third part brings me closer to our ultimate goal: captivating our audience and revitalizing our company. This epic conclusion is not just the end of a story but the beginning of a new era of peace, understanding, and cooperation between the peoples, humans, and dragons, in the world of Berk.

Each day, as I build this story, I feel our goal getting closer. This project, much more than just a book, symbolizes our determination and our ability to overcome obstacles. And with a talented and dedicated team like the one we have here at Majestic Publishing, I am confident that we will reach even greater heights.


Sorry for not keeping my schedule, but I am a beginner and English is only my third language, so writing entire chapters is difficult, let alone one chapter per day. That's why I decided to publish only three chapters per week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. But don't worry, there will be more words and content.
