
Kimora past

The morning sun filled through the curtains with a warm glow over the room. Ethan feeling the soft press of Kimora's body against his. He opened his eyes to find her gazing at him with a loving smile.

"Good morning, my love," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Good morning," he replied, pulling her closer. They lay there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the moment.

Kimora traced her fingers with patterns on his chest as she nuzzled against him. "You make me so happy, Ethan," she said softly.

"And you make me happy too, Kimora," he replied, brushing a strands of hair from her face.

Kimora's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes taking on a faraway look. "Do you ever wonder about how different our lives could have been?" she asked.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

She sighed, her fingers stilling on his chest. "Before I became like this, I was just an ordinary spider. I lived among my kind, unnoticed and unremarkable. But then, something happened. A curse or perhaps a blessing, I'm still not sure. I began to change, to transform into this human form."

"It was a blessing, both for me and you, as we met " Ethan replied while trying to soothe her from pain.

"Maybe, but others treat me different compared to you " She replied back as she tried to explain her story

<Flashback >

Kimora was resting in her web, the cool breeze rustling the leaves of the forest. The other spiders were busy with their nightly activities—some repairing their webs, others hunting for food.

It was a peaceful, ordinary night, just like any other. She spun her webs, caught her prey, and lived a peaceful life with her mother and sisters.

But one fateful night, she went to collect a mysterious light near her surrounding area, she didn't have much memory of it but she felt an incredible pain as soon as she touched the orb and her body began to morph.

The transformation was painful, every part of her body felt like it was on fire. Her many legs shrank and melded into two, her mandibles receded, and her body transformed into the curves and softness of human flesh.

When the transformation was over, Kimora looked down at her new form with a mix of wonder and fear. She still had traits of her spider nature—increased sense and reflexes, subtle fangs, and a slight chitinous texture to her skin. But this human form looks glamorous and wonderful

Slowly, Kimora stood up, her new legs shaking as she tried to find her balance. She took a step forward, then another and walked her way to her peers.

The forest around her was silent, the other spiders watching in stunned silence as she walked with two legs. She turned to face them, a nervous smile on her lips.

"It looks good, doesn't it?" she said, her voice trembling slightly.

But instead of admiration or acceptance, the response was swift and brutal.

"Monster!" one of the spiders hissed, their eyes wide with fear as they hid in their nests.

Kimora's heart sank. She looked to her mother, hoping for a different reaction. But her mother's eyes were filled with a mix of horror and paranoia. She backed away slowly, her legs trembling

The spiders around were large and gathered around her mother looked with their wide eyes with shock and repulsin.

"What happened to you?" one of kimora's sister hissed at her, backing away.

"It's me, your sister, Kimora" she said, her voice trembling. "I've changed, but I'm still the same inside. Myril don't be afraid of me"

"You're a monster," another sister spat, its voice filled with fear and disgust. "You don't belong here."

Her mother, the matriarch of the colony, approached with a look of stern disapproval. The other spiders parted to let her through, their eyes fixed on Kimora.

"Mother," Kimora began, her voice breaking. "It's me, Kimora. I... I don't know what happened, but I'm still your daughter."

"You... you're not my daughter," her mother whispered, her voice barely audible. "You're a monster."

 Kimora's presence among the spiders grew increasingly uncomfortable. Her mother, who she thought was comforting and loving, now looked at her with suspicion and fear.

The other spiders avoided her, their eyes filled with distrust. News about her transformation spread through the colony, and she could feel their eyes on her, judging her, fearing her.

 Her mother and sisters had moved away, leaving her alone. She reached out to touch the delicate threads, but they disintegrated under her fingers, a painful reminder of her new reality.

Her mother repeated her words as they were cold and unfeeling. "You are not my daughter, you are filthy human," she said, her voice as sharp as a blade. "You are an abomination."

Tears welled up in Kimora's eyes. "But we are a family."

Her mother shook her head, one of pity and repulsion. "There is nothing for you here," she said. "Leave us and never return."

The other spiders, fixed by their matriarch's words, began to hiss and advance on Kimora. They bared their fangs, their and lunged at her.

"Go away, monster!" one of them shouted, lunging at her.

Kimora recoiled, backing away in terror. "Please, don't do this. I just want to understand what's happening."

"You are a danger to us all," another spider hissed. "Leave before we are forced to remove you."

Kimora dodged, but not fast enough. The spider's fangs grazed her arm, leaving a stinging wound. She cried out in pain, clutching her arm as she stumbled backward.

Another spider lunged at her, and this time, Kimora felt a sharp pain in her side as it struck. She fought back tears, her body trembling with fear and pain. "Please, stop!" she pleaded, her voice breaking.

But the spiders showed no mercy. They continued their relentless assault, each attack more vicious than the last. Kimora's vision blurred as she struggled to defend herself with her new human limbs

In a desperate attempt to protect herself, Kimora's survival instincts took over. She lashed out, her movements a mix of human and spider reflexes. Her fangs was now more pronounced as bit one of her attackers. The spider recoiled, hissing in pain as it backed away. Kimora found herself glaring at them

Seeing their comrade wounded, the other spiders hesitated for a moment, giving Kimora a brief respite. She used the opportunity to strike back. She fought with an anger she didn't know she possessed, her human and spider traits working in sync.

One by one, the spiders fell back, their confidence decreasing as Kimora beat them easily. Her sisters, who had joined in the attack, now looked at her with fear like she was a monster.

But Kimora knew she couldn't stay. The damage was done, and there was no going back. She turned and fled, her heart heavy with sorrow and pain. 

With a broken heart, Kimora turned and fled, tears streaming down her face. The angry hisses of the spiders followed her to this day.
