
Chapter 184

 "Here we are." We had arrived at the Adventurers Guild headquarters in Ausbern.

 Thanks to the announcement made by the guild master, the place was flooded with people from all walks of life.

 But there was one thing they had in common. Their unsettling good looks.

 "It's almost like an idol audition." I muttered and Katarina looked at me and I gave her a rough explanation.

 "That is true. Should we line up or we should head inside?" She asked and I replied, "Line up. I don't want to attract too much attention."

 Be it my past or present life, very few could match me in terms of looks and the crowd in front of me was no exception.

 But there was just something I could not place my finger on and I decided to trust my guts.

 If we made a scene, it could evolve into something nasty. For them of course.
