
Chapter Thirteen

The sun dipped towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the dusty road. The journey seemed to stretch on forever, the rhythmic clatter of the carriage wheels a monotonous lullaby. Ryan, tired of staring out the window at the unchanging landscape, finally tore his gaze away.

A flicker of movement caught his eye. He turned his head slightly to see Suzy, slumped against the opposite seat, fast asleep. The sight that greeted him was… unexpected. Her head bobbed at an unnatural angle, her mouth hanging open slightly, and a low murmur escaped her lips, the words nonsensical to his ears.

Ryan frowned, a wave of annoyance washing over him. Even in sleep, she couldn't manage to be graceful. The way she slept, so sprawled out and undignified, was opposite to the composed demeanor expected of a noble.

Ryan couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh. This entire situation was a headache. His father, consumed with securing an alliance with her family which won't be beneficial anyway, had thrust him into this unwanted marriage. Now, he was stuck with this… this woman, who seemed determined to irritate him at every turn.

He couldn't deny that Cassandra was different from the women he was accustomed to. At the Carleton ball, the sight of her posture and manner had him confused. What made her change? Traditional women of noble birth were supposed to be demure, quiet, and obedient. Cassandra, however, was anything but that.

It had been one thing after another. Her constant chatter, her inappropriate questions, her complete disregard for tradition – it all infuriated him. Didn't she understand that a wife was supposed to be silent, submissive, and above all, graceful?

Back then, her presence had triggered a primal, almost instinctive annoyance within him. Now, as he watched her sleep, her face flushed and peaceful, she seemed less like a threat and more like… well, more like a puzzle he couldn't quite decipher.

He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration mounting. Why, oh why, did his father have to choose now, of all times, to play his political games? Ryan had been on the verge of leaving on a long-awaited expedition, a chance to explore uncharted territories and escape the suffocating expectations of court life. Now, that dream was on hold, replaced by the death of his father, reality of this unwanted marriage and other things.

A particularly loud snort from Suzy jolted him from his thoughts. He watched, jaw clenching, as she turned in her sleep, her legs flailing out and momentarily knocking over a small leather pouch tucked beneath the seat. Papers spilled out, fluttering to the floor of the carriage.

Ryan gritted his teeth. He couldn't take it anymore. The incessant heat, the dust, the woman who seemed incapable of sleeping gracefully – it was all pushing him to his limit.

"Cassandra," he growled, his voice breaking through the stillness of the carriage.

Suzy stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. For a moment, she looked utterly confused, her sleep-tousled hair framing a face devoid of makeup. Then, recognition dawned on her face, followed by a flicker of annoyance.

"Oh," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep. "Good morning, Your Grace."

The informality grated on Ryan's nerves. "It's afternoon," he corrected curtly.

Suzy's grin faltered slightly. "Oh," she mumbled again, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Right. Afternoon. Any problem Your Grace?" she replied, her voice laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Ryan ignored the snide tone. "There are papers all over the floor," he stated curtly, gesturing towards the mess.

Suzy followed his gaze, then let out a yawn that stretched wide across her face. "Oh," she mumbled, stretching languidly. "Okay."

Ryan stared at her, his disapproval a tangible presence in the cramped carriage. "Okay?" he echoed, his voice dripping with skepticism.

Suzy's eyes narrowed. "And why," she retorted, her voice regaining its usual spark, "would you wake me because of a little mess?"

Ryan opened his mouth to reply, but the words died on his lips. He found himself speechless, caught off guard by her defiance. Before he could formulate a response, Suzy had already reached down and scooped up the papers, tucking them back into pouch and went back to sleep.

Silence descended upon the carriage once more, thicker and more strained than before. Ryan settled back in his seat, frustration warring with sense of… annoyance. He rolled his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips.

Hours ticked by, marked only by the occasional dip and bump of the wheels as they navigated uneven terrain.

Oblivious to the passing scenery, Suzy remained blissfully unaware of their arrival at Carleton.

The carriage rolled to a stop, the proud snort of the horses breaking the silence. Ryan glanced down at Suzy, his annoyance simmering as he observed her sprawled out across the seat, seemingly unaffected by the journey's end. She looked positively comfortable, nestled amidst the cushions, her hair a tangled mess framing a peaceful face.

"We've arrived," he announced curtly, his voice laced with a barely concealed irritation.

Suzy, still deeply asleep, simply mumbled something incoherent in response. Ryan let out a frustrated sigh, his fingers drumming impatiently against the window frame.

The doors of the carriage swung open, revealing Davis standing beside it. "We've arrived, Your Grace," he announced.

Suzy stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open for a brief moment before drooping shut again. A small groan escaped her lips, and she shifted deeper into the plush seat.

Ryan's annoyance reached a boiling point. "How long does this woman sleep" he asked himself.

"Davis," he barked, his voice sharp with command, "I need you in my study after I attend to…. this." Shifting his gaze to Suzy.

With a sigh of exasperation, he leaned forward, gently scooping her into his arms. She snuggled closer, her face burrowing into the crook of his neck, completely oblivious to the turmoil she'd just caused.

He emerged from the carriage, the weight of Suzy's form surprisingly comfortable in his arms. Her warmth, the soft scent of wildflowers clinging to her hair, the messy look of her hair with the ribbon askew made him take a quick look at her.

Davis simply nodded and followed them towards the imposing castle gates.

As they approached, the heavy doors creaked open, revealing a bustling courtyard beyond. Servants scurried to and fro, their faces a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

He carried Suzy through the bustling courtyard, ignoring the curious stares and hushed whispers that followed them.
