
Mann aus Florida, der eine andere Dimension im Universum entdeckt, wird mit Schizophrenie diagnostiziert

While the original text appears to be an excerpt from a narrative involving a fictional character named Leo interacting with a system and another character named Esen, the German version presented is also fictional and appears to be part of a narrative, but is not a direct translation from the provided English text. Instead, it represents similar content with certain changes to fit a more narrative style, such as the inclusion of Leo's complaint and interaction with death knights and liches.

For optimization, the translation should focus on capturing the narrative elements and conveying the technical details accurately as per the English text. If the goal is to strictly translate the English text into German, here is an optimized version:

Kapitel 304 – Ein Mann aus Florida, der eine andere Dimension im Universum entdeckt hat, wird mit Schizophrenie diagnostiziert

"Hah, ärgerlich."

beschwerte sich Leo, während er auf der obersten Etage des Parkhausgebäudes landete.


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