
Chapter.29: Christmas

After helping Tatsuya and Erika out, Koutetsu got everything he needed for Mana's return. The bedroom for her was complete, he even fixed the other one for himself so Mana wouldn't worry about him sleeping in the common room all the time. The fridge and cabinets were stocked with more food so she could practice cooking again if she decided to reopen the restaurant. He even bought toiletries for her too and new makeup supplies, he was making sure he didn't miss a single thing.

"Finally. Everything's set. It's already Christmas Day too. Man time flies fast, feels like yesterday when I last saw her."

Koutetsu looked around the house with memories in his eyes. He was imagining his old Christmas' by himself during his military school days. It left a sour taste in his mouth, the feeling of loneliness that made him feel sad. It was only calmed a small bit when Megumi was there cause she would at least attempt to do something to help, even if she got too drunk and made it an obscene Christmas.

"Been a long time since I spent Christmas with someone. Got used to being alone even in the old life after locking myself away. Should have spent with my parents inside of blaming them for my own problems. Well, no use dwelling on the past, I've made peace with myself and the past. Can't keep being negative on a day of festivities like this. Better make the most of it and just move forward like I promised."

Koutetsu put up a small Christmas tree in the common room and a few decorations. He started making cookies as well as food for later.

'What should I watch for a Christmas movie? Wait, should call Itsuki and tell her what's going on. She'll be thrilled too that Mana we'll be back.'

Koutetsu called Itsuki up on his cell. It took a few rings but she finally answered. She was heavy asleep on her bed, she sounded groggy when she answered.

"Hello," Itsuki answered barely waking up.

"Hey Itsuki, sorry did I catch you at a bad time?"

Itsuki rubbed her eyes, she was trying to wake up enough to answer better.

"No it's ok, I was just napping. Helping with the Christmas parties for the Five Families was a lot of work. Anyways, what's up, missing me already." She teased a bit.

"I called 'cause I have some great news. Mana's coming back! She'll be here after my birthday."

"Oh, I see, that sounds great...EH!!!!"

Itsuki woke up quickly now, the news caught her off guard.

"Say that again."

"Mana's coming back. It'll be after my birthday but she's coming home finally."

Itsuki had a hard time believing it, she was filled with joy hearing the news.

"That's great. I can't believe she'll be back. Wish it was on your birthday though that would be a great present for you. Sorry, you're there alone. Wish I could have stayed behind."

"Actually I won't be alone, at least not on Christmas. Rina is coming over to celebrate with me for the day."

Itsuki was silent. She didn't think he would spend it with someone else this soon.

"I see, did you ask her or did she ask you?" She asked without trying to sound jealous. She was even playing with her hair to calm herself.

"She offered. She said she doesn't have family nearby either and I felt bad for her since we're in the same position. I thought it be alright since you're friends. Is it ok?"

Itsuki hesitated at first. She wasn't mad really, she was friends with Rina, and she trusted them both to be platonic about the situation. She still felt a little jealous that she would be there with Koutetsu when she wanted to be there too instead of acting like a show princess for the elites to fawn over just for the sake of business.

"It's ok, you guys are friends as well. I don't want you to be alone either. I'll be back soon so hopefully we can see each other after your birthday."

"Thank you. Hope to see you as well. Merry Christmas, Shirayuki-Hime."

"Merry Christmas Koutetsu." Itsuki hung up the phone. She fell flat on her bed confused about how to feel about the situation. She wasn't mad but at the same time, she felt uneasy. The two of them knew each other since they were kids. Itsuki was worried maybe she was taking her time too much to make a move since he wouldn't. She didn't want to lose him in that way.

Itsuki slapped herself on the cheeks with both hands to shake off the feeling, she decided she was gonna do it. She ran out of bed to talk to her parents.

Koutetsu finished making the cookies and dinner. He made a small buffet for him and Rina to eat, with a little extra because of his appetite.

Koutetsu set up the holiday music while going through the movies on his TV to pick out for later. He was a bit weird about Christmas movies, he only liked two classic films such as 'It's a Wonderful Life' or 'A Christmas Carol'. Everything else he either watched a Christmas horror movie or action. He wasn't into romance movies or rom-com films. Just never caught his interest.

The doorbell rang, he got up to answer the door expecting Rina, but it wasn't much to his surprise.

Tatsuya was at the door with Erika who brought snacks.

"Yo, Koutetsu. Merry Christmas." Tatsuya greeted with a wide smile on his face.

"Huh, what are you doing here? I thought you be with friends or something for Christmas."

"I am, you're my friend aren't ya, and Erika too. That's why I brought her along."

Erika waved hi, she was excited to see Koutetsu again.

Koutetsu felt like he was in a bad sitcom moment. Getting hit with almost all the comedy troupes in an Isekai world was draining his patience.

"*sigh* Fine fine come in. I was expecting company anyway."

Tatsuya and Erika entered his house. They were amazed at the spread of food he cooked. Tatsuya tried the tempura, he wanted to finish the whole bowl by himself.

"Oy, save some Rina will ya."

"Oho, Kisaragi-San is coming. How many women do you have in your harem Koutetsu." Tatsuya joked trying to get under Koutetsu's skin. Koutetsu put him in a headlock to punish him for that comment.


"Tatsuya you really need to learn to keep your mouth shut sometimes you little punk."

Erika laughed at the situation, she was used to Tatsuya messing with people, herself included.

She grabbed one of the Christmas cookies to try, her face flustered from how tasty the cookies were.

"Mmm, these are great. I didn't know you were so good at cooking."

Koutetsu and Tatsuya looked at her as she ate the cookies. The two chuckled at each other at her innocent display, with Koutetsu letting go of Tatsuya's head.

The doorbell rang again, and Erika went to answer this time. Rina was standing behind it, she dressed up nicely for the occasion to impress Koutetsu.

"Hello." Erika greeted. Rina was caught off guard. She thought Koutetsu was going to be alone on Christmas.

"Oh, hello," Rina responded with confusion about who Erika was.

"Ah, Kisaragi-San, welcome, come in."

Tatsuya greeted her diffusing the situation. He let her inside while Koutetsu was making the hot cocoa for everyone.

"Oh, hey Rina, you made it. The food is ready and the cocoa is done. Grab yourself a plate."

Rina saw the spread, she was amazed at how well done the food was. It was better than what she saw at the cafe. Since Koutetsu wasn't following a menu and was making the food of his choice she was amazed at how much he could do with feeedom.

Everyone sat at the kotatsu, raising a glass to celebrate Christmas. With the movies, food, games, and company, Koutetsu felt happy he wasn't alone for Christmas now. He forgot how it felt to be with people around this time of year before Akane's death. He looked at the little memorial altar he made in the corner of the room for Akane. He put her jacket and tags on the altar after the match with Megumi, he felt he was at peace with her being gone now.

"Aw, man that was good. Way better than the company's catering. You really know how to fill up a guest hehe."

'Hope you're appreciative of it you little prick. You practically ate most of the tempura and pork cutlets by yourself.'

Koutetsu grumbled as he wanted to have some of the extra cutlets.

"Koutetsu's cooking is the best. You should come by the cafe where we work, he's always making great coffee and breakfast for customers." Rina commented praising the food more.

"Oh, I'll have to take you up on that when I have free time. What you say, Erika?"

Erika had food in her mouth, she nodded yes to keep in good manners not wanting to talk with her mouth full.

The night was almost over, and Erika was starting to fall asleep during the film, Tatsuya noticed and took it as a sign to leave.

"Well, guess it's time for us to bounce. Come on Erika let's go home."

Tatsuya tried waking her up, she was in a food coma after all the cooking got to her.

Tatsuya tried to shake her awake, he shook her too much were she was about to fall to the side, he tried catching her, but messed up badly and accidentally grabbed one of her breasts in the process.

Koutetsu and Rina looked nervous at the display. Tatsuya was gasping at what happened, his hand reacted on its own fondling Erika's breast.

"Oy, moron! That's crossing into some forbidden territory there, let go fast before she wakes up."

It was too late, Erika slowly woke up, she saw everyone's faces and then looked at Tatsuya's nervous red face. She felt the sensation of being touched, her whole face turned red like an apple as she let out an upset scream.


A few minutes later after the situation, Tatsuya was outside holding his swollen face and sobbing. Erika was bowing to apologize to Koutetsu and Rina. During her fit, she slapped Tatsuya furiously, but she accidentally knocked some of the food over on Rina in the process.

"I'm so sorry. I messed up your Christmas dinner." Erika tried to apologize feeling embarrassed at her actions.

"No no, it's ok. I don't think I would have kept my cool as well as you did if that was me." Rina said, trying to help her feel better.

Koutetsu buried his face in his hand. He thought he made a mistake letting them in.

"Thank you for letting us spend time with you Koutetsu-San. It was our first Christmas with real friends in a while."

"Hmm, what do you mean by that?"

Erika stopped bowing to look at Koutetsu. Her eyes could tell everything.

"Truthfully, we spend Christmas with the company. They do parties there for those who have no families to go to. Me and Tatsuya usually spend Christmas there or by ourselves. So it was nice to be with friends on Christmas for once."

Koutetsu felt sympathy for her. He forgot she mentioned they were orphans for a second. He felt ashamed for a minute for complaining about letting them in, not considering their situation.

"Koutetsu-San, have a good night. You as well Rina-San. Bye-bye." Erika got inside the car they ordered for the ride home. Tatsuya was still holding his cheek like a wounded animal. He sat next to Erika, who scoffed at him in disgust.

Koutetsu waved goodbye to them with a nervous laugh, and Rina smiled at them. She understood how they felt in a way.

"It was nice of them to see you today. Surprised they thought of you." Rina commented on their holiday giving for Koutetsu.

"Yeah, not sure what I did to deserve it not like I'm that special."

Rina looked at Koutetsu, she didn't agree with that. He was special, it was one of the reasons she thought so highly of him. Being good to others without expecting anything in return. Koutetsu turned to look at Rina, he looked at her ruined clothes from the food that splattered on her earlier.

"Do you want to clean up before you head home? You can use my shower. I can wash your clothes up so you don't go home with all those sauces on you."

Rina turned red. She wasn't expecting Koutetsu to offer his shower to her like that with no problem.

"Uh, sure yea I don't mind. Thank you."

Koutetsu went inside to start the shower. Kaori was standing still, she thought this was too good to be true. She was nervous, it was the first time she showered in someone's home that she liked. This was an opportunity to spend time with Koutetsu, and not be alone again.
