
14. Lucky.

Mariella tapped her phone, fully dressed in a long, thick velvet skirt, tights, a silk blouse, and a warm coat. With a smile on her face, she shared the news of American's sweetheart coming to the mall on Black Friday with her friends. She expressed her love for the many men in her life and how she was still a savior.

Mariella had also contacted the fleas, keeping it a secret and telling those who Mimi had saved to share their stories with the press, which set everything in motion. There were a few hints about American sweetheart's backstory, and everything was set up.

Damon was making sure Mimi looked presentable. Although she hadn't slept, she quickly took a bath with Charles watching over her to prevent her from falling asleep. Mariella assumed Mimi was getting a thorough scrubbing and cleaning, as she had encouraged Damon not to suppress his possessiveness. Damon went to their bedroom, his mouth in a tight line, and Charles went to wash up in another room. Mariella found the situation amusing; it was good to shake Mimi up.

The other Salvatores were also preparing the wolves, including Katherine and Elena, who were not used to it and had some difficulties behaving. Mariella sent hints anonymously of Mimi, hoping to surprise her as well. She just hoped that she could maintain her role until Damon indicated otherwise. Mariella found Mimi's expressions, her pursed mouth and squinting eyes, to be precious.

Meanwhile, I was in the shower, being passionately and roughly fucked and scrubbed by Mr. Damon Salvatore, who had barged in while Charles and I were still in the middle of having sex, or maybe we had just taken a brief pause as it was only 7 am. Damon forcefully opened the door, gave Charles a sharp look, and that made poor Charles moved me next to him, covering me with a sheet before leaving.

Damon then calmly undressed himself and removed the sheet from me, guiding me into the shower.

He said in a cold harsh voice, "I see you are needing of shower. Chop, chop, we have a shopping trip coming up."

I had no time to resist as he spread my thighs, pressed my belly against the cold shower wall, and thrust his hard, hot cock into my pussy with one brutal stroke. He strangled me, demanding me in an extremely dangerous voice to try to breathe.

 The experience was intense as he remained inside me,hot and hard, igniting waves of pleasure that made me shudder. He used a scrub brush, almost peeling my skin, while simultaneously biting me, causing a sharp hot pain that intensified my orgasms. I could feel my body being filled with his passionate intrusion, like a relentless piston of lust.

It made me pant and I couldn't find any faults in this intense interaction. He was taking me completely, physically and forcefully, rendering my legs weak and filling me repeatedly with his cream of love. It seemed like he had an endless supply, as it poured into my womb, spilled from my fallopian tubes, and pooled into my abdominal cavity. The sensation of love spreading inside me was something I had always cherished.

As time passed, his anger subsided, and his passion and lust grew stronger. I wasn't sure how long this would last, but we were like old times. Damon being, fucking machine, my nickname for him and me embracing my inner sex beast. We had plans to go shopping, which reminded me of our very first shopping trip together.

Damon whispered in my ear, "Baby, if you manage to do that again, rest assured that I'll use more than just one finger to punish you."

The thought alone made me shudder and moan, another orgasm gripping my body. Damon finally withdrew, but kept me pressed against the wall, leaving his scent as a reminder of our passionate encounter.

He washed my hair and glanced at my conditioner, grunting, "Hmm, poodle stuff. It works. I need to check for animal products. Luckily, the mall has extensive pet stores, so my poodle can get new products, too."

He washed himself, not too thoroughly, and then turned me around, instructing me, "Now, baby, bite me, mark me, and do it properly, many times."

Okay, so I bit him multiple times, leaving deep marks in his neck, arms, chest, and shoulders. He willingly offered himself as a target for my bites, even in his pheromone glands. I wanted more strawberry flavor in there too. By the end, my jaws were sore, and I could taste his skin and the lingering taste of his passionfruit and blood, as he had requested.

He then picked me up,as my legs were more or less jelly, carried me to the bed, and fetched a few towels for me. I noticed he had magically removed the bedding, leaving just the mattress. It might get a little damp, but it would dry in time. I took the towels, using one to cover my body and the other to wrap my long hair. Damon, on the other hand, only wrapped a towel around his hips and used a smaller one to dry his hair.

He turned to me and said, "That was quite something, you know. But this shopping trip is going to be fun. And after that, we still have plenty of time until Christmas. Oh, I can't wait to make flower arrangements with you. We could even turn it into a competition or a game. Perfect. You see, I want to spend time with you, and in the future, we can figure out how to improve our skills together. You'll have to share your techniques or working in fleas and elsewhere with the rest of us, so it's not just yours anymore, but ours. That's how it should be."

I rolled my eyes and replied, "I am chaos, the one who brings change. Yet, I hate change, so I have no idea what the future holds for my work and the way I do things. Surely, my way is not perfect."

Damon sat next to me, looked into my eyes, and said, "Baby, you've been doing this for about 150 years. I understand the value of experience, and it's something even I, a telepath, can't simply acquire. It's more than just a set of rules. We need to see, hear, and learn from you. Just imagine, if you ever get sick again, you can trust that there are others who can handle things. I'm not going to change everything, but it's good to be objective and look at things from a different perspective. Your mind works in its own unique way, and your systems, well, they're pretty perfect. We need to learn from you."

I nodded and said, "As I sat in the evening while you were gone, I realized I am not the youngest in the pack. There are others younger than me. I find myself somewhere in the middle. But as I took on the responsibilities of a leader and reflect on everything I've experienced, I feel the weight of my few centuries on my shoulders. Believe me, sometimes I even feel old."

Damon smirked and said, "Welcome to the club. Now, let's get your hair done and then you can dress up while I'm away, or else..."

I smiled and replied, "What's the matter? Can't handle looking at my naked body?"

He shook his head and said, "No, if I want to go shopping, baby, wait for me to dress up and then I'll do your hair. And I won't give you a private show."

He stood up and teleported somewhere to dress himself. After 45 minutes, I was all dressed up with my hair done. Damon told me that I wouldn't need a hat or ear muffs as he would use his energy to keep my head warm. My hairdo was quite noticeable, although I'm not sure why I always feel the need to know everything.

I was wearing tights, a heavy silk skirt, and a satin blouse. Damon suggested I might need to try on some other clothes. I remembered my previous shopping experience in New York and the challenging clerks.

I wondered how Mariella would handle a similar situation. Perhaps I should tell her about that time so that she can be more diplomatic if the need arises. As I walked downstairs to the lobby, I noticed Mariella standing near number two, who looked at me and raised an eyebrow as if to say, "I dare you." I decided to keep my silence. It wasn't my place to warn anyone. 

We were driving in the mall, making it a perfect experience. We had three cars with ten people in each car. The big ass SUVs were able to navigate the roads easily. In our car, there was me, Damon, Mariella, Number Two, Wulfe, Number Four, Alaric (who was driving), Magnum (sitting next to Alaric in the front), Mimosa, and Shadow. Damon made sure I stayed away from Charles and Adam, at least for now.

I sat in the warm car, admiring the wintery scene. It was beautiful, but I knew how difficult it could be to deal with a thick layer of snow. I had lived in a country where we would get meters of snow, and I remembered shoveling snow from my yard just to free my car. Damon sat next to me, with Mariella on the other side of him, next to Number Four. She seemed to be trapped between them, though perhaps she enjoyed it.

I thought about shopping for new Christmas decorations and gaudy Christmas sweaters. Wulfe and Magnum would be perfect targets, along with Murdock, Colin, and Dexter. Adam and Charles had already experienced my inventive shopping and had an excellent selection of Christmas sweaters, but maybe I could get each Salvatore their own as well. I would not be a kind and obedient little thing; I was determined to have some fun.

Finally, our cars reached the mall, and we drove into the underground parking hall. We were in the first car, so the others followed us.

Damon said, "Again, we exit first. Make sure everything is secure, and then we'll get you out. So stay put."

I had to hold back my biting remark about being better at fighting off attackers than him, as his gaze was sharp enough to deter me. I pulled myself back into the bundle, causing Wulfe to smirk. He recognized the glint in my eyes. The Salvatores and Alaric and Magnum exited the car, creating a perimeter.

Then Damon opened the door, and each of us had someone walking beside us. I walked between Damon and Wulfe. Mariella had Number Two and Alaric, Mimosa had Magnum, and Shadow had Number Four. We were ushered inside the elevator. It was kind of dingy, little worn out and even it said 15 people i was not that sure if it could do it. 

I briefly saw the rest of the pack following us. Elena and Katherine were also being protected, which was good. I guess they hadn't fully thought through the consequences of becoming pack members, but then again, Damon hadn't given them much choice. 

As we stepped out of the elevator and ventured a few paces into the vast shopping mall, a symphony of Christmas carols and announcements filled the air.

Amidst the commotion, I overheard someone exclaim, "There she is! Come this way!"

I couldn't help but wonder if there was a celebrity in the mall, although I doubted I would recognize them. However, my doubts were quickly dispelled as a horde of reporters and paparazzi swarmed towards me, capturing every moment with their cameras.

I was taken aback, to say the least. They referred to me as "America's sweetheart," and Damon's strong arm, protectively draped around my shoulders, kept me grounded. He smiled, gracefully answering the reporters' questions before turning to me and planting a passionate kiss on my lips, prompting the photographers to snap even more pictures.

In that moment, his silky voice resonated in my mind, "Surprise, baby. We're going to turn you into a proper celebrity. Let's see if the government has the audacity to target you now. So play along. This is our life."

I could have come up with countless reasons why this wasn't a good idea, but it seemed too late. Damn them. They should have asked, so I could have explained. Returning to my regular job wouldn't be as simple anymore; my anonymity was now shattered.

Nevertheless, I was curious to see what would come out of this. I knew I wouldn't be going back to work anytime soon. I noticed that my fellow pack members were also being hounded by reporters. Wulfe, on the other hand, appeared relaxed and engaged in cheerful conversation with the media. Oh my god, there would be numerous magazines featuring me, my pack, and our whole story. It would be a circus for months, possibly even years to come. The cat was out of the bag.

After finally breaking free from the swarm of reporters, following a long and passionate kiss, Damon left to speak with them.

He told me, "Go on, baby. Have fun. Go shopping."

I playfully replied, "What about my future husband? Do you think he would like a nice, colorful Christmas sweater?"

He simply smiled and said, "Remember, baby, there are now ten of us. So it would be wise to buy something for each of us. But sure, gaudy Christmas sweaters or even ties would be a fun choice."

All the reporters eagerly listened, jotting down our conversation and capturing it on video. Yes, I had once again stumbled into the realm of celebrity, but this time, I wasn't alone or under the influence of the nitrogen silver. It was all because of love. Being a celebrity had not been one of my favorite things, but too late for now.

This shopping trip promised to be quite interesting, and I had hoped to have some alone time for myself. However, I couldn't be sure if there were reporters following me or members of the eager pack wanting to support me. I didn't even want to think about the upcoming wedding and the media circus that would ensue. My face would be plastered in every magazine, from here to Siberia.

But would this keep me safe? I pondered over it, knowing that the answer wouldn't come right away but would eventually reveal itself. My intuition told me it was a 50-50 situation, with so much depending on factors beyond my control. Once again, change had been thrust upon my life, and I wasn't fond of changes, not one bit.

At least Katherine, Elena, Tim, and Taylor would also become celebrities. Maybe I should mention their fathers, but deep down, I knew Damon would have a say in what I said or didn't say. Was it time for the "fleas" to become more public? And oh my god, what about the NSA? What was their position on this? Did they want to be publicly associated with me and my organization?

So many problems, and this surprise attack only made things more complicated, especially when it came to life. But for now, as I headed towards the men's clothing store, I was determined to forget my problems and indulge in some good old-fashioned retail therapy. 
