
26. Wuthering Heights.

I was in my office in Mexico, reviewing the latest debriefing reports, when one of my colleagues entered without knocking.

I snapped at him. "I would suggest you learn to knock before barging in. What is it?"

He stammered out an apology, and I said, "Forget it. What's the problem?"

He informed me, "We have the latest reports on Sark's activity around Mexico City, just as you wanted to see."

I reached out my hand, waiting for him to hand them over. He gave them to me and lingered, irritating me.

I snapped, "Yeah, anything else on your mind?"

He replied, "Well, we still haven't received the explosives we requested. You said you would take care of it."

I rolled my eyes, tapped a few times on my laptop, and said condescendingly, "They are coming next week. I told Hernandez this yesterday, so make sure your information is up to date. Anything else?"

He looked down at the floor, clearly scared by my growing anger, and said, "We are also short on ammunition. I was wondering if we have a procurement order for that as well."

I huffed and started searching through my desk. Fucking fuck. My face was contorted into an irritated frown.

I replied, "Nope, not here. Check with Briggs. If he has a procurement order, it might be that the selection hasn't been made yet. How low are we?"

He responded, "Pretty darn low. Ever since Williams and Anderson were killed, things haven't been going well."

I stood up and said, "Fine, let me see what the hell is wrong with this base. There are idiots around here." I muttered under my breath.

I was incredibly irritated, as I didn't have any freaking patience left. This place was a fucking big mess since the base leaders were killed last week, and no one could step up. Oh, how I wished I had a few bags of blood to give me the patience to deal with these idiots. 

As I made my way to the central hub, I noticed that the people around me were a little quieter than usual. The sound of my footsteps echoed on the linoleum floor. I felt sweaty and tired, and it seemed like one problem after another kept coming up in my life with nothing good happening. I was so tired of this constant negativity and wished for a change. However, I knew my job and what I had to do. It was my responsibility to handle it.

I understood I had been more irritable than usual, but even someone with legendary patience like me had their limits. It was normal to have feelings and express them. I was not a freaking robot, always just taking everything and not letting anything faze me. Despite the air conditioning, the air felt hot and humid. This was a common occurrence in Mexico.

As I approached the ammunition shelf, I noticed that it was almost empty. This was a fucking big problem. We couldn't deploy any missions without more ammunition. Frustrated, I ran my hand through my greasy hair and realized that I needed to take a shower. But first, I wanted to try and fix some of these problems. I had my tour in the middle, and I needed to get back to sniping. However, I had to get the base in order first. Oh, what a freaking mess, just because a few guys were killed and the rest of them were sheep. This was one of the biggest bases around, so this had to work. 

Returning to my office, I began searching through the nearest bases and warehouses. It annoyed me that the people there seemed lazy and couldn't get anything done. I printed out several lists of the nearest warehouses that stocked ammunition and also some papers with clear instructions on what to do if supplies were running low. I wanted to emphasize that they should take action instead of sitting around and complaining. I was not always around holding their hands. some freaking initiative would be in order, too.

After finishing my lists, I headed back to the central hub. I whistled sharply to get everyone's attention.

Speaking loudly, I announced, "I have printed instructions for you on what to do and where to find the necessary supplies so that we can complete our missions. I have done my part. Now it's up to you to arrange for someone to go to these warehouses and get the ammunition and other items you idiots are lacking. It's a shame that common sense isn't readily available."

I proceeded to attach my printed instructions to the board for everyone to see.

Continuing in a condescending tone, I added, "And remember to update the system with the inventory you take out of the warehouse. It's important that other bases know what's left. The correct files can be found here in our system. It is also noted here how to find them in our system. I do hope you know how to turn the computer on!"

I was frustrated and fed up with having to do everything myself. I had my sniper rounds in the middle, and it was taking longer than expected because my targets were not as reliable as I had thought. I had missed a few chances because I had been preoccupied with few times feeding on demon kings. 

Several men came to see the list, and I told them, "Go ahead, do the work and if you feel like you're not up for it, just walk away. This needs to happen now! I'm in my office, as you know, and I hope I won't be bombarded with any more stupid questions. There are others you can ask. Oh, and I know I'm highly regarded, almost god, by you guys, but please, worship a little less and work a little more."

I turned around and made my way to my office. I walked briskly and slammed more or less the door behind me, hoping that none would come in quite some time. I sat behind my desk, opened the drawer, and grabbed a bag of blood that I had stored there. I downed it quickly, although my hands were still trembling.

I managed to calm myself down enough to go take a shower, even though I had some broken tiles in there. Lately, it had become my new hobby to punch the fucking shower walls, causing the freaking tiles to break and adding to my irritation. After getting myself clean, I dried off. My hair, which used to be red and reached down to my ass, was now blonde and shoulder-length. I had grown tired of having such long red hair. It was a real fucking pain.

I was planning on continuing my rounds soon and trying to eliminate those damn bastards and get this whole thing over with. Once I got dressed in clean clothes, I was ready to move on. I simply closed my laptop without bothering to tidy up my desk. I knew someone else would take care of the procurement orders and such. There was no need for me to do everything myself. I walked out without saying another word and headed to my car.

I drove off to my next destination, having completed my own work as well as the work of others. Besides, I needed some blood since there wasn't enough. I cursed at every other driver in multiple languages as I drove into the city. I found a safe spot to park my car, grabbed my bag, and went to find my vantage point. As I walked, I kept an eye out for potential meals, but unfortunately, there were none. Just a few weak incubus that would only give me a headache. Damn it.

I had to carry out these shootings and then go to one of my safe houses where I had enough blood to keep me from getting too thirsty. It was frustrating to constantly feel the need for more blood when I had so much to do. But once I had myself under control, meaning I had enough blood, everything would be fine.

I told myself many times that I wasn't an addict. I was just a powerful vampire whose bloodlust was tied to her emotions. Days like this, when I had to do everything myself and none of my staff could handle their damn work, only intensified my bloodlust. This was just what my life was all about. 

I finally found a suitable vantage point where I could target several victims and complete this task, so I could consider a change, maybe in Canada. I was getting tired of the hot weather, even in the winter and Christmas time, or maybe it had already passed. How fucking was I supposed to know if I wasn't constantly looking at my freaking phone?

But my main focus was to finish these targets and move to Canada, where I knew there were several powerful demon kings and plenty of blood for me to enjoy. I could even mix some bloods and take it easy if I didn't feel like hunting for my own blood. But then again, the sensation of hot blood flowing down my throat was indescribable.

I was ready to move to Canada soon. I had done what I could here and updated the lists on the dark web. Let the rest get those targets that I had missed. Normally, it would be highly unusual for me would let others handle the remaining victims. I had no intention of driving to Canada; I would simply use the portal room and be done with it.

Now, my promise to Wulfe about spending Christmas together was no longer important. Our friendship didn't even cross my mind. The pack? Who cared? They needed time to recover, and I had already read numerous articles and interviews about them. Good for them, it kept them busy. It was amusing to read as they tried to explain what it was like to be an energy creature driven by lust, without coming across as fully sex-addicted or bloodthirsty maniacs seeking revenge.

A few reporters were clearly trying to provoke them, and I couldn't help but be entertained as I watched their interviews online. They didn't mention me, and that was exactly what I wanted. I wasn't in the mood to be America's sweetheart and have some reporter pry into my love life, or lack thereof. Oh, how they would love to twist mine and Wulfe's relationship into something it wasn't. And then they would question why we were divorced for such a long time.

What had happened to our perfect love? Well, love, even though it's said to be the strongest force in the universe, is not always that simple, not even close. I sighed as I imagined myself trying to explain my life to a group of reporters. Yeah, I'm a lot of things: a leader of a worldwide resistance organization, a trauma surgeon, an NSA agent, a chocolatier, a vet, and even a dog and cat show judge. I could even be a decent Formula One driver, if my pack would let me drive. 

I was sitting on the sofa, completely unaware of my surroundings. In my hands, I held a bag of blood, taking sips and savoring the thick liquid in my mouth. The aroma of copper and iron filled the air, and as it reached my stomach, I couldn't help but groan with pleasure. The colors around me seemed brighter, and even the curtains that had once annoyed me now seemed to fit perfectly in this room. Everything felt right when I had my blood.

Time had lost all meaning to me. If I had bothered to look at my phone, I would have noticed that it continued to tick away. But I couldn't say how many days had passed since I locked myself in here. My addiction or state of being was pulling me deeper into this vortex of indifference, where nothing else mattered except satisfying my need for blood.

The only person who could possibly understand and help me was my mate, Colin. With just one look, he would recognize my condition. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side, as he had been unavailable for quite some time. And by the time he learned about my state, it would already be too late. The damage would have already been done, mostly by my own doing.

My memories during this time of my life were hazy and fragmented. It felt like a supernatural mania, although I had no real understanding of what that would actually feel like. My mood swings were worsening with each passing day, and there was no one there to catch me during this first occurrence. Ironically, I wasn't the only victim of this peculiar condition.

Over the years, several Salvatores, even Mimosa, Shadow, and Wulfe, had experienced it as well. But as always, I had to go through the worst of it alone. I had tried various methods to prevent this from happening, but as the story would later reveal, it wasn't like a drug addiction for humans. Despite the initial similarities, it was something else entirely. This was a lesson that my pack would learn once Colin realized my condition. Being experienced in treating vampires in this state, he knew exactly what to do.

He also told the pack, and they realized just how wrong my treatment had been, but it was what it was and no one can turn back time no matter how much one wishes. Sometimes you just can't take everything you said back, no matter how much the other one tells you it is all forgotten, but the truth remains.
