
Into The New World

Hearing his words, the asuras became charged up as they began to imagine the beautiful apsars dancing for them in Swarge. So being all charged up, the asuras continued the annihilation of the devas while the devas have lost their sanity to their lust.

Seeing this destruction of the devas, Devarishi Narad began grow more and more concerned about the complete annihilation of the Deva clan.

So to save the devas, Narad immediately rushed to The Vaikuntha to meet his devoted God, The Preserver of The Cosmos, God Narayan.

Crossing the seven doors of Vaikuntha, Narad reached at the palace of God Narayan where Narayan was in a deep conversation with his wife Goddess Lakshmi.

Narad: "Prabhu... Prabhu... Prabhu... help the devas Prabhu."

Hearing the pleadings of his devotee, both God Narayan and Goddess Lakshmi got up from their seats and welcomed Narad.

Reaching in front of them Narad gave them his salutation and folded his hands to give them pranam to show his respect and seeing him Narayan asked,

Narayan: "Narad what happened that made you so restless and concerned ? Is everything alright in the cosmos ?"

Narad: "Prabhu, you are the mighty in the entire cosmos. There is nothing hidden from you in this cosmos. That asura Bhogasura has put the devas under the control of his Supreme lust and taking advantage of this situation of the devas, the asuras began the annihilation of the devas. If nothing is done at the right time then, the entire clan of devas will be wiped out from this cosmos."

Lakshmi: "Prabhu, Narad is correct. You have to help the devas."

Narayan: "Devi, Narad, the devas are under the illusionary control of Bhogasura which has filled the hearts and minds of the devas with the false pleasure and lust of this world. And there is no power in me which can stop him."

Narad: "Prabhu you are the Preserver of this cosmos, there is no power in this world that got away from you. Then how can you say that you can't do anything for the devas."

Narayan: "It is because Bhogasura has gotten a boom from Lord Brahma that I can't cure anyone who is under is Supreme lust."

Lakshmi: "So that means the devas will wiped out from this cosmos ?"

With a small smile on his face, Narayan replied, "I didn't said that."

Lakshmi: "Then what do you mean Prabhu ?"

Narayan: "Devi, I said that I can't save the devas but there is someone in this entire cosmos who is more than capable of saving the Devas."

Narad: "Who is that person Prabhu ?"

With a bright smile on his face, Narayan began, "He is the one who was present before the universe, the cosmos or anything was not there. He is the one who will be there after this entire universe and cosmos is wiped out. He is the one who is known for his benevolence and mercy. He is the one who is Destroyer also at the same time life giver. He is the one who is known as The God of Gods. He is MAHADEV."

Narad: "Mahadev. Shall we go to Mahadev and ask him to save Prabhu ?"

Narayan: "Narad, Mahadev is currently occupied with an important work. So we can't disturb him. But he has given something which will work perfectly fine now. Narad show me your hands."

"Yes Prabhu." Saying this Narad, showed his hands to Narayan who then used his own hand to throw some golden light on the hands of Narad.

When the light faded away, a small pot appeared on the hands of Narad and when Narad saw inside the pot he saw Bhasma(ashes) in it. 

After this Narayan told Narad to take this Bhasma to the war field and spread it over the devas and Bhogasura to dispel the effect of Supreme lust.

Taking the Bhasma, Narad immediately left Vaikuntha and teleported right above the war field in the sky and then he began to spread to the ashes over the devas and Bhogasura while chanting, "Har Har Mahadev... Har Har Mahadev..."

When the Bhasma fall on the devas and Bhogasura just as Narayan has said, the devas came out of the control of Bhogasura and his Supreme lust.

But at that Bhogasura being bathed in the Bhasma went into a trance and when he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in the infinitely spreading universe and right in front of him, he saw the cosmic image of God Shiva in meditation.

The glow coming out of God Shiva blinded Bhogasura and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the war field with now the devas killing the asuras.

And at this moment the devas saw many villagers coming towards the war field and soon the villagers covered the asuras behind them like a shield.

Romasura: "Indra now you can't kill us anymore but we can kill you all. My Asuras take out your bows and arrows and rain down the arrows of death of these devas."

Heeding the words of Romasura, the other asuras took out their bows and arrows and began to fire the arrows onto the devas. 

Although the devas created a force field to save themselves from the incoming arrows but the shield of villagers didn't let the devas to kill the asuras.

At this moment Narad arrived near Indra and gave him the idea to use the power of hypnotism to break the power of Romasura.

And hearing Narad, Indra called Chandradev who is the master hypnotizer to do the work and just like his prestige, Chandradev used his own power of hypnotism and broke the mind control of Romasura.

As soon as the villagers got out of the mind control, Narad used his powers to teleport the villagers out of the war field clearly the path for the devas to finish the war.

And seeing this Indra called his Vajra and told his other devas to bring out their most devastating weapons to finish the war.

"Aaaahhhh.... aaaahhhh.... nnnnnnooooo... aaaahhhh....."

The loud shouting, cries, spattering blood and falling bodies of the asura began to fill the war field. The devas took a very fierce form and began to end the race of asuras.

In the midst of this annihilation of asuras, Bhogasura stood still in his place only thinking about the divine experience which he had.

But then a dead body of an asura fall right before his eyes which brought back into the reality and seeing the dead body, Bhogasura began to look around himself and found the countless dead bodies of his brethren lying on the war field.

Now only Bhogasura, Romasura and a handful of asuras remained in the war field. Soon Indra stroke the handful of asuras with a very strong lightening smithering then into ashes leaving only Romasura and Bhogasura in the war field.

The fear of death began to strike harder in the heart of Romasura as he began to run backwards but soon he found himself surrounded by the devas who all strike him together with their powers and this simultaneous attack of all the devas killed Romasura and in his last times he called, "Gurudev Shukracharya..."

Indra: "Now only that lusty Bhogasura remains. Devas kill him and then the entire race of asuras will be finished."

Obeying Indra, all the other devas began to move towards the unarmed Bhogasura. Soon all the devas surrounded Bhogasura with all of their weapons ready to pierce and kill Bhogasura.

With a very loud shout all of the devas threw their divine weapons on Bhogasura to kill him, but Bhogasura didn't showed any resistance towards the weapons. He is in his own space thinking about the divine of experience of Mahadev.

The divine weapons in their divine glow and light was about to kill Bhogasura but then out of nowhere an energy surge appeared on the war field which destroyed those divine weapons.

Seeing this the devas became shock and angry as to who dared to destroy their weapons and soon they got their answer with the appearance of Asur Guru Shukracharya in the war field.

Shukracharya who has loved his students asuras dearly became heartbroken seeing the the dead bodies of the almost the entire asura clan.

Tears started to come out of his eyes as he moved towards each and every fallen asuras dead bodies trying to wake them up but to no avail.

And this made him more devastated and at the same time filled him with the same amount of rage and anger towards the devas.

Turning his attention towards the devas, Shukracharya began to attack the devas using his magical powers, yogic powers and staff for melee attacks.

The devas began to fall before the enraged Shukracharya becoming very helpless but then Indra and the other devas sneakily attacked Shukracharya and captured him alive and then tied him to chains.

Indra: "Shukracharya you have taken these asuras under tutelage and trained them. Now see the end of their race."

Feeling helpless Shukracharya just saw the devas moving towards Bhogasura to kill him but in that state of helplessness, Shukracharya cried from the bottom of his heart, "MAHADEV HELP THE ASURA CLAN... MAHADEV... MAHADEV... MAHADEV..."

Ignoring the cry of Shukracharya and enjoying their arrogance the devas moved towards Bhogasura and got ready to kill him but then one of the deva, saw a bright dot of light coming towards them from the sky.

He immediately alerted the other devas but the moment they look up they all saw a big fire fall coming towards way.

Before they could have done anything, that fire fall hit the ground right before Bhogasura, and this collision created a great shockwave which sent the devas flying in the air and then fall many miles away from the war field.

Once the devas are gone, Shukracharya got freed from their bound and saw the divine and powerful Trishul(trident) of Mahadev stuck on the ground right before Bhogasura.

The devas became enraged by this attack on them and immediately came back to the war field and soon Indra roared, "Who dared to attack us ? Who dared to protect this asura ? Who dared ?"

"I am the one who saved my devotee Bhogasura and Shukracharya."

Hearing this voice, Indra and the other devas looked at the trishul and saw a silhouette appearing right next to the trishul which soon took the appearance of a divine being who has long hairs, a cresent moon on his head, a snake adorning his neck as a necklace, rudraksha adorning his body as ornaments and that man wearing the skin of a tiger. 

This divine being is none other than, The God of Gods, The Destroyer, The Epitome of Truth, Justice, Benevolence, nothingness. This divIne being is none other than MAHADEV. GOD SHIVA.

Seeing God Shiva in the war field, the devas became very scared and on the other hand, Shukracharya immediately folded his hands and kneeled down in front of him because Shukracharya is one of the greatest devotee of God Shiva.

Shukracharya: "Mahadev. Thank you so much for saving our lives."

Mahadev: "Shukracharya you have done your duty very well. And now you and Bhogasura were facing unjust and wrong. So I am here to intervene in this matter and solve this matter."

Seeing Mahadev and hearing his words, Bhogasura became filled with the emotion of pure devotion, he didn't saw anything just went in and held the feet of Mahadev.

Bhogasura: "Prabhu. Prabhu. Prabhu."

A smile appeared on the face of Mahadev, when he saw Bhogasura because he knew what Bhogasura did was to protect the asuras while fulfilling his duties.

Mahadev: "Get up Shukracharya and Bhogasura."

Bhogasura: "No Mahadev, I am your mere devotee and my place is right here at your feet."

Mahadev: "Bhogasura you have fulfilled your duty. So get up."

Hearing this, both Bhogasura and Shukracharya stood up with folded hands but on the other hand Indra and the other devas are fuming with anger seeing this conversation between Mahadev and his devotees.

Indra: "Mahadev we were also doing our duty and annihilating these asuras once and for all good. Please don't interfere in this matter."

Hearing and knowing all well the things going inside Indra, Mahadev became very angry as he said, "This cosmos runs on the balance of good and bad. To maintain the balance of this world is the duty of the Tvrides. We never deemed to annihilate either race of devas or asuras. But you devas have gone out of your path of duty and began to do wrong and injustice. For this all of you devas will be punished."

Hearing this declaration of Mahadev, all the devas became very very scared and then Mahadev continued, "From this moment forward, I, Shiva, one of the Tridev, stripe all of the devas, of their title and powers. From now on you all devas, will take birth on this mortal world and live like normal humans. You all will enter into the seven birth life cycle and you all will be born in this world for seven lifetimes and those seven lifetimes of you all will be filled with pain, sufferings, misery and all the bad things that can happen in this mortal world with any human."

Just as Mahadev's declaration was completed, the devas began to loose their divinity, their glow, their power and then they all disappeared and entered in the human yoni to take their births for seven lifetimes.

Shukracharya: "Mahadev you have punished the devas and I know the Tridevs and Tridevis will maintain the divine order. But my students, the asuras, almost all of them have been wiped out, only Bhogasura is remaining. What should we do now ? Please kill the both of us as well Mahadev. Grant us Moksh. Grant us Moksh."

Looking at his devastated devotee, Mahadev consoled him, "Shukracharya everything that happens in this cosmos are for a purpose. Right the spared Bhogasura has also a purpose of his life for which he is alive. And that purpose is to become the new founder and father of the new asura race that will be born from him."

Shukracharya: "But Prabhu as you know, Bhogasura is the only surviving asura in this cosmos and if he tries to do something then Narayan might come and kill him. At that time his purpose will fail and the asura race will be wiped out completely."

Mahadev: "I know very well what your concerns are Shukracharya. And for that I am sending Bhogasura to a new world, a world which is out of this time and space and is under my protection. I am allowing Bhogasura to that world to go and fulfill his duties and for that I am giving him powers."

Saying this Mahadev showered divine powers on Bhogasura which made him more powerful only second to The Tridevs and Tridevis.

And then Mahadev opened a portal for Bhogasura to travel into that world and after that Mahadev gave his blessings to Bhogasura and returned to his abode Mount Kailash.

Shukracharya: "Bhogasura you have been blessed by Mahadev to become the new Father of entire Asura race. I am also giving you some powers which will also come handy in your pursuit in fulfilling your mission. Go and fulfill you duty. Vijayi Bhava."

Taking the powers and blessings of Mahadev and Shukracharya, Bhogasura entered inside the portal which closed after he entered inside portal and then Shukracharya also entered in a deep penance for the time being.

From now on the new mission and life of Bhogasura will begin in the world which has no access for any deva and devi.

This new world is going to be conquered by Bhogasura especially the women whom he is going to take in his harem, The Indian Actresses.
