

After the polo match concludes, Robin and the other guests make their way to an upscale lounge for a celebratory reception.

The place is nearly full, bustling with chatter and the clink of glasses as the guests mill about, many of them still wearing their polo attire from the match.

Robin has changed out of her polo uniform, now wearing an elegant navy blue dress that accentuates her slender figure.

The group is abuzz with excitement, the victory still fresh in their minds. Robin's new admirers, many of whom had once mocked her polo skills, now gather around her, lavishing her with praise.

"Robin, that was incredible! We had no idea you were such a talented player," one woman man, his eyes wide with admiration.

"She was simply amazing!" gushes one middle-aged woman, her jewel-encrusted fingers clutching a martini glass. "I've never seen anyone play like that!"
