
Chapter 153:Déjà Vu [5]

There was only one answer: destroy all its tethers.

"...well, let's not do anything too drastic yet."

As Lily, Alya, Kevin, Zach, Irene, Ruby, and Liam all passed by my new hiding spot, I tapped my eyes, instantly slowing my perception of time.

Instantly, all seven of their figures seems to freeze and their pace slowed to basically a stop, their legs moving in slow-motion.

Communicating and talking with Alya wouldn't be easy... not because of all the main cast members around her but because of the possibility of the spirit influencing her.

How could I trust anything she said?

What if she had already been compromised by the spirit and was leading us right to the end of this path, where the trap stood?

A contracted spirit can remain by their bond's side for as long as it wants to and talk to them, making it able to influence their bond's emotions without them even realizing it.
