
Chapter 15

Aerion had confuse expression, he never heard his sister or father mentioning such things after all a dragon being ill was a big news for House Targaryen.

"Thank you for the information I will see to it " he replied but internally he decided to find Dreamfyre first.

Aerion proceeded further, his footsteps echoing through the narrow corridor. The flickering torchlight illuminated the glossy rock walls. Despite the high temperature inside the cave, Aerion remained sweat-free.

Navigating through the passage, he soon arrived at a vast area. He knew he had officially entered the labyrinth of caves where the larger dragons resided.

Stepping into the Dragon Pit, Aerion's heartbeat was as calm as the encompassing darkness that draped over him like a weighty mantle. A lone torch lit his way, throwing long shadows against the rough walls of the expansive maze. The air was heavy with the smell of sulfur and ash, a mute homage to the fiery creatures hidden within.

With each step, the sound echoed in the vast void, making every moment seem endless. Drawn by the increasing volume of deep, animalistic sounds, he ventured further into the warmth, a stark contrast to the world beyond the pit.

Finally, Aerion reached an arch leading to a wider area it was a dragon's den. The torchlight revealed the dragon, Dreamfyre, her splendid slender body with her coloration primarily pale blue, with silver markings. However, a distressing sight met his eyes—Dreamfyre was shackled. The chains, though not tight, mercilessly limited her ability to move.

Remembering ancient scripts, Aerion's thoughts were filled with questions. Dragons were creatures of limitless spirit, destined to traverse the skies freely. Chains not only hindered their development but also ignited anger and aggression in their hearts.

At that moment, he didn't know why the dragon was shakled but one thing that he realized was that he had a decision to make—would he liberate Dreamfyre from her chains, or would he wait for an explanation.

As Aerion stood there, perplexed, and wondered who could be reckless enough to shackle a dragon right under the heart of the Targaryen dynasty. He was determined to uncover the culprit and the name of Measter James came to his mind unconsciously.

Aerion smirked he was hoping to find faults that he can use against the Maester to warn them, after some investigation but he didn't think that it would be dilivered to his door.

Dreamfyre swiveled her majestic head towards him. Her eyes, radiating like liquid gold, opened wide as her mouth began to glow. Yet, Aerion was unafraid as he advanced, soon witnessing a familiar scene.

Suddenly, Dreamfyre halted and her body began to tremble. As she retreated, her eyes, once filled with madness, transformed into ones filled with fear.

The dragon recoiled and bowed deeply, emitting sounds that seemed like pleas. This scene was not unfamiliar to Aerion, as he had encountered it numerous times. This was also why he had not claimed a dragon until now.

Every dragon he encountered either fled or trembled in fear at his presence. This was true for both his sister Rhaenyra's dragon Syrax and his uncle's Caraxes. The reason for this phenomenon was the side effect of his ability, 'Dragon Might'.

While most creatures would only be affected by this ability when Aerion activated it, dragons seemed to constantly sense his ability or the draconic aura associated with it, causing them to feel pressure and fear.

Despite the dragon's fearful appearance, he approached it, gently stroking its head while whispering soothing words in High Valyrian, "Calm down Dreamfyre i came to free you" which seemed to calm the dragon to a certain extent.

Aerion's determination solidified as he observed Dreamfyre's shackles and the untreated injuries on her skin. His anger simmered, knowing someone was responsible for this, and his hands reached out to the icy iron chains.

Aerion moved closer attempted to break the chains, but they were too robust. The clinking of the chains reverberated ominously in the lair, a sound that seemed to echo the dragon's heartbeat. Dreamfyre observed him closely, her breaths creating miniature whirlwinds of embers and ash.

The dragon seemed to forget its fear of Aerion as it leaned forward, allowing Aerion a clear view of the chains. With no other way to break the chains, Aerion unsheathed his sword and slashed through the chains effortlessly.

As the final chain fell away, a deep silence enveloped the chamber. Aerion and Dreamfyre locked gazes, an unspoken word conveyed between them. With a grace that belied her massive size, Dreamfyre spread her wings, the membranes unfurling like sails catching the wind.

The dragon took a cautious step forward, then another, her movements growing more confident. Aerion stepped back, his heart filled with pride and hope. With a powerful leap, Dreamfyre rushed out of the cave opening and ascended, her body spiraling upwards as she aimed for the sliver of sky visible from the pit's opening.

Aerion watched as Dreamfyre vanished into the sky. He had liberated Dreamfyre, He walked towards the cave entrance, waiting for Dreamfyre's return. While waiting, he noticed something approaching him soon he saw a familiar figure that was Syrax, likely drawn by his scent.

While Syrax was also somewhat wary around him, years of familiarity allowed the dragon to approach him without much fear. Seeing that Syrax unlike Dreamfyre was free, he was even more convinced that the dragon had been deliberately imprisoned for some reason. Aerion speculated that people might have been studying Dreamfyre to understand her weaknesses and vulnerabilities of dragons in depth of the pit.

Positioned at the entrance of the dragon pit, Aerion, accompanied by Syrax, observed Dreamfyre soaring in the sky, letting out a roar. After an extended flight, Dreamfyre returns to the cave. Aerion noticed that Dreamfyre showed signs of weakness.

Upon noticing Syrax, Dreamfyre landed at a safe distance from Aerion and Syrax, her eyes wary but trusting. Aerion approached her slowly, speaking in soothing tones. "It's alright, girl. I'm here to help."

As he inspected Dreamfyre in the daylight, he saw the extent of her injuries—wounds and cuts marred her once flawless scales. The prolonged shackling had caused severe skin injuries, and there were knife wounds, which further confirmed his suspicions.
