
Light And Darkness

"I knew we would cross paths eventually, Little White… I just didn't expect you would be the one to do the searching." Lei Fei seemed surprised by Mr. White's appearance but unfazed by his presence.

Lei Fei's words implied that he was meant to be the hunter and not the other way around. His unimpressed scanned Mr. White for a while before losing interest.

"You don't seem moved by my presence." Mr. White said with a friendly smile. He simply ignored Lei Fei's remarks and acted as if he never heard it.

"Why should I?" Lei Fei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess Eze Mmuo truly left a sour taste in your mouth… You seem to think other special authority-rated guardians are not worth your time." Mr. White spoke with a thoughtful expression.

As someone who possessed the strength to be considered a special authority-rated guardian, it was insulting to be looked down upon even by other special authority-rated guardians.
