
chapter 65:

Jaden was still wondering why his phone had suddenly crushed and didn't know how much commotion he had caused to the outside world. He just allowed himself to be swallowed by the moment, he let go of all his responsibilities and just became an ordinary person he could be at the moment.

Jean was astonished at the carefree Jaden, he was so charming man. He seemed like a caged bird that had finally been set free.

"Hey Jaden, do you feel as if you have been liberated?"

He thought for a few seconds before he answered, "Not really, because I don't view my responsibilities as chains bounded against me but what I want because that was the life I signed up for. But I have to admit, I haven't let go of my responsibilities for a long time and it feels quite refreshing."

She supported him to stand up and led him out of the house, only it was a cave.

"What? How did I enter a cave without realizing that?"
