
Chapter 226 Why are you talking this topic in front of me?


Andy sighed again.

"Sure enough, only Death Eaters can bring warmth to this world."

Andy dwelled on this for a long while; and finally realized helplessly that the only way to make his heart feel better was to use Death Eaters for human experimentation.

What else could he do?

Go outside and grab one of his classmates down for experimentation?

Andy admitted that he might not be a good person, but Andy wasn't a bad person either!

Death Eaters, my future depends on you.

"Sure enough, Voldemort's resurrection seems to be the general trend, no matter which way you look at it."

Voldemort himself wanted to be resurrected.

Dumbledore wanted to eliminate Voldemort while he was still 'powerful', and he likewise needed Voldemort to be resurrected for him to find, and destroy, all the Horcruxes that were created.

Now even Andy needs Voldemort to come back to life.

"Hmm ..."

Andy thought in his mind, 'There are some preparations that must be made before Voldemort can be resurrected.'

"First and foremost is the Fidelius Charm!"

Since Andy was planning to hunt Death Eaters, he was destined to go against Voldemort.

Andy's family could of course flee abroad, but when Andy completely angered Voldemort, Voldemort could also track them abroad to find trouble with Andy's family.

So the safest way is to learn the Fidelius Charm.

This one is quite simple.

The restricted book section of the library, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall ... There are too many ways for Andy to learn the Fidelius Charm.

If he really couldn't, Andy could still cheekily ask Dumbledore for advice.

"Well, a laboratory is a must!"

There was no need to prepare a whole lot of inexplicable instruments and equipment for magic experiments like scientific experiments, but the things that should be there could not be missing either.

Many methods of magic transfiguration needed to be paired with special magic potions to complete the transfiguration, and some methods even required more complicated conditions.

Just like Animagus Transfiguration.

The person transfiguring needed to hold a leaf of mandrake in his/her mouth on the full moon. When the next full moon arrives, the leaf is then removed and placed in a small crystal phial that receives the pure rays of the moon full of saliva.

And the initial transfiguration of the Animagus must take place in stormy weather.

--and the conditions for magic transfiguration are much more complicated than that.

"Other than the lab ..."

Andy mused silently, "Strength, and intel, these are all critical."

After all, Death Eaters couldn't be found all over the streets.

Without information, it was difficult to catch a Death Eater.

"Collude with Snape?"

"No way! This old bat is more inclined towards Dumbledore."

Andy frowned slightly.

"Malfoy ... forget it, he doesn't even know the Occlumency. On the contrary, old Malfoy can be utilized."

Andy had an idea in his heart.

When it was almost six o'clock, Andy organized the information that had already been translated.

Since he had to come back after dinner, Andy didn't take this information out with him. Andy was going to work through the night to finish the translation by the end of the week.

Arriving in the Great Hall, Andy found Hermione and smoothly sat down next to the young witch.

"Good evening." Andy greeted.

"Good evening."

Hermione looked a little tired, "How's the translation of those materials coming along?"

"Fine!" Andy answered, and then asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? So tired?"

"I'm fine, nothing wrong at all."

Hermione said lightly, "Let's eat, we have a lot to do after dinner!"

Andy: "!"

You don't look like you're fine.

"Do you want to take a break?" Andy asked.

"Hermione, you should indeed take a break."

Cho Chang sat across from Andy and Hermione and said, "I've experienced this as well, and it will continue for several days. I asked Professor McGonagall, and we girls have to pay attention to keeping our abdomens warm during this time, as well as resting more and avoiding excessive fatigue."

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask Professor McGonagall or Professor Sprout."

Andy: "..."

Well, I mean, is it really okay for you guys to talk about this topic in front of me?

Do you really think I'm a child and don't know anything?

Andy gave Hermione a sideways glance.

Twelve years old ... has she entered puberty?


Hermione was a little embarrassed, "I'll go back to my dormitory to rest after dinner, and I'll take proper rest in the next few days as well."

Cho Chang laughed, "Luckily tomorrow is Saturday, you can sleep a little more in the morning, I'll bring breakfast over for you."

"Thanks, but ..."

Before Hermione could refuse, Cho Chang said, "Don't be embarrassed, you should rest more now."

Andy pretended to look confused, "Hermione, since it's hard on your body, then behave yourself. It's just a pity that I can't enter the girls' dormitory, otherwise I could bring breakfast for you as well."

Hermione glanced at Andy, "Sounds like you're disappointed?"

"Of course, I wanted to do my part when my friend was sick," Andy said in a hurry.

The little witch gave Andy a blank look.

After dinner, Andy and Cho Chang sent Hermione back to her dormitory. Andy instructed a few words, but that famous saying of 'drink more hot water' didn't come out in the end.

After all, many examples in his previous life had verified that this sentence would not appeal to girls.

After dealing with his personal matters, Andy made his way to the Slytherin's chamber of secrets and began to carry out the final translation work.

Those books and manuscripts had already been read many times, and Andy had nothing to do but come outside to practice magic.

In addition to magic spells, Andy had put a lot of effort into Transfiguration during this time and was getting closer and closer to meeting Professor McGonagall's requirements.

Animagus was a must-learn.

This magic seemed like it was of little use, especially since the Ministry of Magic stipulated that those who became Animagus had to register with the Ministry of Magic - this led to Animagus losing its most crucial 'hidden identity' aspect.

However, Animagus is actually very important in the realm of Transfiguration, a magic that, unlike normal human transfiguration, allows the caster to become another animal in the true sense of the word.

Animagus could even be considered a permanent transfiguration.

And wizards who have learned Animagus tend to get twice the results with half the effort when learning human transfiguration.

Human Transfiguration was the basis of magic Transfiguration.

Andy blew up the giant snake statue in the secret room into several pieces and then waved his wand, transfiguring them into a variety of animals.

Transfiguration had a precondition - before casting Transfiguration, you had to construct the object you wanted to transfigure in your mind.

This requires a wizard to have a great deal of theoretical knowledge.

Biological Transfiguration, in particular, required the study of a lot of complex biology.

Fortunately, the seniors in the magic world had already summarized that knowledge into books, and Andy only needed to learn biological transfiguration through rote memorization.


"When it comes to constructing the object you want to transfigure in your mind ... Magic Transfiguration doesn't seem to have this requirement!"

Andy froze.


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