
Chapter 222 Is there a Deputy Headmistress who has been in office for forty years?

"Look guys, Lockhart is trying to escape!"

Andy suddenly heard someone yell out as he finished his breakfast and walked outside the Great Hall.

Andy and Hermione looked at each other and hurriedly followed the crowd outside the castle.

Only to see that Lockhart was carrying an oversized suitcase, his whole clothes were dishevelled, and his hair was messy and tangled, just like a bird's nest.

He looked wretched!

Andy mingled in the crowd, and suddenly realized Helen's happiness back then - Hogwarts was really a good place to eat melons.

It was where all the young wizards of the British magical world were gathered, and no one knew what they would accomplish later on. But when they were young, they would always do something stupid.

For example, Snape!

Then there was Harry and Malfoy in Andy's class.

Harry was the saviour of the British wizarding world, and Malfoy was the heir to a pureblood family.

By the time they were successful and became big names in the wizarding world later on ... Andy thought he could also tell his sons and daughters about the stupid things they did when they were at school.

For example, Malfoy was struck by the Dangling Jinx - how that was a stroke of genius magic.

Thinking of his children ... Andy suddenly turned to look at Hermione.

Hermione: "?"

"Don't let Lockhart get away!" Someone shouted.

"Stop him now!"

"I'll inform Professor McGonagall."

Lockhart looked at the young wizards who had surrounded him, and his whole being panicked. However, he still straightened his collar to make himself look not so wretched.

"I know you guys can't let me go, but I have to leave."

Lockhart blurted out, "Something happened today, someone slandered my reputation in the newspaper."

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, recipient of the Order of Merlin Third Class award and Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, will never be afraid of these challenges!"

"You may soon see that woman named Rita Skeeter apologize to me in the newspaper. Ha! I will never be afraid of these schemes and tricks."

The crowd of young wizards were silent for a moment as they stared blankly at him.

Who the hell won't let you go!

We're making you stay so we can continue to watch the fun.

"Professor Lockhart?"

A voice suddenly sounded from outside the crowd, the crowd of young wizards quickly parted, and Professor McGonagall walked over, she looked at Lockhart, her expression was somewhat not too good.

"Professor Lockhart, since the founding of Hogwarts, there has never been a case of a professor leaving without saying a word."

Professor McGonagall said in a serious tone, "I hope that you can strictly abide by the school's rules, at least ... you have to explain the situation to Headmaster Dumbledore."

Lockhart looked a little embarrassed, "Alright! I did become a bit impatient. You know, that woman slandered my reputation in the newspaper, it's what she is best at."

Thinking that it wouldn't take much time to bid farewell to Dumbledore, Lockhart continued, "The Headmaster's office is on the seventh floor, right? I think he will understand me, given the 'senile old man' comment."

Professor McGonagall was expressionless.

In fact, Professor McGonagall felt that Rita Skeeter was absolutely right, as she also felt that Dumbledore had grown old and senile.

Quirrell, and Lockhart ...

What the hell are all these things?

If you just dragged a random person from Diagon Alley and let them teach, they would probably be better than the two of them.

Should I, Minerva McGonagall, be ready to take office by proxy?

How in Merlin's name can there be a forty-year Deputy Headmistress?

"No need to go to the seventh floor."

Right at this moment, Dumbledore suddenly walked out of the castle, "I'm already here."

Behind Dumbledore, there were two adult wizards.

Andy recognized one of them.

Dawlish, one of the Ministry of Magic's Aurors.

It was said that his grades in school were quite good, but his practical ability was very watery. In Kyle's words - he couldn't even beat Andy's grandmother.

"It's Auror!" Andy whispered.

Hermione nodded and glanced at the two men following Dumbledore, "So, Lockhart really did use the Memory Charm to pirate other people's adventures?"

Andy raised his eyebrows, "I think so!"

The Ministry of Magic was so efficient this time, most likely because Fudge wanted to reverse those public opinions that were unfavourable to him.

The attack on Azkaban could no longer be covered up, but the matter of Lockhart was enough to set off a wave of new public opinion.

"Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart."

Dawlish stepped forward and said, "I'm Auror from the Ministry of Magic, please come with us, we would like to learn something from you."

"No! You can't do this!"

Lockhart had completely lost his composure and said in a panic, "Those are all nonsense fabricated by Rita Skeeter, you guys have no proof! She had no way of knowing those things, either."

Dawlish said with a serious face, "Mr Lockhart, just this morning, an Auror has already found some evidence in his investigation, and that evidence is very unfavourable to you."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Lockhart's expression likewise changed drastically as he muttered, "No, that's a sham! Impossible, impossible, there's no way you guys can find out."

"I'm a magic master ... That's right, I'm a magic master."

While saying that, Lockhart suddenly took out his wand and pointed it at Dawlish.

Dawlish didn't dare to be careless as he quickly pulled out his wand.


Lockhart recited loudly, "Protego!"

Then ...

For some unknown reason, Dawlish's stunning spell suddenly became much more powerful, sending Lockhart's entire body flying out and collapsing to the ground amidst the screams of a crowd of young wizards.

The crowd was silent for a moment before instantly clamouring.

"Lockhart doesn't even know how to cast the Shield Charm, he really is a fraud!"

"You're actually surprised by this?"

"Didn't we already know that Lockhart was a crook?"

"Is that Auror's strength? Did you guys see that stunning spell?"

"It's not as powerful as Andy! Andy doesn't even need to recite an incantation to use the stunning spell, and it's powerful too."

The young wizards murmured.

Andy, on the other hand, looked at the unconscious Lockhart with some surprise.

What in the world had just happened?

Andy could be sure that Lockhart did want to use the Shield Charm to resist Dawlish's stunning spell.

But ...

Lockhart's Shield charm actually enhanced Dawlish's stunning spell?

This was really outrageous!

How did he do that?

And what was the principle?

If this ability could be mastered, it only required two people to cooperate with each other, and they could utilize a one plus one greater than two practical combat abilities.

Andy was confused.

The other Auror stepped forward to put on the enchanted handcuffs on Lockhart, while Dawlish looked at Dumbledore and said, "Headmaster Dumbledore, we'll take Lockhart away."

"Ah! Alright."

Dumbledore nodded, "Would you like to use the fireplace in the Headmaster's office?"

"Please!" Dawlish politely replied.


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