
Chapter 207: Super Narcissist Salazar Slytherin

When Hermione finished, Andy spread his hands slightly helplessly.

They had already searched around the Basilisk's lair and still found nothing.

Hermione smoothed her hair and continued her analysis, "If Slytherin's purpose for leaving the Basilisk behind was to kill anyone he deemed unworthy of learning magic ..."

"Then the Basilisk's lair and Slytherin's lab are most likely not in the same place."

"And that includes the third point you made, as well."

Andy made a final check around the Basilisk's lair and nodded in approval, "You're right, let's get out!"

As they left the Basilisk's lair, Andy and Hermione also checked the tunnel that led to the Basilisk's lair and still found nothing.

Walking outside, Andy looked back at the statue of the Slytherin's head and frowned slightly.

"Slytherin ... might be an extreme narcissist."

Other than an extreme narcissist, Andy didn't think anyone would carve a human head statue of themselves in their secret base.


If this kind of statue was shown to outsiders, I believe that any normal person would feel embarrassed!

After all, it was carved by himself, not a gift from someone else.

So...Slytherin's personality was similar to that of Lockhart?

Andy thought he might have discovered the truth.

"Extremely, extremely narcissistic?" Hermione didn't like Slytherin very much and even hated him a bit, but it was hard for the young witch to accept that one of the Big Four, who founded Hogwarts, could have a personality like that of Lockhart.

Andy gazed around the chamber, analysing in his mind, 'If Slytherin was an extremely narcissistic person, then where would he have built his laboratory?'

It would have to be a place where one could see his statue at a glance!

Just like, narcissists tended to be very fond of looking in the mirror.

Andy glanced at the Slytherin statue's eyes before looking in the direction the statue's eyes were directly looking.

"Andy, what did you find?" Hermione asked in wonder.

"Hermione, look into the eyes of this statue!"

Andy's tone was a bit excited, "The statue isn't looking at the entrance to the chamber, but the spot next to the entrance."

Hermione looked up at that.

"Andy, you're right!"

Hermione said excitedly, "If observed from a distance, the statue seems to be facing us. But when observed up close, the statue is actually a bit off."

Andy hurriedly walked towards the direction that the statue was looking straight at, with Hermione following closely behind, and the two of them soon arrived at the wall to the right of the entrance.

"This is it!" Andy was sure.

Hermione stepped forward to check it out and turned back, "Andy, there's nothing here, maybe you'll have to try it with the Parseltongue."

Andy nodded, but instead of acting right away, he turned around and looked in the direction of the statue from there.

"Hermione, come look!" Andy called her.

"Huh?" Hermione was puzzled for a moment, and hurriedly walked over to stand beside Andy, looking in the direction of Andy's finger.

"Andy, this is ..." Hermione was a little surprised.

It was said that when you ask people to look at the cloud, there are a thousand differently shaped clouds in the eyes of a thousand people.

The same statue, if one looks at it from a different angle, what they see is naturally different.

If you look at the statue from the entrance position, you will feel that the statue is very ordinary, then looking at it from this position, the statue will give you a very majestic feeling.

"Andy, I now believe what you said."

Hermione spoke in a complicated tone, "Slytherin must be an extremely narcissistic person."

Andy smiled at that, "No one is perfect! Even Dumbledore has many flaws in him."

After saying that, Andy turned around, took out his wand and gently tapped the wall in front of him.   

"It is right here!"

Perhaps it was because his [Charms] talent point was a bit high; Andy did feel that this wall hid extremely subtle magic mechanisms.

"Hiss (open)!"


As Andy uttered the parseltongue sound, the bricks on the wall began to move to the sides.

When the bricks were all moved away, what appeared in front of Andy was a very ordinary wooden door, which also had the symbol of Slytherin House, the snake, carved on it.


Hermione exclaimed in surprise, "You found the biggest secret Slytherin has hidden!"

Andy corrected, "We found it together."

Seeing that Hermione wanted to say something else, Andy cocked his head and gestured, "Let's go inside! Just what exactly did that old Slytherin guy leave behind for his descendants?"

"Um!" Hermione nodded excitedly.

Andy held his wand and opened the wooden door, and as far as the eye could see, the room was furnished as if it were a combination of a conference room and a laboratory.

There was a huge round table and a dozen chairs in the very centre of the room. Around the room are wooden shelves, on which are placed many glass bottles, in which are some soaked unknown creature's internal organs.

Well ... the disgusting style is very similar to Snape's office.

Let's just say, it's worthy of being a Slytherin!

On the right side of the room, there was a podium, a blackboard, and a very large experiment table with all sorts of experimental utensils on top of it.

"It looks like this is where Slytherin studies magic while teaching some of the students who have looked up to him," Andy said.

It could be imagined that the Big Four must have had a big fight in the beginning.

The teaching philosophy didn't match, the personality and three views didn't match, and the magic path didn't match ... which eventually led to Slytherin being sidelined by the other three.

Maybe it wasn't that serious.

But Slytherin still chose to hide, and he secretly set up a laboratory to study his magic path alone, while teaching some students who were willing to learn from him.

It might have been a difficult time, but Andy felt that Slytherin should have been happy while he was here.

He was narcissistic, and he thought he was on the most correct path, but no one else understood him, and even accused him of being vicious in his magic research.

As for what happened later ...

Andy remembered what Slytherin looked like in the written record.

The magic transfiguration made Slytherin look different ... This was probably the main reason why he left Hogwarts.

Andy walked indoors and casually touched the chair by the round table.

I envy them ...

Andy wished he could get tutored by Slytherin, too!

"So this is the Slytherin lab? Well...it's a little different than I thought it would be." Hermione whispered.

Intrigued, Andy asked, "What did you imagine it to be like?"

"Well ..."

Hermione mused for a moment and said, "It's just like those mad scientist's labs in the films ... Oh, well, you should have never seen a film."

It was sad to say!

Let alone a film, Andy didn't even get to watch TV in this life.

"Hermione, let's split up and look around!"

Andy said in an excited tone, "By the way, be careful when you look around, don't damage those research materials."


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