
Chapter 158 Malfoy has the potential to be a big jerk

Hermione came over and looked at it twice, then said with some distress, "It's completely unreadable."

Andy asked while reading, "What classes do we have today?"

"You didn't look at the class schedule? It's on your bedside table."

Hermione complained, then said, "It's Wednesday, so we only have one Herbology class in the morning, which is the second class. Similarly, there's one Herbology class in the afternoon and Astronomy in the evening."

That didn't sound too bad.

While speaking, Andy had almost finished reading the first chapter.

From the book, there was not much difference between the magic (spells) of China and the magic of Europe side, if there was any difference, it might be the difference in the incantation!

The magic of China is naturally cast in Chinese.

'It seems that there is no difference between the magic of various countries in terms of manifestation, but the incantations used to cast the spells are different.'

Andy thought in his mind, 'France, Germany... they all use their respective languages as the incantation for casting spells.'

Andy took out his wand and gently waved it, and the tip of the wand lit up with a milky-white ball of light.

"Wand-Lighting Charm?"

Hermione looked at Andy in surprise, "Why are you ... Is this Chinese magic? It doesn't look much different from a Wand-Lighting Charm."

"Magic is inherently mind-orientated," Andy said.

At this point, Andy, who had already mastered silent spell casting, was very well-informed.

The incantations and gestures when casting spells could actually only play an auxiliary role.

The real spell casting was actually the communication between the mind and the magic power.

Similar to the current Andy.

Since the mutation of the Patronus Charm, Andy's silent spell casting had progressed extremely fast.

For those magic spells that he was skilled in using, Andy only needed to inform his magic power 'what I want to do', and the magic power would automatically cast the spell according to Andy's thoughts.

Cho Chang looked at Andy with some admiration, "During the summer holidays, I also tried to learn the magic from the Chinese side. Maybe it's because the incantations for casting spells are different, it was a bit difficult to learn."

Andy closed the book, "I'll put these books back in my dormitory first, and then come back to read them after we finish breakfast!"

Cho Chang nodded, "It's you guys, not me. We have so many extra classes in the third year, and there are four classes today."


Andy suddenly asked, "Cho, are there any students in your third year who chose all electives?"

Cho Chang shook her head and said, "I don't know, I can ask for you. But I don't think there are any, there are several classes that have conflicting class times."

Andy's eyes flickered slightly.

How did Percy Weasley manage to take all thirteen courses?

Was it all by self-study?

Andy picked up his magic book and walked towards his dormitory, pondering in his mind, 'Is there some sort of way to take all the classes?'

This is a magic world, it seems like nothing is impossible.

'Should ... I choose all the elective courses next school year and give it a try?'

Andy thought in his mind, 'If it doesn't work, then I'll simply cancel a few classes.'

When Andy came out of the dormitory, the three of them walked together towards the great hall.

As they were eating their breakfast, there was suddenly a hooting and hollering sound from outside the great hall.

Andy looked up and saw a large flock of owls flying in from outside the castle, delivering a letter and item to the long table of the four houses.

Andy also received a letter, and a copy of a newspaper for the day.

Picking up the newspaper, he flipped through it.

Today's headline featured a flying car.

According to the Daily Prophet, several Muggles had witnessed the scene. The reporter who wrote the story stated in extremely exaggerated words that the magic world was almost exposed because of it.

This must be the power of the gold galleons!

Andy could see Lucius Malfoy's shadow in this article.   

Sha Sha...

After all the owls had flown away, an old owl struggled to flutter its wings and tenaciously threw a letter in front of Ron, who planted himself into the soup bowl on the table with a 'thud'.

"Look, Ron got a Howler!" A young Gryffindor wizard stretched his neck and shouted.

The eyes of everyone in the Great Hall focused on Ron for a split second.

Harry gulped and looked at Ron with a panicked expression. Ron's expression was equally hard, and he looked like he was even on the verge of crying.


Ron's fingers trembled as he opened the envelope.

Andy watched with interest.

It was the first time Andy had ever seen a Howler.

If it was fun, he might send it to Dumbledore or Fudge later...?

Ron had just torn a small slit in the envelope when the letter moved on its own - the envelope flexed out to reveal a large red mouth, and an earth-shaking voice resounded throughout the great hall.





Mrs Weasley's voice was amplified a hundred times by the Howler, and the glass in the great hall clanked.

Andy winced.

Never, never, absolutely mustn't offend Helen!

Andy didn't dare to imagine how the public social death would really feel if he ever received a Howler from Helen.

Anyway, Harry and Ron were dying of shame at the moment, in full view of the public, the two of them could not wait to find a crack in the ground.

What's more, Arthur Weasley might be dismissed from the Ministry of Magic because of their involvement.

When encountering this kind of thing, those with poor mental capacity would likely even jump off a building.

When the Howler tore itself into pieces, the deafening roar completely ceased.

A brief silence fell over the hall, and Harry and Ron were somewhat at a loss for words.

"Ann, Andy."

Hermione grabbed Andy's shirt, "What was that ..."

"That's a Howler!"

Andy explained what a Howler was for, then said with a playful face, "Hermione, what do you think about us sending a Howler to Headmaster Dumbledore anonymously?"

Andy's spirit of committing suicide flared up inside him.

This was something Andy had been thinking about for over a year but had never dared to do.

Hermione glared at Andy, her face serious as she warned, "If you dare ... I'll tell the professor!"

"I'm just saying." Andy snorted.

Hermione stared intently at Andy, "I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"Potter, it looks like you've done another great job of making a splash."

A mocking voice was heard and Andy turned his head to see Malfoy with his two sidekicks, looking at Harry and Ron with a mocking look on their faces.

"Weasley, I bet your Father hates you. He's probably going to be forced to lose his job and get the hell out of the Ministry of Magic."

Andy looked in awe.


Being able to say things that hit someone's sore spot in every sentence was not something that ordinary people could do.

Malfoy had great potential to be a big jerk.


#Chistopher Stevenson, Thanks for all your love and support.

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#Chistopher Stevenson, Thanks for all your love and support.

Read advance chapters on P@treon. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me at P@treon: www.p@treon.com/Crazy_Cat.

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