
Chapter 141: Andy Collins, the Extraordinary Magic Master

This was Andy's first time seeing a book that recorded ancient magic.

In Andy's impression, the hallmark of ancient magic was that it was not easy to control and at the same time powerful.

Unlike modern magic that was easy to learn, if one wanted to learn ancient magic well, one had to work hard to exercise their magic power from their very first magic power riot.

Well...kind of like the kind of exercise Andy did before he had a wand.

It's just that the ancient wizard's method of exercising was a bit more professional.

Before the magic power was stabilized, they learned to manipulate the magic power by exercising it.

Once the young wizard could skillfully control their magic power, they could learn ancient magic.

Ancient magic was powerful mainly because there was no limit to the output. They could even output their entire magic power in one spell.

That was why ancient magic could also easily get out of control.

Modern magic, on the other hand, was completely different.

With wands, a tool that could channel magic power, modern wizards all started learning magic only after their magic power had stabilized.

This also led to the fact that modern wizards were completely unable to learn ancient magic.

"Did the invention of the wand make magic progress or regress?" Andy couldn't help but have a doubt.

Ancient magic might be powerful, but ancient wizards were not necessarily stronger than modern wizards.

Because ancient magic was difficult to control, many ancient wizards might only master two or three spells in their lifetime.

Modern magic might seem like it has average power, but modern magic is much more magical and all-encompassing.

"Well ...," Andy pondered for a moment.

A wizard's magic power originated from himself, not through meditation. So even for great wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort, their magic power was limited.

From this point of view, it was still modern magic that was more suitable for the current magic world.

Andy continued to flip through the book.

There were a total of seven ancient magic spells recorded in this book, and the Patronus Charm was only one of them.

It was a pity that Andy was unable to learn any of them.

Andy had never given up on exercising his magic power, but without a wand, Andy could only use his magic power to pull some tricks, and there was still a big difference between it and real magic.

Take making objects float for example.

Without using his wand, Andy could only control a book to float at most. But if he used a levitation charm, Andy could even make a car fly into the air.

As for the ancient magic version of the Patronus charm ...

What was introduced in the book was more or less the same as the modern magic version of the Patronus Charm, after all, the Patronus Charm itself evolved from ancient magic.

The way to cast that spell is also by recalling happy memories in the mind.

If there was any difference, it might be that in the ancient magic era, wizards who could use the Patronus Charm usually had extraordinary magic abilities.

"Hmm...?" Andy was a little puzzled.

If it was just this, why would Professor Flitwick send this book over on purpose?

Andy re-read Professor Flitwick's letter again.

'It couldn't be that just because this book mentioned the Patronus Charm, Professor Flitwick sent the book over, right?' Andy was flabbergasted.

Professor Flitwick shouldn't be this bored, right?

With this thought, Andy re-read Professor Flitwick's letter again.

Wizards who were able to cast Patronus Charm were usually considered to have extraordinary magic abilities.

This was what Professor Flitwick mentioned in his letter.

Andy frowned.

The ancient magic version of the Patronus Charm might be difficult to learn, but the modern magic version of the Patronus Charm was not difficult to learn.

It was only because this magic was relatively inoffensive and not very useful that not many wizards had learned it.

'Hmm... Professor Flitwick specifically mentioned this, is it because I had said that the Patronus Charm was a magic that the ancient wizards had researched through Obscurus?'


Andy abruptly realized.

Most ancient wizards could only master two or three ancient magics in their lifetime.

They might be able to play some tricks by skillfully controlling magic power, but those were two completely different concepts compared to real magic.

'So ... in the ancient magic era, extraordinary magic ability should mean being able to use a lot of magic.'

"If that's the case ..."

Andy thought in his mind, 'When an ancient wizard, learns the ancient magic version of the Patronus Charm, he can master more ancient magic?'

Is that the case?

Andy took out his wand and pointed to an ornament on the desk, reciting the incantation of the levitation charm in his mind.

Without reciting the incantation, the pendant flew up under the effect of the magic.

"So that's it!"

Andy was surprised.

Unstable magic could 'memorize', and practising the Patronus Charm in this state was tantamount to a preliminary fusion of one's magic with one's mind.

In other words, Andy's magic power could more easily perceive Andy's thoughts.

"Silent spell casting!"

When magic power could 'understand' a wizard's thoughts, that wizard could cast magic more easily.

Andy hurried into the practice room, took his wand and aimed it at a target.

Silently reciting an incantation in his mind, the tip of the wand instantly shot out a magic beam that hit the wooden target with a 'boom'.

Andy's eyes were filled with brilliant splendour.

The power of the magic did not weaken.

Right now it was just not too skilful, when Andy skilfully mastered the technique of silent spell casting, he believed that even the step of 'silently reciting the incantation in his mind' could be omitted.

Waving his wand again, the fat cat patronus flew out from the tip of the wand and flew around Andy in a circle before stopping in front of Andy, raising its eyes to give Andy a curious look.

"So that's it!"

Andy finally understood why ancient wizards who had mastered the Patronus Charm were considered to have extraordinary magic abilities.

It was because their emotions had already fused with the magic power initially, and the magic power could 'perceive and understand' their thoughts, which would make their spell casting simpler and would make it easier to learn ancient magic.

Ancient magic is known for being powerful and not easy to control.

Andros the Invincible.

If he couldn't skilfully use most magic, what made him invincible in the world?


Andy thought in his mind, 'But what about that giant-sized Patronus of Andros?'

And what kind of abilities did that giant-sized Patronus ... grant to Andros?

After pondering for a while, Andy decided to give up.

If Andy could make it that far, he would naturally understand the role of the super-sized patronus.

And Andy's most important task at the moment was to skilfully master the Silent Spell Casting technique.

Andy raised his wand and tried all the magic he currently mastered once.

However, the results were not too optimistic.

The magic that Andy was able to cast silently was all the magic that he usually used skillfully. As for the magic that was not practised often, it was difficult to cast it without reciting the incantation.

"But... it's already enough!" Andy was satisfied.


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#Janosch Mainz, Thanks for all your love and support.

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