
Chapter 97 I've waited for so long and finally waited until today

During the night, the silver-white moonlight put on a layer of cold fabric over Hogwarts Castle.

From a distance, the ancient castle towered over the darkness, the bright full moon hung in the sky, and under the reflection of the dotted stars, this thousand-year-old Hogwarts castle had its own sense of mystery.

"It's beautiful, isn't it!"

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the black cloak-clad Quirrell looked at Hogwarts Castle from afar, his lips clearly didn't move, but he strangely made a sound.

"Y...yes, my lord," Quirrell said shakily.

"Dumbledore has gone to the Ministry of Magic, we have all night to act." The voice sounded again.


Quirrell said with trepidation, "My lord, would Dumbledore fall for this so easily?"

The voice said, "Of course, he wouldn't, but he would act as if he was fooled. If you're familiar with Dumbledore, you'll know that he's a very hypocritical person to begin with."

Seeing that Quirrell didn't say anything, the voice sneered, "Do you think Dumbledore hasn't noticed me? ...no! He already knew that I was attached to your body, only that he had other plans, so he didn't make a move."

"Other plans?" Quirrell queried.

These days had not been easy for Quirrell.

Voldemort had to restore his power and had been sleeping for the past few months, only waking up when he drank unicorn blood and then giving new orders to Quirrell.

As for the encounter with Professor Down, it was actually just a coincidence.

Professor Down entered the Forbidden Forest looking for material for his class and happened to encounter Quirrell, who attacked the unicorn. Both sides had different positions and naturally engaged in a big battle.

Since Voldemort was awake at the time, Professor Down was naturally no match for him.

He was defeated after only a few moments of fighting.

Since he had already attacked the Professor, Voldemort naturally did not want to continue waiting.

He had got quite a lot of useful information by using the Cruciatus Curse and Legilimency, but the most crucial information could never be obtained.

The Philosopher's Stone...was it still in the restricted area on the third floor?

So Voldemort activated the secret chess piece Malfoy.

Modifying Malfoy's memories wasn't difficult, his father, old Malfoy, was a Death Eater, and given Malfoy's family upbringing, he actually had quite an admiration for Voldemort.

All it took was to start with that to get Malfoy to work for him.

Malfoy's investigation was successful.

Although Dumbledore had arrived in time, Voldemort had got the information he wanted - the Philosopher's Stone was hidden in the restricted area on the third floor.

So the next task was to transfer Dumbledore out of Hogwarts.

Back to the topic.

"If Dumbledore didn't have other plans, do you think he would turn a blind eye to the forbidden forest?"

Voldemort's tone was filled with mockery, "What does he think that little kid can do? Harry Potter ... the legendary boy who lived ... was merely lucky."

Harry Potter is just an ordinary baby, but that woman ...

Even today, Voldemort still can't comprehend what happened that night.

His killing curse had bounced back just like that.

"Harry Potter?" Quirrell was a little puzzled, it was the first time in all these days that Voldemort had spoken to him so much.

"If it wasn't for Harry Potter, Dumbledore would have had his way with you a long time ago."

Voldemort didn't want to recall the events of that night, so he changed the subject snappily, "Go, my faithful servant! Get the Philosopher's Stone and I will grant you everything, including eternal life and the secret to avoid death."

These days, Voldemort secretly laid out his plans and played with Dumbledore, so he naturally sensed Dumbledore's thoughts.

He was exceptionally pleased with this.

The more Dumbledore valued Harry Potter, the more it proved that he was powerless against him.

Dumbledore really was getting old.   

Voldemort realized this clearly.

As long as he can resurrect ... he can get everything.

For resurrection, it didn't really necessarily require a Philosopher's Stone, which was nothing more than the optimal solution for the time being.

There is another way...

Father's bone, enemy's blood, servant's flesh ... The three together to remake the body, which naturally can also make him come back to life.

Voldemort had already decided to use that method to resurrect if he failed to steal the Philosopher's Stone this time.

He couldn't wait any longer.

"Yes...yes, my lord!" Quirrell shivered.

Quirrell looked up at Hogwarts Castle before trembling and walking towards the castle.


Tonight was not destined to be peaceful.

In front of the Gryffindor common room, Harry cloaked in his invisibility cloak, tiptoed silently forward.

After a few dozen steps, Ron pulled Harry violently, nearly knocking Harry off balance.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, turning around.

Ron winced and stretched out a trembling finger to point to a spot in the corner, opened his mouth, and couldn't get a word out.


A murmur that seemed to carry a wave of wanton dread was heard.

Snape stood against the wall like a dark shadow, and Harry wondered how on earth Ron had found him.

"Snape!" Harry exclaimed.

Snape had a look of palpable disgust on his face, "You are just like your father, arrogant and stupid ..."

"My father is not arrogant," Harry argued with a red face.

Snape waved his wand, the tip of which flashed with a brilliant ball of light.

He motioned his wand again to remove Harry's invisibility cloak and said in a contemptuous tone, "So there's Weasley ... our famous saviour, and his sidekick, ready to save the world once again?"

Ron's face went red, and he wanted to pull out his wand and smack Snape in the face.

Harry looked at Snape, "Someone is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone, you are aware of that, aren't you?"

Although Harry had always suspected Snape, Dumbledore vouched for Snape, and Harry chose to believe it, even if he was reluctant.

Especially in a situation like tonight - he simply couldn't resist.

Snape wore a sneer, "It seems our saviour wants to protect the Philosopher's Stone?"

To wait for this day, Snape had stayed up several nights in a row, and if it wasn't for his potion, he wouldn't have been able to hold out.

After meeting Andy on the third floor of the castle that night, Snape realized something.

There had been an attack at the school, and with Harry's personality, he might be like his father, wanting to be a hero and catch the assailant who was behind it all by himself.

So after talking to Dumbledore that night, Snape went outside the Gryffindor dormitory and started blocking the door.

Two days had passed and Harry had indeed got caught in his blockade.

"The Philosopher's Stone is at risk now!" Harry shouted relentlessly.

Snape sneered, "Dumbledore will take matters into his own hands. I think you two are at even greater risk than the Philosopher's Stone."


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