
Chapter 92 Snape: Am I still your confidant?

Feeling that he had won, the dark-haired male wizard looked slightly proud and said, "The name is written down there, won't you read it yourself?"

Andy: "..."

Heh, the temper is quite big!

Andy brushed a glance at the inscription underneath the portrait, which read:

Phineas Nigellus Black (1847 – 1925).

Andy realized that this Headmaster was actually quite famous, having won the title: the least popular Headmaster Hogwarts ever had.

A worthy contrast to Dumbledore!

But Dumbledore is actually not a good Headmaster, he is nice and strong, but the other aspects are average.

There are many wizarding schools in the magical world, of which there are about a dozen that are considered prestigious, and Hogwarts is ranked seventh.

This ranking is still due to Dumbledore's sake, after all, he is the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, so he should be more or less given some favour.

From this, it can be seen that Hogwarts has fallen so far.

Andy stopped talking, time was running out, and Andy had to hurry up and finish reading this chapter.

Twenty minutes later, Andy went up to the bookshelf and put the Secrets of the Darkest Art back down.

Then honestly found a chair and settled down, pretending to be a good boy.

"Kid, why don't you continue reading?" Headmaster Black asked bluntly, he was still waiting for Dumbledore to come back to catch him.

Although he highly regarded dark magic, he didn't think it was a good thing for a young first-year wizard to learn dark magic.

Andy quirked his head and hummed, smiling at that.

"A bad boy, I like it!" Headmaster Black had a look of recognition on his face.

"You can't say that."

Andy had a disapproving tone, "I'm a Ravenclaw student, it's just a normal curiosity. After reading it, I thought it would teach me bad things, so I stopped reading it."

After a pause, Andy raised an eyebrow and continued, "That's not a bad reason, is it? It's all the fault of love of learning!"

A group of Headmasters:"..."

We've never seen such a brazen little wizard!

Headmaster Black appreciated him even more when he saw this, a resourceful little wizard.

The hardest part was knowing what he needed and still being able to resist the temptation, and then find the perfect excuse for his mistake.

"The sorting hat must have sorted you wrong, you should have come to Slytherin." Headmaster Black was a little disgruntled.

"I'm the sorting hat who never fails at sorting." The sorting hat wasn't playing dead anymore, this was about its innocence.

When mentioning the sorting hat, the fat wizard was also a little dissatisfied, "Who knows if you're not misplacing them. Anyway, you shoved all the naughty children into Gryffindor every year."

When it came to the Sorting Hat, all the previous Headmasters had something to say.

The office was so noisy that it made Andy's head hurt.

Andy thought that if Professor McGonagall was here, she would probably have some common ground with these headmasters.

She also suffered due to divisions of the sorting hat for a long time!

After waiting for another ten or so minutes, the door of the Headmaster's office was suddenly pushed open, Dumbledore and Snape walked into the Headmaster's office one after the other.

As soon as he saw Andy, Snape immediately put on a mask of pain.

Half an hour ago, he couldn't say a complete sentence because he was too slow in speaking, and was contradicted by Andy.

Its agony was like when two people quarrelled, one failed to say something at that time and was left speechless. As a result, at the point of going to bed at night, a wonderful counterattack suddenly came to mind under the covers.

Too bad it's all cooled off early!

And this agony, Snape had experienced more than once.

When he was a student, he had been brought up using the Levicorpus spell.

At the time, there were so many people on the opposite side of the fence that he panicked a little, and for a moment he couldn't think of how to fight back.

Then it came to him, and he thought he could fight one against four.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

When he went to find Malfoy before, Snape felt clogged in his heart, he should have just deducted points from Andy at that time, who cares what he said?   

"Headmaster, did you find Malfoy?" Andy asked in a hurry.

Dumbledore nodded, "The boy had already fainted when we found him. Collins, thanks to you this time ..."

Before Dumbledore could finish his words, Snape hurriedly snitched, "Headmaster Dumbledore, Collins wandered into the castle at night, and I was ..."

Andy hurriedly said, "Speaking of which, I was using the Disillusionment Charm at the time, how did Professor Snape find me?"

Snape's face hardened as he was interrupted again!

Andy continued to ask, "I saw you move your nose at that time, did you smell something?"

Snape coldly swept his eyes at Andy, that was a little trick he learned when he was a Death Eater.

At that time, the Death Eaters were very powerful, so many people, in order to escape from the Death Eaters, would know a few handfuls of life-saving magic.

Like Apparition, Disillusionment Charm, and the like.

Voldemort invented quite a few counter magic at that time.


Dumbledore duly chimed in, "Malfoy has been taken to the school's hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey has already seen him, he's not badly hurt, and he'll wake up in the morning."

Andy nodded, he actually didn't care about Malfoy, this time if it wasn't that Malfoy was implicated by himself, Andy wouldn't have made this trip.

After all, no matter what happens to Malfoy in the future, he is still an eleven-year-old kid now.

"It's getting late, Collins, you should go back to rest as well." Dumbledore's tone was kind.

Andy shrugged.

So, for what the hell did you leave me waiting in the office?

When Andy left, Snape impatiently asked, "How's Malfoy doing?"

Some things weren't easy to say explicitly in the school's hospital wing, after all, Voldemort and memory modification were involved.

"I've helped him sort out his memories."

Dumbledore's face was serious, "Malfoy went to the restricted area on the third floor this time to make sure whether or not the Philosopher's Stone was there."

Snape looked puzzled, "You haven't put it in yet?"

Dumbledore winked mischievously, "Just tonight, only a few minutes before Malfoy."

Snape, "..."

Snape had a mental snap in his mind that he didn't know if he should say something or not.

He was worried about the restricted area on the third floor, fearing that Dumbledore would make an oversight and let Voldemort get the Philosopher's Stone, which would lead to Voldemort's resurrection.

As a result, this wicked old man didn't put the Philosopher's Stone in at all.

Am I still your confidant or not?

"It seems that Voldemort will soon make his move," Dumbledore said seriously.

He knew Voldemort, Voldemort would definitely act as soon as possible once he decided to tear his face off.

Because Dumbledore would not give him another chance.

"Of course I know that!"

Snape was a little impatient, "But you've missed twice already!"

Dumbledore looked apologetic, "I'm sorry about Malfoy."

Snape didn't care about that, "I just want this to be over as soon as possible, you know...the Dark Lord is very unstable right now."

Dumbledore still looked apologetic.

The reason he had rushed over there was to stop Snape from stopping Malfoy.

Anyone at Hogwarts could stop Malfoy, but only Snape couldn't.


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