
Chapter 9 Good Brother and Good Sister

With the increased talent in Charms, Andy didn't want to waste such a good occasion and picked up his wand and prepared to go down to the basement to practice some magic.

Then, he walked down the stairs to the living room on the ground floor.

The little girl Isabel was sprawled on the couch, eating a snack while reading a fairy tale book. The whole person was relaxed and entertaining herself.

What a monotonous childhood life.

Luckily, he had taken the little lass to the river yesterday to catch fish and play, otherwise how boring would the little girl be day in and day out?

It is time to buy her a muggle game console...

Well...let's just forget it, it's not good to be addicted to games.

The good brother Andy walked over.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

With a gentle wave of his wand, Isabel took off, along with the fairy tale book in her hand.

It was a game of flying that muggle children would never experience, and Andy felt that the spell was filled with the feeling of a brother's love for his younger sister.


The little girl puffed out her cheeks.

This was the 103rd time this month, and there had never been a moment when Isabel had looked forward so much to the time when she could have a wand and recite all the spells she knew at Andy.

No, do it a thousand times.

For sure, Andy would be very pleased if he learnt how to read thoughts and learned what his sister was thinking.

The little girl finally learnt to make an effort.

What a thousand times of love.

"Where's Mum?" Putting the little girl down, Andy raised an eyebrow and asked.

"There!" Isabel raised her chin at the potions room.

"I'm off to practice magic spells, want to come over and see?" Andy asked.

"No!" Isabel decisively refused.

The first time Andy practised magic spells, Isabel was still interested. But no matter how interesting it was, if it was repeated dozens of times, there was probably not much interest left anymore.

Patting the little girl's head, Andy walked into the basement alone.

The basement was originally a warehouse used to store items, but because Andy needed to practice magic, Kyle remodelled the basement, built a new room, and expanded it with an Undetectable Extension Charm.

Andy was once curious as to why Kyle and Helen did not practice magic.

The answer the two gave as a result was very powerful.

They felt that magic did not need to be practised.

The magic they had mastered was already enough to solve all the problems they encountered in life, and although continuing to practice would make them a little stronger, it was just a little.

This feeling was like fitness for muggles.

Adults were already strong enough to handle the chores of life, so what was the point of continuing to exercise?

There were Aurors in the Ministry of Magic to deal with the Dark Wizards, and there was Dumbledore to fight against Voldemort.

If nothing can be done, you can still use the Portkey to go and live in another country.

Becoming more powerful at casting spells would neither extend life nor put a few more gold galleons in the vault. As it was, mastering enough magic to live was enough.

Andy understood.

This was actually a matter of perception.

They had lived in the magical world since they were young and were used to seeing all sorts of magic, so naturally, they didn't think that magic was that magical.

It was like how Andy found the Muggle technology of this era to be backward, while Mr Weasley was obsessed with Muggle technology.

Shaking his head, there was nothing Andy could do about this kind of thing, he just needed to do his own thing.

Walking into the practice room, Andy flicked the switch to turn on the lights in the basement.

Never think that there is no such thing as using Muggle technology in the magical world, except for those wizards who are isolated from the world, the use of some Muggle technological products has already been an unspoken thing in the magical world.   

The practice room was about a hundred square metres, where Kyle had built a few human-sized targets, and Helen had cast a spell to make some of them fly - the targets would move on their own whenever Andy attacked them.

On top of that, Andy had also installed a large mirror in the practice room, which took up almost an entire wall.

Whether the magic was powerful or not, whether it could hit the target or not, although these things were important, they were long-term projects. What was more important than these was that the spell-casting posture must be handsome.

The mirror allowed Andy to observe his spell-casting posture at all times so that he could adjust any unsightly spell-casting movements in time.

"Petrificus Totalus!"





The sound of Andy practising magic spells resounded in the basement, and apart from the basic magic spells, Transfiguration was also within the scope of Andy's practice.

It was not for no reason that Transfiguration was separated from the basic Charms, Transfiguration was a very complex magic, it was one of the foundations for wizards to understand the principles of the composition of the world.

Turning a wooden rod into an iron rod, for example, requires a wizard to understand the composition of both before they can begin to transfigure.

Because of this, no wizard can turn an object into a magical creature.

It was because they didn't understand the principles of magic.

"Hoo hoo-"

Andy sat on his butt on the ground, gasping for air, while switching on the system to check his progress for the day.

In just one short hour of practice, the red liquid inside the orb had grown to one-third.

The progress was pleasing!

The growth of the red liquid not only meant that Andy could gain potential points, but it also meant that Andy's practice today was effective.

If it was an ineffective practice, the red liquid would not show the slightest change.

But this was only temporary.

The main reason why today's progress was so fast was because Andy's Charms Talent had increased. When the talent was developed to a certain extent, the progress of the practice would naturally slow down.

The good thing was that the increase in talent would allow Andy to learn new magic spells faster.

After taking a breather, Andy patted his bum and stood up from the floor, and after tidying up the practice room with a Repairing charm and a Cleaning charm, Andy walked out of the basement.

In the living room, Helen and Isabel were sitting on the couch playing wizard cards.

"Andy, school hasn't even started yet, you're working so hard now, the professor won't know what to teach you when school starts."

Helen shifted her position, "Come over here and take a break!"

"I can read in the library by myself," Andy said as he sat down.

The effort now, of course, was to have more time to spend in the library.

Hogwarts is a seven-year course, and no matter how you think about it, there doesn't seem to be enough time.

"My son is awesome!"

Of course, Helen wasn't going to stop Andy from studying hard, she just had no high hopes or ambitions about herself and Kyle when it came to mastering magic, but for Andy, she had high hopes.

"Che!" Isabel skimmed her tongue.

She felt sure that she couldn't beat Andy in terms of hard work, but when Andy was too old to walk, she would beat him.

She had the upper hand in that regard!

"School starts in three days, don't work too hard in the next two days," Helen instructed.

"Hmm… I'm also planning to rest for two days."

Andy said, "By the way Mum, those magic books at home, I should be able to read them, right? I mean, the part related to casting spells."


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