
Spirit of benevolence and Evil

"Come on, eat it faster. Xie Qingyi can't maintain her reasoning for a long time".

Nyx urged her after noticing her hesitation. She knew Yang Chen's semen was merely delaying the process of Xie Qingyi's mind erosion. She didn't know whether the potency of his semen would increase after he awakened his talent. Anyway, She didn't care about it too much, as she just loves to drink his semen.


"O-okay" Looking at the brown, oval-shaped candy in her hand, Zhu Jia swallowed her saliva with a hesitant face. Suddenly, She threw the candy in her mouth with her eyes closed. As She started chewing the candy, her body began to glow. A brilliant, white light radiant from her body.

Zhu Jia opened her eyes with a jolt, sensing Xie Qingyi going out of control. She was scared to see Nyx's stunned face. She couldn't help but become anxious after seeing her expression.

"What's happening to me?" She asked, noticing her glowing hands.
