
Hello. I'm The Curator.

A fairly wide room, one with enough space to fit about thirty people comfortably, was where Jon was now currently leading Kyle and Oliver towards.

It was where Kyle's private screening was going to happen.

There was also a camera which was expertly situated at the corner of the room, one which was set up to capture the audition of every actor whom had gone through a screening.

However, before all three reached their destination via the elevator, two other individuals were already seated in the room.

 "Hmmm…" Barry Goodman, the Producer which had worked with Jon Quentin previously during the glory days of [The Curator], hummed in thought as he watched a video tape on the laptop.

His dirty-brown hair, which already had streaks of gray in them, was styled in a Caesar cut and his dark brown eyes, which reflected the video he was watching, was one of concern.
