

Taking on his Tuesday morning shift, Todd, the high-school teen who had gone to watch [Epoch One] with his buddies again yesterday night, slipped into work mode. 

Already used to working as a male waiter at a small, lesser-known restaurant whenever he was on summer vacation like now, the young chap began to receive orders from the customers in a seamlessly familiar manner.

Some regulars even gave him a few tips despite him never even requesting for it.

That was how well-known he was at the place.

Noticing a certain secluded corner of the restaurant where two individuals were seated at, Todd walked over and then said;

"Hello. May I get your orders?"

Glancing over at the two individuals; one, a man in his forties who was was seemingly scrolling through his phone and the other, a young man who was currently reading a comic book, Todd awaited their orders.
