
after math part 2

Hruday was waiting, Roy, who was contemplating, finally noticed after his mental research to find the origin, joined him to discuss with hruday and give him company, while Michael, who didn't care about those things because he had hruday walking regression planning, just wanted to be emotional support for him and get carried away 

The night passed rather quickly as they discussed their nightmares and how to deal with them with the veteran of nightmares. they finally slept at 1:00, watching the unmoving horde

They were all woken up by Mark. They tried to get some more time to sleep by asking, but Mark seemed to be serious, so leaving the supply inside the building, they all went

strangely, Michael was asking if they were forgetting something multiple times and if they needed to be prepared After reaching the apartment building, they were shocked to see zombies roaming around

Michael was the first to react What should we do today?

Hruday, who had no idea what to do at this point, had his anger going off the roof because he couldn't stop his nightmare and couldn't control the nightmare Now everything he had done to save people was going to ruin 

he didn't say anything and just ran down the stairs, remembering Mark followed him upstairs, telling him to stop

He stopped checking if his paper armor was still in place and just ran around the apartment, in kicking and pushing all the zombies As he was running around, he noticed that these zombies weren't survivors; rather, they were from the horde that had come from the south end and northeast end of the apartment

after further inspection, they got to know the zombies had entered where there was an underground hole beneath the compound, probably done due to a mistake while digging to build a rainwater drainage system and in the north, it was the circle moving gate, which was blocked by some furniture

so he ran around gathering them in one place, then mark and the other survivors threw all the Molotov survivors they had and rushed in with their weapons. there were only a few, fifteen at most

so they were all quickly dealt with, and then he knocked on all the doors, finding some survivors This made him feel frustrated but thanks to his prevention measures and adherence by wearing a mask and helmet, they were safe 

After mourning for the dead, they had to dig three 6-foot holes hruday would have tossed it on the road because he didn't want to contaminate the soil but he didn't want to be seen as a heartless guy, and this would have fed the zombies 

Hruday did not really feel much at this point; he was simply saddened by the deaths that had occurred in vain. However, he also acknowledged the harsh reality of the world and did not care to be deeply affected by every random death, knowing that this was only the start.

he moved all the supplies and asked Sophia to make a list, then he went and started to exercise the thing that he wouldn't have done without motivational videos and music He went in extra hard as he decided he wasn't going to do any work 

he looked outside his kitchen; there were still zombies, but it was relatively less dense It seemed most had moved somewhere once again

Then he took his bag and opened the supplies that he kept for himself without charging anyone because all of them were rare luxuries

He had 10 packs of 10 grams of saffron, totaling 100 grams of saffron, which was a lot, enough for him to last for years . He didn't know how long it would last.

Then he had a 1 kg pack of all kinds of dry fruits except raspberry packs, but notable things were 2 packs of gulkand (honey, elach mixed with rose petals) and two 500 ml chyawanprash by Dabur. It is an immunity booster jam made from a combination of plant and root with jaggery and honey

these things wouldn't exist if it weren't for his effort and fairly rich neighborhood 

So, from now on, he was going to eat those daily as breakfast. This was an advantage of an apocalypse; luxuries and health products are free if you are determined enough to get them.

He didn't get more in order not to raise suspicions as his bag would bulge too much but he was going to distribute it to those who fight

All this time, he didn't have to do all of this ; he didn't have to be fit and healthy but now it wasn't an option, not unless he was trying to survive

He chose this as breakfast because in the morning, one will absorb more nutrition than at night and he needed that

His former self wouldn't be able to eat half the contents daily but now he could. He also knew why the rich looked younger because they took good food rather than genetically modified crap made for mass profit

He sighed as he could just eat these; he had to eat neem and turmeric paste with poh-ha tea and some coriander seeds Tulasi and a couple of other things which he didn't know the name of but were always given whenever he had a sore throat or any kind of infection so he brewed the modified poh ha tea at this point; it wasn't a poh ha tea anymore; it didn't taste good at all and he had made too much so he pored all into a 5-liter container, added water to the brim and boiled it, then put it into his flask, as he had 2 flasks, and it fit in perfectly 

Then he did some yoga and breathing exercises. After that, he felt very active and relaxed, which wasn't the usual case if he tried to exercise on a normal day. He thought it was good and he should have started on day one; he didn't, as it would have worked opposite but now was perfect

he couldn't go outside due to swarm of zombies, but had a stable supply of food and an environment in which he could push himself without thinking about unexpected scenarios he slapped himself. "No, I shouldn't get too comfortable I need to keep in mind that there is such thing as stability in this new world."

Now that it was 9 am, he went down and found everyone in the queue for breakfast. It seemed the aunt had taken charge of cooking and now was serving everyone He quickly dragged Mark and his friend and made them drink 500 ml of the water that had a subtle taste of everything in it, although it wasn't as bad as they first thought. Getting the peace of leaves while drinking felt bad and it was even worse when hruday insisted on eating it and waited for 20 minutes before eating breakfast

He was eating dry fruits when Michael arrived and asked for some, which hruday refused and warned not to touch, but still gave them a little 2 pistachios 2 almonds and 6 pieces of black and brown grasp, with half a pieces of walnut

Michael, noticing the 10-pack of saffron, said in a hushed tone, "Dude, did you steal this?" Saturday, frowning, replied, I am the one who brought it. We also need to be healthy to survive this apocalypse, not malnourished. He then lectured them on the importance of it, along with the warning not to eat without his permission and not to talk about it

Then he also promised he would give this as a reward to everyone who had fought with him After successfully convincing them how deserved he was, he stopped

Michael regretted trying to make a joke and that it made him waste 10 more minutes before he could go eat and even get a little bit of speech from Roy As a bonus, he replied to Roy, trying to stop him from giving a lecture " I know I just did it as a joke; you guys took it seriously".

Look, they are giving less food now that you know tomato lemon rice are my favorites hruday also joined them, as he too liked it and couldn't refuse the kind gesture of Aunty keeping extras hidden just for them

He ate and this one seemed to contain more tomato and masala than the other He felt touched and this made him remember his mom He quickly distracted himself from that thought by thinking about farming

He asked his aunt if she had at least kept seeds of vegetables, which, to his delight, she had. Thanking her, he quickly made an adjustment to make a big hole to fill all biodegradable waste, to make a farming bed on the concrete water storage slab, and make more space for farmable space They all got to work except children, to whom he gave small work to plant seeds 

he really wanted to know the aunt's name but didn't want to ask her, as she had already told him twice that he hated how bad he was at remembering names and noted he needed to work on it 

he quickly went towards Sophia and asked about the list of people and resources he had managed to get She silently handed him the key, pointed to the storage house, and said in an indifferent tone that it was located under a cardboard box of the 5th rack in the living room

he went towards it while everyone was working, took the book and started counting the goods to see if they had misplaced or lied After that, he was impressed by how well it was arranged, just like he had requested, and that she hadn't lied

but he was perturbed about how would he be able to reinforce not stealing Subtly, it could be defended as an error in math rather than stealing and he still worried about it, as if one were intelligent enough, they would be able to steal goods without him noticing, as he wouldn't check it every time and they would be able to recognize a pattern of his visits Nonetheless, it was a problem to solve in the future

he later joined others, knowing that now he had 37 people, with 5 being children and 4 being fat aunties, both of whom he couldn't use to fight. He only had about 19 people, of whom 10 were male and 8 were female, whose ages ranged from 20 to 35, with the males being almost the same except Hector

then he checked on Hector, who had a high fever for some reason, and gave him his herbal tea and made ginger syrup while giving generous amounts of dry fruits so that he would stop driving him nuts from his teasing and blabbering like a drunkard and not letting him clean his wounds and apply turmeric and tulsi paste

and then, remembering he didn't have to use tulsi, he went around the compound looking for a particular type of plant that looked like a mini version of sunflower; it was considered useless by everyone who wasn't aware of its properties Lucky for him, his grandfather who was a farmer, had once used this to pave his wounds. He said it was good for wounds and lucky for him, these things were like grass; they quickly spread and grew even in the harshest conditions, so they were a lot 

he didn't know if this would help if Hector was infected with the zombie virus he still did it for both Mark and Tory, not wanting to risk
