
Underlying Trauma


Milo took a gulp of water, then proceeded to pour the rest over his scorching body, steam rising the moment it made contact, "HOLY SHIT … THIS IS SO STUPID!". 

Marcos sat opposite him, constantly grunting as he twisted his shoulder around, "I know, for some reason they deeper we traverse, the less we encounter monsters". 

Thus far, Milo and Marcos had only encountered a few of the Locus type monsters. They were easily able to dispatch them after figuring out their weaknesses. However, since the previous one a few floors above them, they hadn't encountered a single monster since. 

That wasn't the only concern either, the heat was becoming unbearable. Even now as Milo lay slumped against a stone wall, his back was sticking, and his breath was growing short. Milo was reduced to panting like a dog in an attempt to remain calm. 
