
A New Problem

"But that's not!".

Milo sat silently, sipping his tea desperately trying to cancel out the childish squabbling taking place between both his uncles, Renny and James. Next to Milo with his head slumped over the back of his chair, a pale looking King constantly let out annoyed grunts and sighs.

After James had arrived, the first thing he did was demand equal treatment from the King. His refusal to believe that Milo, was in fact, as powerful as he was being made out to be forced him to extremes of trying to test Milo himself.

Clearly, this was met with abrupt failure as every time he so much as got close to Milo, both Renny and Marcos constantly swept James off his feet and pinned him against either the wall or floor. But even still, the persistent James refused to acknowledge Milo as someone worthy of respect.
