
-89- The Shadows at the Tower of the Hand

The morning sun burst forth, piercing through the clouds.

King's Landing, in front of Gallen's Mansion.

With a loud bang, a teeth-gritting impact resounded from the front yard.

Samwell Tarly deeply breathed in the cool morning air with a horrified expression.

"Damn it, someone help me up!"

"Fuck, Soreal is unconscious! We need to get a healer!"

Fully armored, Mordin Waters put on his visor and said stupidly, "Don't worry, I'm holding back my strength. Soreal has a strong body; he'll wake up soon."


The air seemed to freeze for a second.

"Mordin, you *****!"

"You *****!"

"Always *****!"

The Crabb soldiers present erupted in curses.

Mordin chuckled and ignored the angry crowd, walking towards Samwell Tarly on the other side.

Samwell Tarly glanced at the equally broad Mordin, blinked, and said, "Mordin, this time I really felt your strength firsthand."

Mordin stared blankly, glanced at the noisy soldiers, approached Samwell Tarly, and whispered, "I'm telling the truth; I really am holding back my strength."

Samwell Tarly couldn't help but ask, "How much are you holding back?"

Mordin took off his barrel-shaped helmet and said, "Specifically... about half?"


"Lord Gallen, the Master of Coins..."

Inside the mansion's dining room, Gallen saw Samwell Tarly approaching, out of breath.

Samwell Tarly wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and nodded, "Lord Gallen, I have something to report."

Gallen smiled and gestured for Samwell Tarly to sit down, saying, "Sam, sit, have a drink of water."

Afterwards, Gallen asked the attendant, "Where is the location?"

"At Chataya's Brothel."

Gallen raised an eyebrow, paused, and said, "Tell Lord Baelish that I will visit after sunset."


"Sam, what is it?"

"Lord Gallen, it's about Mordin."

Samwell Tarly's face lit up with excitement as he continued, "Mordin is incredibly strong. His current plate armor is like cloth to him. I think we could specially craft a thicker plate armor for him, at least half thicker than what he has now. With this, Mordin will become quite the fierce force on the battlefield."

Gallen nodded slightly and said, "Sam, you also understand armor?"

Samwell Tarly smiled shyly, "I... can't go to the battlefield, so I've researched some knowledge in this area."

Towards the end, Samwell Tarly lowered his head.

Gallen reached out and patted Samwell's arm, saying, "Sam, don't dwell on it. Your life is just beginning, and warfare isn't only about winning or losing on the battlefield. Your ideas are good. If we accomplish these, Mordin might indeed become unmatched on the battlefield, and you'll have credit here."

"I like Mordin very much, and I support your idea. I'll handle the gold dragon, and you'll take Mordin to get things done, right?"

The former impoverished Lord Crabb finally spoke with a bit of a golden taste.

Samwell Tarly nodded heavily and said, "I will do my best!"

Gallen's eyes flickered slightly. "I've heard that the blacksmith named Tobho Mott is famous. You can go find him. His forge is located on the Street of steel. His forge is larger than any other shop on that Street, with two stone knights carved on either side of the shop's main door, easy to recognize."

Samwell Tarly immediately got up and said, "Lord Gallen, I'll go and get Mordin now. Please excuse me!"

Gallen nodded and smiled.



Red Keep, Maegor's Holdfast.

At this point, Gallen was a little stressed.

He had finished breakfast, went straight into the Red Keep with his guards to meet Queen Cersei Lannister.

Gallen was enjoying Cersei Lannister's reward... That being standing with Jaime Lannister "watching" the Queen bathe.

Gallen glanced at Jaime, but did not get a response from Jaime.

Okay, guess I'm the only one who's not enjoying this.

Recalling his thoughts, Gallen looked down with his feet and began to report to Queen Cersei Lannister on his progress at Highgarden.

Cersei, who had her eyes closed, opened her eyes and looked at Gallen, curling her lips, "Lord Gallen, you have done well this time."

Gallen put his fist against his chest. "Thank you, Your Grace."

Cersei showed a satisfied expression and said, "You can leave for now."

At this, Gallen immediately pointed silently at the garden and left the room.

After Gallen left, Jaime took a step forward, looked down at the beautiful scenery in the tub, and rolled his throat, "Cersei, you seem to be in a good mood?"

Cersei glanced at Jaime obliquely, sneered, and said, "Jaime, isn't he adorable?"

Jaime said helplessly, "I am not jealous, Gallen is a upright knight, and... he haven't experienced the life of adulthood yet. I was afraid you'd scare him."

At the end of his speech, Jaime couldn't help but pull up his mouth.

Cersei fiddled with her hair, lowered her eyelashes, and the light eyelashes trembled, covering the light below: "If he can't even handle this much, how can he be useful to me in the future."

Jaime spread his hand and said, "So, I chose to be your sword, and I didn't want to deal with these complicated things."

Cersei looked at Jaime, stretched out her finger to hook Jaime's chin, and said, "Ser Jaime, I feel you're asking for credit. Are you asking for a reward?"

"Cersei, you know I can't refuse you, but I have to tell you that I'm wearing armor now."



Red Keep, Maegor's Holdfast Garden.

Gallen just sent away a messenger from the tower of the hand.

Gallen's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the messenger informed Gallen that he would have to meet with Jon Arryn in the afternoon today.

Gallen thought it would be at least be tomorrow, and why Jon Arryn would arrange to meet him in a hurry... there's something unusual, and Gallen smelled it.

Gallen stared at the sea of flowers, his right thumb touching his index finger.

Tap Tap.

Jamie held a sword in one hand, walked towards Gallen.

Gallen's gaze turned to Jamie in his silver armor and white cloak, nodding in greeting, but his mind was racing.

Yes, armor!

The keen Gallen had already sensed the "strange" changes in Queen Cersei towards him.

Besides Jamie, who wasn't entirely reliable as a shield, he needed the close protection of plate armor.

Wearing plate armor was troublesome, and taking it off was even more troublesome. A man needed the protection of plate armor against external dangers!

From now on, Jamie would be Gallen's role model. As long as he was in the Red Keep, he would wear armor at all times.

If he ended up in Cersei's bed, trying to get off her ship would cost Gallen dearly given his current strength.

For Gallen, dragging out time to avoid being devoured by Cersei was the best choice.

Gallen had to strike a balance, keeping Cersei satisfied while maintaining a safe distance and leaving room for himself.

Gallen decided that to deal with Cersei's persistent advances, he would add a new trait to his persona: reserved flirtation.

However, Gallen worried... Showing a sunny persona, he feared he might not convincingly play the role of a man quietly infatuated with Cersei's beauty.


Jamie didn't waste words, speaking directly: "Lord Gallen, most of the intelligence I've gathered points to the Riverlands."

Gallen nodded, "A conspiracy of this magnitude is inherently shrouded in mist."

After a pause, Gallen added, "Lord Hoster Tully is gravely ill. The Riverlands currently lack the energy to engage in the games of the Red Keep. So House Tully can be ruled out."

Jamie's tone carried a hint of anger: "The situation with the Lord of Riverrun is no secret, which is why I... I've practically scoured all of King's Landing."

Gallen smiled, "Ser Jamie, I understand your feelings. I imagine your sword is eager for action."

Gallen's words seemed to lighten Jamie's mood: "So, I temporarily abandoned the investigation. I've been waiting for your return."

"Thank you for your trust. I can tell you're on the verge of losing patience. I'm glad I returned in time; otherwise, Queen Cersei might have ordered me to lead an attack on Riverrun."

Jamie smiled, revealing his teeth, "You and Tyrion both have your way with words…"

As he spoke, Jamie clapped Gallen on the shoulder, "But don't underestimate me, little lord. Tell me, who is the mastermind?"

Gallen stared at Jamie and spoke, "Renly Baratheon."

[Renly Baratheon, the third son of the late Steffon Baratheon and Cassana Estermont, is the youngest brother of Robert Baratheon and Stannis Baratheon.]

Upon hearing this, Jamie furrowed his brows.

Gallen continued, "He is King Robert's brother, Master of Laws, and Lord of Storm's End."

After coming of age, Renly was summoned to the Red Keep by Jon Arryn to serve as King Robert's Master of Laws. During Renly's tenure at the Red Keep, Ser Cortnay Penrose of House Penrose acted as castellan of Storm's End, managing the castle's affairs on Renly's behalf.


Jamie's green eyes trembled, and he struggled to suppress his anger: "Is the intelligence reliable?"

Gallen spread his hands, "Highgarden is much like the Red Keep; there are no secrets there."

Jamie bared his teeth in a smile, his even white teeth looking menacing, "Renly is just a well-dressed lord."

Gallen's eyebrow twitched; Jamie was indeed becoming sharper.

Jamie said in a low voice, "Lord Gallen, tell me, why is Renly targeting Cersei? What is his plan?"

Both Jamie and Gallen knew very well that House Baratheon was very powerful.

Jamie now needed a way out.

After Robert took the Iron Throne, he granted Storm's End to his youngest brother Renly, while Stannis, who had performed great deeds during the War of the Usurper, received the remote and barren Dragonstone.

Robert's distribution of rewards after ascending the throne left Stannis perpetually discontented. Over time, the relationship between the Baratheon brothers grew more like that of enemies.

Gallen, ever the strategist, didn't want Jamie to become the catalyst for reconciliation among the Baratheon brothers.

Renly was formidable and untouchable? Only temporarily; a master of intrigue is never short on patience.


Gallen patted Jamie's arm, "Ser Jamie, what do you want to do? Whatever your final decision is, I stand with you. This is also for her grace; you can trust me."

Gallen's serious expression belied his inner thoughts: Ser Jamie, the moment you truly let go of Cersei, is when we'll join forces.

Gallen's words brought a smile to Jamie's face, "Little lord, you speak boldly, aren't you scared of the consequences?"

Gallen shrugged, "I always have a way out; Crackclaw Point fears no invader."

Gallen gripped his sword hilt and continued, "When an outsider invades Crackclaw Point, regardless of any deep-seated grudges, we unite until all invaders are destroyed. This is our thousand-year tradition.

"Ser Jamie, if they unite to attack Crackclaw Point, remember to lead the Westerlands' army and kick their asses from behind."

Gallen's fish-or-cut-bait attitude helped Jamie regain his composure.

Jamie sighed deeply, "Thinking about it is satisfying, but Cersei… the queen would be in great danger. I can't let her be in peril."

Upon hearing this, the murderous aura around Gallen dissipated instantly, and his face softened, "We can plan slowly, if you have the patience."

Jamie's eyes flickered, "Does this mean you already have a plan?"

Gallen nodded, gazing at Jamie and raising his right hand, showing five fingers.

Jamie laughed casually but froze when he reached for his waist.

Earlier at Maegor's Holdfast, Jamie had hurriedly left to avoid Cersei's seduction, forgetting his purse.

Jamie looked slightly embarrassed, "Ahem, you know, a Lannister always pays his debts."



Afternoon, the Tower of the Hand.

Gallen, about to enter the Tower of the Hand, suddenly halted, looking in the direction of the throne room.

He saw Lancel hiding behind a tree, staring at him motionlessly.

The sun was dazzling, and Gallen squinted slightly.

The blazing sun, a cloudless sky, and not a breath of wind made the air seem stagnant.

Gallen nonchalantly withdrew his gaze, resumed walking, and entered the Tower of the Hand.

As Gallen crossed the hall, he noticed Varys, the Master of Whisperers, approaching him.

Gallen nodded in greeting but did not stop.

With his hands clasped, Varys also nodded slightly and continued walking.

As they passed each other, Varys's lips moved slightly.

Gallen's ears twitched, catching Varys's low voice: "Beware of the shadows."

Would it kill him to say a few more words?

Gallen hated riddles, unless their roles were reversed.

Gallen's mind stirred, connecting Lancel's unusual behavior with Varys's warning.

Gallen began ascending the stairs.
