
The A-1 class

(Teachers' view. One month before April)

In the tower where the pro heroes are, there is a panel showing the scores of people who passed the U.A. exam.

The panel shows Saito Midoriya's name with 140 points in first place and Bakugou's name with 70 points in second place.

???: I'm impressed with this boy who got 140 points by combining the points he acquired in redemption.

???2: This boy didn't take the villains seriously at all, it's very obvious that he could have a lot more points than he has now. What surprises me is the fact that he helped the other competitors instead of getting points.

???3:That's the greatest display of humility I've ever seen. I'm excited to see his potential.

???4:We can't forget his twin brother.

The panel shows Isuku Midoriya's name in 7th place with 60 redemption points.

???: The boy with 0 points in villains and 70 in rescue and that made him rise in rank.

???2: There have been other examiners in the past who have dealt with the large targets, it's been a long time since I've seen one taken down by a punch.

??? 5: But after that he ended up getting really injured in the process and he almost died if his brother hadn't rescued him. It seems like he has just awakened his power.

Behind the teachers, a hero named Aizawa is listening to them with a neutral expression but focused on the panel.



Inko:Izuku, Saito, do you have your tissues?

Izuku:Yes mom.

Inko:The notebooks, didn't you forget the notebooks?

Saito:Yes ma'am Inko, we haven't forgotten.

Izuku:We have to go or we'll be late!

Inko: Izuku, Saito!


Inko:You guys look really cool.

Izuku was surprised by what he heard from his mother and I just looked normal.

After saying goodbye to Inko I started flying to the academy taking my brother with me.

Now we're walking down the gym corridor looking for our room, I already know which one but Izuku doesn't.

Izuku:Class A-1....Class A-1.....This place is really big!

Saito: Calm down Deku, we're coming.

As I said, we arrived at the door to our room and as expected, the door to the room is quite large.

Izuku: I hope the people I'm thinking of aren't in this room.

💭Not today Deku.

When Deku opened the door he saw Ida and Bakugou arguing they stopped when they both saw us, before Deku said anything, Mina got up from the table and looked at me with a smile.

Mina:So you passed and you're still in my room, how incredible!

Saito: Hi? You are.....

💭Well, I already know your name, I'm just asking so I don't get suspicious.

Mina:I'm Mina Ashido. I'm happy that you managed to pass, I wouldn't be happy with myself knowing that you didn't pass.

💭Really? I don't remember influencing you enough to feel that way.

Saito: I'm Saito Midoriya this here is my younger twin brother Izuku Midoriya.

Mina: Hello Izuku-kun!


At the same time Ida came to us and introduced herself and he apologized to Deku about the exam and Uraraka appeared behind Deku, I had already entered the room and now I'm talking to Ashido.

Saito: So your quirk releases acidic liquid into your body?

Mina:Yes! Even my sweat can become acidic too.

Saito:Wait a minute. So are you trying to say that any liquid in your body is acidic?

Due to my direct question Mina turned red and was surprised to hear what I said, I don't know why she was like that, it was just a normal question.

Mina *red*:No! No. I didn't mean that, it's just my sweat that can become acidic.

Saito: And your saliva? Is it also acidic?

Mina *red*:I don't know!

💭How do you not know girl?! It's your quirk! Because if you kiss someone, you're going to end up with the poor guy's mouth.

Before I could speak, Professor Aizawa appeared and like in the story he sent everyone to the field with their uniforms.

What happened in the field I can easily tell you by narration.

Aizawa, being the son of a bitch teacher, threatened to expel the students who came in last place in their scores in the physical tests,of course they can use quirk but Izuku was left shaking with fear.

Obviously Aizawa's threat was a bluff but the vast majority of students fell for the bluff.

You must be curious to know how I do in the tests, right? If you're not, I'll tell you anyway!

I broke the machines.....I'm not kidding, I ruined the entire test, I'll tell you what happened.

Test 1: 50m run.

It happened normally as in the original story but when I, Izuku and Bakugou arrived, things changed.

💭How do I do it, do I fly or go the normal way? I'll go the normal way.

Me, Izuku and Bakugou got into position and when the machine gave the signal I was already at the finish line.

Machine:0.1 seconds.

All:Nani!?!?!?!?!?!! 0.1 seconds!?!?!?!?!

Saito: I'm surprised I didn't break the ground.

Mina: Saito how fast are you?

Saito: I don't know.

Everyone: What do you mean you don't know?!

Test 2:Strength test.

I broke the machine into pieces.

Test 3: Long jump.

I jumped and when I fell into the sand I made a giant, very deep crater.


Test 4: Repetitive lateral jump.

I was so fast that I made a post-image of myself leaving everyone shocked. Oh, I broke the machine again.

Test 5: Ball throw.

Uraraka and I got infinity in the result.

It's Deku's turn and Aizawa erased Deku's quirk before he could use it and he gave his speech (scolding) to Deku and then he released him to try again.

Not wanting to do nothing, I decided to give Deku a hand.

Saito:Izuku thinks from another angle! For other ways to use your power, think outside the box!

Izuku looked at me with a confused face until he understood what I was saying and he let out a smile of gratitude.

Izuku: Thanks brother!

Like what happened originally Izuku managed to throw the ball without hurting his entire arm just his finger and Aizawa was impressed.

💭It's good to see Izuku's progress up close, much better than on TV.

But obviously, even though everyone is impressed by what Deku did, there is one person who is not happy at all and that is Bakugou.

Bakugou:Me! Tell me what's going on, you bastard!

Before Aizawa could stop him, I already did it faster than him. Everyone is surprised to see me with an outstretched arm and a green aura on my body and my eyes are shining, but my expression is not happy at all.

Saito:I ask you to shut up Bakugou or do you want me to do it for you? Stop crying and wailing because of what my brother did. About my brother's quirk, that doesn't interest you and he has no reason to tell you, if I see you bullying again like you did at school, I'll personally put you in the infirmary! And not even Recovery Girl will be able to heal your injuries!

Everyone was scared by what I said, even Bakugou was scared, I'm fed up with Bakugou even though I watch the anime and the manga, I know the author wants him to change over time, but for me I'll never like him. Bakugou until he shows that he is truly sorry for what he did to Izuku throughout his life. Screw Bakugou's fan motives, this guy really pisses me off.

(A/N:I wrote this before Bakugou apologized for what he did to Izuku.)

I also noticed that Aizawa tried to nullify my power, I felt myself losing my concentration a little but I still continued to hold Bakugou tight.

💭I'm sorry Aizawa but you have to try harder, If you want me to stop.

Obviously Izuku being the protagonist spoke to me via telepathy.

Izuku:"Brother, let go of Kaa-chan, I think he already understands."

Saito: "You're very soft on him, you know?"

Izuku:"I know, but I still ask you to let him go."

Saito:"Okay. But if he bothers you again, don't come crying in my ear."

I release Bakugou and move away from the group a little, to my surprise Mina came to me walking cautiously.

Mina:Ehhhh are you still mad Saito?

Saito *sigh*:I'm not anymore.

Mina:What was that? It's the first time I see you lose your temper like that?

Saito: I just can't stand Bakugou, I know my brother still considers him a friend even after he did *sigh* he's really soft-hearted.

Mina: I think he's not the only one with a soft heart.

Saito:What did you say?


Saito: Let's go back Mina, we have more tests to do.

Mina: Everything I ask of you, not to break break things.

Saito:Hehehe I don't promise anything.

To be continued.....
