

At home, Ren was scrolling through short video apps.

When he saw two specific videos, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jada asked curiously as she walked over with the baby in her arms, Yueyue following close behind. She sat next to Ren, looking at him with interest.

"Ah, nothing much. Just these videos cracked me up," Ren said, snuggling closer to Jada and showing her his phone. "Look at this—people are still calling Ultraman 'Diga.' And this one…"

He paused, swiping the screen. "These two thieves broke into a toy store. They didn't take much, but they grabbed an Ultraman toy, saying they never had one and it looked fun to play with."

Hearing this, Jada leaned in closer, watching the video before chuckling along with him.

"But by the way, isn't one of your new works not doing so well?" Jada asked, a bit concerned as she glanced at Ren.

"Yeah, that's true, but it's not surprising."

Even though Railgun had done better in TV adaptation compared to Index, Ren knew it had its limitations. Railgun was a spin-off of Index, and its success in the previous world was largely due to Index's popularity.

In the early stages, the slice-of-life aspects of Railgun might be a turn-off for readers who weren't already fans of Index or who didn't enjoy slice-of-life stories. Without the foundation of IndexRailgun was starting from scratch in this world, so a slow start was expected.

Plus, Railgun leaned toward light yuri themes. Many male readers preferred stories with a male protagonist interacting with female characters. Ren himself wasn't interested in light yuri at first until he watched K-On! and became more open to the genre.

So, everything was going according to plan. With two chapters released every week, it wouldn't be long before the story reached its exciting parts.

"That's good to hear," Jada said, feeling reassured by Ren's confidence.

"What about you? How's work going at the company?" Ren asked.

"Things are going well at the office…"

As they chatted, Yueyue quietly sat next to her mom, puffing out her cheeks and blowing a bubble like a little goldfish, amusing her baby brother.

"Yah!" the baby exclaimed, noticing his sister's antics. Maybe he was trying to say "sister."

"Yah!" Yueyue echoed back, making the baby giggle even more.

The two siblings began babbling at each other in baby talk as if they were having a real conversation.

The baby had grown a lot since birth, no longer resembling a wrinkly little monkey but now a chubby, fair-skinned little bundle.

Suddenly, Yueyue sniffed the air, wrinkling her nose. "Mommy, Daddy, did one of you fart?"

Even though she asked both of them, her eyes were fixed on Ren, making him raise an eyebrow in annoyance. "Why do you always look at me when you ask that? Why not look at your mom… ouch…"

Before he could finish, Ren clutched his side, shooting a glance at Jada with a pout.

"Elementary, my dear Watson!" Ren declared, pretending to adjust invisible glasses. "The culprit is obvious!"

Following his gaze, the others looked at the baby.


The baby, sensing all eyes on him, looked curiously at his parents before turning his head side to side. As he moved, the smell grew stronger.

Sure enough, he had gone number two!

After a brief moment of chaos, Ren and Jada quickly changed the baby's diaper. The little one was soft and cooperative, making the task easier. Once he was clean and dressed, they placed him back on the sofa.

The baby started kicking his legs again, scrunching up his face as if he might cry at any moment.

Yueyue glanced at her mom busy in the bathroom and her dad, who was about to take out the trash, and shouted, "Daddy! The baby looks like he's about to cry!"

She didn't know how to handle the baby when he cried. The pacifier used to work, but now it didn't!

Ren, hearing this, glanced over from the door. "Just take the remote out from under him—it's poking him."

With that, Ren walked out to take out the trash.

Sure enough, when Yueyue checked under her brother, she found the remote. She tried to pull it out, but the baby was too heavy.

So, she gently nudged him to the side, naturally making him lie on his tummy.


The baby was surprised by this new position. He was usually held by his mom or lying on his back in his crib, so this was a new experience for him. After a moment of awkwardness, he decided it wasn't so bad and lifted his head.

Not only that, but he also pushed up with his little arms, raising his chest slightly off the sofa.


Yueyue, watching her brother's movements, was amazed. Like a child who had discovered a new toy, she shouted excitedly, "Mommy, Daddy! The baby's crawling!"


The baby, startled by his sister's loud voice, lost his balance and flopped back onto the sofa.

But he didn't cry this time. Although he couldn't lift himself up again, he kept his head up, looking at his sister with big, curious eyes.


At the same time, Ren and Jada, hearing Yueyue's shout, dropped what they were doing and rushed over.

"He's crawling?"

Their faces lit up with joy and surprise.


For 10 advance chapters: patreon.com/angelictranslating
