

In the evening...

"Yueyue, what's wrong? Why were you so upset when you came home?"

Ren went to his daughter's room to ask why she was so angry today.

"It's all your fault, Dad! I got scolded by the teacher because of you!!!"

Yueyue pouted and complained.

Scolded by the teacher? Because of him? Ren was puzzled and quickly asked, "What happened? I've never even met your new teacher. How could it be my fault?"

Feeling sad already, Yueyue's eyes reddened, and she sniffled. "Today, I got one question wrong on my homework, and the teacher scolded me and made me stand for a whole class! It's all because you didn't check it properly."

At this, Yueyue started to cry.

She had always done well in school, always getting gold stars and never being scolded by a teacher. But today, she not only got scolded but also punished. In her eyes, this made her feel like a bad child, and she blamed her dad for not checking her homework carefully.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Seeing how upset she was, Ren felt his heart ache. He wiped away her tears and started to get angry himself. 

What kind of teacher is this? The previous homeroom teacher never made parents check homework. This new teacher had set up a group chat, which Ren initially thought was for updating parents on their children's daily activities at school. Instead, it had turned into a task group, making parents correct homework.

At that moment, Ren's phone chimed with a notification. It was a message in the parents' group chat from the new homeroom teacher.

"Dear parents, the homework corrections have been reviewed. Four parents did not check their children's homework properly."

"@Yueyue's Father, @Zach's Father, @Yuli's Mother, @Bailey's Mother, do you know your children made mistakes in their homework? Out of more than fifty students, only your children made mistakes. What does this mean?"

"If you cooperate with us, we will pay more attention to your children. Do you think correcting homework is the teacher's job? Firstly, the teacher didn't ask for it. Secondly, the teacher corrects what they can. If you, as parents, don't care about your children, you're setting them up to fail. They won't even get into college at this rate!"

"What kind of talk is that, teacher? What do you mean by 'they won't get into college'?"

"Exactly, what do you mean by 'isn't it the teacher's job to correct homework?' Isn't that what teachers are supposed to do? The previous homeroom teacher never made us do this!"

"Parents don't know how to correct homework."

Several named parents immediately responded, arguing with the teacher.

Seeing this, Ren's anger flared even more. He sneered at his phone and quickly typed a response.

"What use are you?"

"If parents correct all the homework, and it's all perfect, how do you know what your students don't understand? How will you address these issues in class and help your students improve? This is just shirking responsibility!"

If Ren weren't a public figure, worried about his image, he would have already started a full-blown argument. The teacher's last comment about not getting into college, though not a direct insult, was a terrible thing to say to students. 

Every student goes to school hoping to get into college. How could a teacher curse them like this? Ren might have let it slide if his child had been misbehaving, but this was over a homework correction issue, and it was outrageous to Ren.

Homework is not just for children but also for teachers. It shows the children's learning progress and helps teachers understand where the students are struggling. If a lot of students make the same mistake, it indicates a teaching issue that needs to be addressed. 

Parents should supervise the completion of homework, but the actual correction should be done by teachers. With Ren leading the way, other parents also supported his stance.

"That's right!"

"Exactly! We never had to do this before; why do we have to now?"

However, Ren soon noticed he had been removed from the group chat.

He had enjoyed venting his frustrations in the group, but now he frowned. The teacher might take it out on Yueyue tomorrow. But then he thought, if the teacher really bullies her, he could always transfer Yueyue to another school.

Ren patted Yueyue's head and said softly, "If the teacher gives you trouble tomorrow, come home and tell me, okay?"



However, Ren didn't expect this minor issue to become a hot topic overnight.

Nowadays, everyone likes to post on social media. A parent in the group chat had shared Ren's argument with the teacher on their Moments, which quickly spread to platforms like Weibo.

In ancient times, people were most concerned about food, clothing, and shelter. While these topics remain important, education has become a critical issue today. 

The topic "Student's Parent Argues with Teacher and Gets Kicked Out of Group Chat" quickly shot to the top of trending topics.


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