
Bed Of Thorns

"Take ten," Theodore barked, his voice carrying a tone that brooked no argument.

Clyde immediately tossed a towel at Vyan, who collapsed onto the grass, looking thoroughly defeated. "Ugh," Vyan groaned, burying his face in the towel. "Another minute, and I swear my arms would have detached and walked off on their own."

"Guess Spencer is not around to save you, huh?" Clyde said with a grin, sitting down beside him. "Sir Theodore isn't big on mercy as usual."

"Spence is probably somewhere out there enjoying his family vacation while I am here being drilled into the ground." Vyan grumbled, his words muffled by the towel.

Clyde studied Vyan for a moment and then blurted out, "You look… different today."

"Different how?" Vyan muttered, emerging from his towel cocoon to wipe the sweat off his face. "Extra exhausted? Half-dead?"

"Nah, that is your usual look." Clyde squinted thoughtfully. "There is just something… something I can't put my finger on."
