
Counter Attack

When exactly 10 minutes had passed, they were teleported with a bright flash once again. Jack finally opened his eyes to find himself in a corridor. It looked like anything. The lights flickering on the walls and floor, along with the whole corridor being made out of pure steel, and the roof, which was completely made out of a material that was illuminating light, like mana crystals do,. 

As Jack saw all this, he heard Toki speak up, "So what's the plan again?" Dustin sighed before he spoke. "I'll need to touch one of the enemies, so toki, you are coming with me. Hana and Jack, Jack, you'll carry the bomb since you can run away the fastest. Hana, you'll be his backup; if things look bad, leave Hana and run." Hana was a bit reluctant to be a throwaway, but they couldn't expect Toki to do that. as she sighed and nodded along with everyone else. And so the teams were formed. 


Jack and Hana headed for the engine room. There was a blueprint in the hallway they spawned, telling them the location of the engine room. Meanwhile, Toki and Dustin headed straight for the closest bridge where they could meet their opponents. No one knew about Dustin's or Toki's skills yet, so it was fine with them holding the surprise factor.

As Dustin and Toki made their way towards the bridge, they came across multiple rooms. There was even a huge observatory from where Toki could see the stars. He almost cried watching them. They were so pretty; he was initially an astronomer, not as a job but as a hobby. A stargazer, the stars and beyond always interested him somehow, and seeing them in person was much cooler. 

Dustin was somehow able to drag toki out of the room but toki really wanted to come back and watch this. Meanwhile on the other side of the ship Hana and Jack have been making their way down the stairs into the engine room. "They should have given us actual laser guns; it would have set the mood right," Jack said, sighing. 

Hana looked at him and said, "Next, you'll want a lightsaber. Get your head in the game."

"A lightsaber would be pretty sick, though." He said this as he sighed and looked at what was inside the doors. Most of it was random shit, so he didn't bother checking all of them as he kept walking. 


After a bit, they finally arrived at the engine room with the bridge. There was a fall so deep that Jack couldn't even see the end of it. The engine core was right in the middle of the room, and there was a bridge connecting the engine and the hallway. Jack looked inside the room, but he saw nothing, so he and Hana walked to the engine core to set up the bomb.

Just as they were walking, Jack felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, only to see that he had been shot by an arrow. Hana was set up on high alert due to this, as both he and Jack hid behind the engine reactor core. This time Jack heard as another arrow came his way and pushed her down, avoiding it. 

Hana and Jack both noticed this time where the arrows came from. It was coming from the ceiling, where the man was standing upside down on the ceiling without any issue.

Jack didn't have much time, so he activated his card skill and watched it spin as it stopped on seven of the diamonds. He smiled as a barrier formed around them, and he slouched back. Hana was a bit confused but sighed, realizing what had happened. 

"Are you okay?" She asked him as he nodded and pulled out the arrow. This much was nothing; he just had to stop the blood loss. Jack thought he should just plant the bomb right now, but that won't be good. Just as he was thinking, he heard a familiar voice crying.


They all looked at the door as three people walked in carrying toki all tied up. "HELP ME, I AM TOO YOUNG AND TOO HANDSOME TO DIE." Both Jack and Hana were tempted to shoot that fucker themselves right then, but they kept their cool.

"You got them, captain?" The man on the roof said this as he jumped down onto the bridge as well. "Well, I got one; the other is dead. Motherfucker didn't know when to give up." The men only chuckled while the captain with blue hair turned to them and asked. 

"You have two choices: either give me the bomb or I'll let this guy go. Or we kill him, then you both. There's an obvious answer here."

Meanwhile, Toki kept shedding tears. "PLEASE, I AM TOO VIRGIN TO DIE ALSO." 

Jack nodded, and the answer was very obvious: let them kill Toki till his card time is recharged, then hit them as a giant. It won't be that big of an issue. But before he could speak, Hana was the one to speak up. "We give up."

Jack looked at her with a surprised face. "We do?"

Toki, who was tied up and hanging mid-air, was more surprised. "You do?"
