

Chapter 28


Vince and Rena gritted their teeth as they skid back a few inches from the force of the impact of their weapons colliding with each other.

The two charged at each other leaving a small trail of their senjutsu and lightning aura respectively. Vince swung his scythe down while Rena gracefully moved to the left and thrusted her rapier into his torso. He winced in pain as he felt the weapon pierce through his skin. Vince however grabbed on to the rapier with his hand, despite it cutting through his aura and his skin. He quickly pointed his scythe at Rena's face. "Now!"

Rena's eyes widened as he blasted Rena into the barrier with a water beam. Vince pulled the rapier out of his torso and tossed it like boomerang, aimed towards her chest. Rena shook her head as she got up from the barrier and saw her rapier headed towards her. Thinking quickly she kicked the rapier into the ground with her leg and picked up it from the ground. Rena quickly rolled out of the way as Vince sent multiple water spheres after her, she saw herself surrounded by water spheres and backflipped over them. She quickly slashed right through the water spheres making them splash into the ground.

Vince smirked and flicked his fingers, multiple water chains shot out from the water that splashed into the ground and grabbed her. Rena frowned and destroyed the chains by kicking right through them. She dashed towards Vince and slashed him, Rena followed up with a roundhouse kick that in the stomach sent him flying. "Not bad Vince. You definitely haven't been slacking. But I haven't either!"

Vince grunted in pain from slamming his back into the barrier. He coughed up blood and wiped it with his hand. "Troublesome blonde..."

He gripped his scythe and the energy blade changed from water to lightning. Vince ran towards Rena and swung his scythe at her. She quickly ducked underneath the blade however her eyes widened as he stopped at the last second and quickly slashed her into the air with the scythe. "Gotcha."

Vince smirked as he created multiple lightning spheres around his scythe and sent it towards her with a swing of his scythe. "Take this!"

Rena shouted in pain as the multiple lightning spheres crashed into her. Vince swiftly jumped into the air and hooked her body near the edge of the blade and with a mighty pull he slammed her into the ground using the momentum from the scythe.

He landed on the ground with his knee on the ground, slightly out of breath as the blood from his wounds stained his school uniform red.

Rena sighed for a moment before getting up on her own. Having multiple bruises on her body she held on to her rapier as one of her hands rubbed against the left side of her back in pain. "You're still really brutal in a fight you know?"

"Says the one that shoved a rapier into my body more than once." He replied flatly.

"So are we still doing the usual wager?" Rena asked curiously.


Rena rolled her eyes and she pointed her rapier at Vince before dashing towards him. Vince held his scythe with both of his hands and also charged at her. He swung his scythe at her but she parried with her rapier. Rena adjusted the positioning of her rapier and thrusted into his stomach but to her surprise he let go off the scythe with on of his hands and caught the rapier with his other hand.

"Nice try." Despite the blood coming from his hand from holding the sharp weapon that pierced his skin. Vince gripped it tightly as he started channeling electricity through her body, using the rapier as a lightning rod. Rena gritted her teeth in pain but twisted her rapier in his hand forcing him to let go. She then repeatedly slashed him multiple times throughout his body before kicking him away in the stomach.

Rena jumped back a certain distance and held her leg in pain while Vince moved his arm despite him bleeding. "Even with Touki, that still hurted."

"The same could be said about me and my lightning." Vince commented as winced in pain.

"Well, you have had spars with me for over a year. So you would know how to get around Touki. You always did cover yourself in a lightning or a water aura." She remarked.

"That's because you always used Touki against me." He countered.

"It wasn't that bad." Rena replied.

Vince bit back a sarcastic retort and examined the aura around Rena's body. (The Touki, Rena uses is even more powerful than before. She defintely hasn't been slacking. Just like back then, beating Rena would be next to impossible for me without doing something similar to her Touki. Because of that I had to learn how to use a similar method to how Rena uses Touki with my water and lighting magic. Rena can keep up with my speed even though I increased mine, I guess she realized how slow she was compared to me. I'm actually surprised she can keep up with me. Well, since she has Touki on I'm pretty sure can take what I'm about to do next.)

Rena noticed Vince standing still and took the opportunity to leap towards him with her rapier. She gave short thrust to his chest however to her surprise and everyone else's he jumped over the rapier thrust and jabbed her in the stomach with the handle of his scythe and following up with a electrical palm thrust into the stomach sending her into the ground. "Back off!"

Rena rubbed her stomach and got up she picked up her rapier and looked at Vince who was currently deep in thought. (That attack hurted. I would have been able to take that if he didn't have that lightning aura around him. Vince did that to so he can attack through my Touki. At least he didn't use water to make an aura around him. The pressurized water attacks would have been more painful.)

She noticed Vince jumping back and he pointed his scythe at her and went into a small stance. Her eyes widened and she started running to him as fast as she could. (Oh man. If that's what I think it is, I better stop him now before he uses it!)

"Thunderstorm!" Vince fired multiple small salvos of electrical bursts from his weapon at Rena which homed in on her and upon contact released bursts of electricity that violently shocked her.

"Guh!" Rena's body shook in pain as she was constantly bombarbed by the small salvos, Vince continued to launch at her.

"Take that!" He then twirled his scythe and launched another round of salvos at Rena, further shocking her.

"That's enough!" Despite grimacing in pain from the shocks she received, Rena leapt towards Vince with her rapier multiple times before quickly thrusting right into his stomach.

"Urgh!" Despite the bleeding Vince twirled his scythe and jabbed Rena's stomach with the handle of his scythe. Rena coughed up blood from the force of the attack and quickly took her rapier out of his stomach before jumping away from him. Vince held on to his wounds breathing heavily. Rena also breathed heavily as she rubbed her stomach.

Vince and Rena shrugged off their wounds quickly due to the Touki and lightning aura respectively. Without warning the two with their weapons in hand, leapt towards each other.

Outside of the barrier, Kasumi along with Akari and Rias looked worried at wounds Vince received as Issei and Saji stared at Rena.

Kiba and Koneko on the other hand had their stared intently at the fight between the two.

"Vince has been keeping quite a few secrets from us especially when it comes to his abilities." Rias commented with a frown.

"Given how Vince wants to avoid showcasing his abilities I can see why. If any of the other high-class devils saw his abilities they would try to recruit him quickly." Sona stated.

"True. And that's not counting his holy-sword and his demon-sword." Rias added.

"Vince-kun, would most likely disagree to join a peerage the moment someone asked." Kiba said.

"Why would Vince-san do that?" Tsubaki asked raising an eyebrow.

"I asked Vince about that." Everyone turned to Akari as she spoke. "He said that the extra power you get from an Evil Piece isn't worth it because of the lack of freedom."

"But with being a servant Vince will have a longer lifespan and when he reaches the status of a high-class devil he can have his own peerage." Rias answered.

"You know Vince doesn't care about that especially with having a peerage." Kasumi countered.

"But why doesn't want a harem?!" Issei shouted with a surprised look.

Rias, Akari and Kasumi slightly winced at the reminder as Kasumi smiled sadly. "Vince doesn't have a very good opinion about harems and would prefer to stay in a monogamous relationship or single."

"Eh, why?" He asked sounding confused.

"That's a personal question, Issei." Akari spoke sighing.

Issei looked confused as Kiba tapped his shoulder and shook his head. The rest then turned towards the inside of the barrier and their eyes widened.

Akeno licked her lips with a small blush as she stared at Vince. "Ara ara, Vince-kun sure knows what he's doing. I wonder if he'll teach me a few things especially on how to make those projectiles. I could teach a lot of lessons to various people, all at once."

"Akeno..." Rias spoke in a warning tone.

Issei suddenly paled as the other members of the ORC looked concerned at the thought of Akeno learning that attack.

"Wow, Vince-chan is stronger than I thought and Rena-chan isn't too shabby either." Serafall said appearing in front of them.

"O-Onee-sama, what are you doing here?" Sona asked sounding completely surprised.

"Hi So-tan!" Serafall hugged Sona much to her ire, "I'm looking Vince-chan's spar. Venelana-chan told me and Sirzechs-chan about it. He wanted to see the spar to but Grayfia-chan dragged him away. So Sirzechs-chan asked me to come here to record the match for him!"

"Okaa-sama and Onii-sama..." Rias muttered shaking her head.

Inside of the barrier the field was almost completely destroyed with both Vince and Rena having various cuts and bruises to their clothes and body. They stood across from each other with smirks.

"Just like old times, right Rena?" Vince asked looking at her.

"Yeah. You were one of the few people that I liked sparing against." She remarked.

"Sparing with you is a bit annoying because I have to actually try. But it's not all that bad it does have it's benefits." He admitted.

"Really? Like what?" Rena asked raising an eyebrow.

"I can see some more skin with your clothes being ripped from the spar." Vince replied shrugging.

She shook her head in disbelief but had a barely noticeable smile. "You pervert. Out of all the things to say, you say something that?"

"You're one to talk. You've been glancing at my ripped clothes and you invited me to go skinny dipping at night." He said flatly.

Rena blushed and both she along with Vince felt some killing intent from outside of the barrier. They both shrugged, not really caring. She held her rapier and went into a stance. "That's enough talk, let's go back to the spar."

Vince sighed and held his scythe out. "Form change."

The energy blade of the scythe disappeared along with the water-like aura as the spearhead pivoted back into place from it's 90 degree angle, the staff now resembling a spear.

Rena's eyes narrowed as she quickly charged at Vince with her rapier in hand. (I can't let Vince use his staff. It will cause a lot of problems -!)

She saw a magic circle right underneath her and jumped away as a water chain shot out of it and nearly caught her leg. Her eyes widened as she multiple magic circles around her. Multiple water and lighting chains shot out of the magic circle as it tried to bind her. She backflipped to gain some distance. Rena brought her rapier up and with one well placed swing she slashed through all of the chains that were headed for her. (So that's why Vince started that conversation a few moments ago. He was setting up multiple traps for me so I would stay a certain distance. He hardly ever wasted an opportunity in a fight.)

Rena winced as she felt a pulse of senjutsu go throughout her body. (I'll have to stop using senjutsu. It's starting to affect me and my rapier can only help me so much.)

She took a deep breath and exhaled as the aura that enveloped her body disappeared. Rena pointed her rapier at him. "Wind!"

A powerful gust of wind came out of the rapier and slammed into Vince sending him flying into the barrier. He gritted his teeth in pain and slowly got up. (I'm going to feel that one later on. Since Rena is using magic now and her Touki is gone then that means she can't use Senjutsu for a while which is fine by me.)

Rena pointed her rapier at him and continued to release powerful gusts of wind from it. Vince started to roll out of the way of the attacks and continued to repeat it as Rena continued to rapidly fire wind gusts at him.

Vince grunted in pain as he felt one of the gusts of wind cut into his leg, bleeding profusely. He then pointed his staff at Rena directly and smirked. "See ya."

A large blast of water came out of the tip of the staff and painfully blasted Rena into the barrier. Not being done just yet, he fired multiple lightning bolts at her from his staff immediately after she was sent into the barrier.

Rena, quickly seeing the lightning salvos headed right towards her, quickly brought up her rapier and spoke. "Defense!"

A wind barrier covered her body right at the nick of time as the lightning bolts collided with the wind barrier, destroying it.

Rena frowned as she was currently on the defensive from evading Vince's water blasts. Upon seeing a hidden lightning bolt right behind the water blasts she narrowly avoided it by cartwheeling out of the way.

"Water!" Vince shot out a water bullets from his staff while Rena avoided most of them by repeatedly cartwheeling out of the way, her stomach got grazed by one of them.

She flinched in pain but got in range in front of Vince and pointed her rapier at him. "Light!"

A sphere of light shot out of the tip of her rapier and rammed into Vince's stomach, sending him flying.

"Aaargh!" Vince planted the spearhead of his staff into the ground to prevent himself from being sent further. He took his staff out of the ground and brought it up to block a quick thrust aimed at his arm, from her.

He swung his staff at Rena to which she dodged by moving her body to the side and countering with a series of well placed slashes to his body.


Rena then tried to swiftly slash Vince in the chest but he brought his staff to block the attack. The two weapons clashed and they tried to overpower the other by pushing through with their weapons. Vince however smirked and at the last second let go, causing Rena to stumble forward. He then whacked Rena across the ribcage with enough force to send her into the barrier wall.

"Haaaaa..." Vince's staff glowed a blueish-white color as he raised it into the air. A maelstrom formed a above the tip of the spearhead. The size of the maelstrom easily took up most of the space within the barrier, Vince then tossed the maelstrom at her.

Rena's eyes widened greatly upon seeing the attack headed right for her. Her eyes widened greatly she got up and tried to get away but couldn't as the powerful maelstrom sucked her in. The maelstrom begun to spin violently, tossing Rena around like a rag doll. She gasped for air as she tried not to be sucked in. Rena pointed her rapier and fired a beam of light from it, blasting Vince in stomach.

Vince gasped in pain as he felt the beam ram into his stomach. He then dispersed the maelstrom suddenly, which cause Rena to fall face first into the ground. The entire field was covered in water as a result.

Rena coughed violently and got up as she felt her chest pounding. (That was way too close. Vince's Maelstrom is definitely more powerful than before.)

"Light!" Rena started twirling on the spot while shooting many orbs of white light, all headed towards Vince.

His eye twitched to for a moment upon noticing Saji and Issei looking more closely at Rena's skirt and wet body. He made a mental note to tell Rena later. Vince brought up his staff and started to knock away the orbs of light with his staff into the barrier, which caused further cracks due to the intensity of the attack. (Great. She just had to use that spell of hers.)

As Rena continued to twirl, her spinning became more elegant and the speed the orbs of light continued to shoot out increased greatly at a rate Vince could barely keep up with. Eventually he started get hit by the orbs of light and started getting completely bombarded by it. Vince shouted in pain as he continued to get blasted by the orbs of light.

Rena stopped twirling and without a moment's notice she pointed her rapier at him. "Wind!"

A whirlwind appeared beneath him and lifted him high into the air. Wind expelled from Rena's rapier as she moved the rapier around along with the whirlwind which continued to violently twist Vince around. She immediately stopped using her rapier and the whirlwind around Vince dispelled, dropping him face first into the ground.

He groaned in pain but made a water tendril that appeared underneath Rena and grabbed her leg. She tried to slice off the tendril but another grew and grabbed her other leg. The two tendrils then slammed Rena into the barrier, causing her to also groan in pain.

Vince got up stumbling and slightly groggy, he shook his head and decided to charge towards Rena slightly surprising her. He swung his staff at her to which she parried with her rapier but skidded a few centimeters due to the impact of the hit. Vince pointed his index finger and fired a lightning bolt from his finger tip.

Rena's eyes narrowed before she stopped clashing her rapier with Vince's staff and jumped away to avoid the lightning bolt.

Vince closely examined Rena despite her staring still and breathing heavily. (Damn, I hate that I thought that would get her. Rena looks really exhausted. Then again I probably look the same. She did use two of most powerful spells her light spell, Lightbloom and her wind spell, Tornado. Those two spells are painful to experience. Rena's magic is a pretty painful experience. Her father didn't cut any corners when teaching her.)

(I have a little bit of energy left for one attack. I have enough for my spell, Thunderstorm. I better not waste it.) He gripped his staff tightly upon seeing Rena gripping her weapon tightly.

"C'mon!" Vince fired multiple small salvos of electrical bursts from his staff at Rena to which quickly homed in on her.

"Here goes!" Once again, Rena started twirling on the spot while shooting many orbs of white light, all headed towards Vince.

The electrical salvo violently clashed with the orbs of light creating mini explosions due to the intensity of the two attacks clashing. The two continued firing their respective attacks at each other. Both salvos and orbs of light continued to cause mini explosions all over of the field.

Eventually with in the struggle between the two attacks a stray salvo crashed into Rena at the same a stray light orb rammed into the Vince. The two were sent flying back as a result.

Vince dropped his staff as Rena dropped her rapier. He struggled to get up as she did the same. But the two fell to the ground, completely bruised and battered all over their bodies. Vince then took a glance at Rena. "...Want to call it a draw?"

"Y-Yeah, I can't fight anymore." She answered tiredly.

"Good. 'Cause I feel the same way. You battle crazy elf." He replied chuckling a little.

A tickmark appeared on Rena as she glanced at Vince with an annoyed look. "Shut up. You're lucky I can't kick you right now."

"Lucky me." He replied sarcastically.

Vince channeled lightning into his body and slowly got up. He turned around and saw the barrier disappeared. He shook his head and turned to Rena. "Do you have another elixir?"

"Yeah, it's in my backpack. You mind getting it?" She asked slowly getting up from the ground.

"I don't. C'mon." Vince held on to Rena's waist and slowly helped her up, causing her to blush. "You know, Issei and Saji stared at you when you were doing your Lightbloom spell."

"That's was a great match Vince-chan!" Serafall said walking towards him.

Vince's eye twitched as soon as he heard Serafall's voice. (Why me?)

"Neh, Vince-chan do you want join my peerage?" Serafall said taking out an evil piece, shocking everyone with the exception of Vince.

(I can't try out a theory I have with Angel/Devil because I still have to wait before I can use it again.) Vince crossed his arms and frowned as he looked her. "No thanks."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock and Serafall looked surprised. "Eh!? Why?!"

"Becoming a servant in exchange for power isn't worth it." He answered with a shrug.

"But there's more to it than that Vince-chan. You'll also have a longer lifespan and when you reach the status of High-Class Devil you can have your own peerage. With your skills and abilities I think you'll be a High-Class Devil very quickly. Not to mention, I'm a Maou so you'll already be treated well." Serafall explained.

"I see. Well, regardless I'll pass on the offer Leviathan." He replied surprising everyone. "The lack of freedom isn't worth it."

"Pleaseeee! Vince-chan! I want you to join my peerage." Serafall asked pouting, bending herself slightly to give Vince a better view of her breasts.

Vince glanced at her breasts for a moment before rolling his eyes. "The answer is still no."

He walked Rena towards her backpack and two sat down on the ground, ignoring Serafall's outburst. Rena quickly went into her backpack and pulled out a small vial.

"So... Do you want me to have Serafall ask you to join instead?" Vince whispered to her.

"Do it and I'll drink the entire elixir." She whispered harshly.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Rena smiled and drank half off the elixir, to almost everyone's surprise most of her wounds healed. She gave the vial to Vince and he quickly drank the other half.

Most of Vince's wounds healed and he turned to Rena. "This pretty much counts as an indirect kiss since our lips were touching the bottle."

Rena blushed while Rias, Akeno, Akari and Kasumi looked livid. They released killing intent to which Vince smirked. "That reminds me Rena. Remember what you said you're going to do?"

"I haven't forgotten." Rena got up and dusted herself. She turned to Issei and Saji with a dark glare that surprised and scared them.

"You two will pay for looking at me lewdly." Without warning Rena kicked both Issei and Saji away in the stomach, slamming them into the school building.

Issei and Saji groaned in pain while the others looked relatively looked surprised with the exception of Koneko who nodded and Vince who continued to smirk. "So let me guess, you're not wearing a skirt for combat ever again unless you find something to cover?"

Nimura and Momo quickly went to Saji with worried looks while Asia quickly went to Issei's side with a worried expression, while Rena sat down next to Vince. "I would rather wear those battlesuits from the church than a skirt."

Vince paused for a moment and pictured Rena in the battlesuit Xenovia wears before blinking owlishly. "That's a sight I wouldn't mind seeing."

To his slight surprise however Rena smiled slyly and whispered into his ear. "I wouldn't mind wearing that just for you Vince."

A small blush appeared on his face and he quickly cleared his throat before anyone else noticed. (Seeing Rena in that would be something. Huh, and now I wonder how Gabriel would look like in that.)

"So Vince..." Rena started with a slightly curious look. "Our sparring match was a draw."

"I know. I didn't forget, though I was hoping I didn't lose." He replied frowning.

"Did you two make a bet?" Akari asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. When we spar we usually make a small bet. The winner can ask the loser any question and they have to be completely honest with their answer." Rena answered causing the others eyes to widen.

"But since it's a draw we can both ask each other any question." Vince added.

"Is that so." Sona stated raising an eyebrow.

Vince noticed the curious looks from Rias, Akeno, Kasumi and Akari. "We'll be asking each other in private."

"Why not?" Rias asked with an annoyed expression.

"Because it's private Rias." He replied frowning.

Kasumi and Akari nodded in understanding while Akeno lightly frowned. Not wanting to cause anymore tension Rena took out from her backpack a green crystal orb with a small chain connected to it. "Do you remember this Vince?"

Vince's eyes widened before he quickly went to his backpack that was next to Rena's and searched inside a small pocket in his backpack and pulled out a crystal orb identical to Rena's crystal orb but colored red. "Yeah, I do..." His expression turned melancholic and he gazed at his crystal orb, ignoring the looks he received from the others. (I wonder if I'll be able to make it through the treaty tomorrow. It's a shame I couldn't see Rossweisse before the meeting. I'll see her after the meeting with Rena as soon as possible.)

Rena sighed sadly and lightly shook him. "Vince, you don't have to worry. We'll visit her soon."

"I know." He noticed his weapon and Rena's weapon on the ground and sighed. Vince outstretched his hand and two water whips shot out of his hand and grabbed the weapons.

Rena grabbed her rapier from the water whip while Vince grabbed his weapon. She then glanced at the spearhead of Vince's staff. (Vince's weapon. ...Mother made that weapon for him when she found out about his problems with his Sacred Gear. It's a staff with a spearhead to confuse the enemy and to channel magic into it. It compresses Vince's magic to fire powerful water or lightning attacks. The spearhead also let's it change into a make-shift scythe for close combat. The staff was mainly created so Vince can properly learn how to channel his magic into his body without hurting himself or others unintentionally.

Rena's eyes went towards the entire staff. (Even without the help in control Vince's staff is powerful in it's own right, especially since it can handle all of the power Vince releases when his Sacred Gear when it's out of control. Mother really outdid herself with making that weapon, just like with my rapier. I can't believe Vince left it behind, it would have made the other battles Vince had up to now much more easier.)

While Rena was staring intently at his staff Vince did the same with Rena's rapier. (Rena's rapier is pretty unique now that I think about it. Her mom made it for her so it can help reduce the strain from the senjutsu she uses. The rapier takes in the senjutsu and uses it to enhance itself when she channels it, even if Rena can use senjutsu more safely because her mother is an elf because of her connection to nature it's still better to be safe than sorry. The rapier is also a pretty good magic conductor if I remember correctly. Rena's mom made it so she can use her magic more effectively. That weapon is pretty much the perfect fit for her. She can easily switch between senjutsu and magic. Her mom taught her senjutsu while her dad taught her magic.)

Kasumi smiled and pulled out a small necklace from her shirt in the shape of a moon. "It reminds me of what we got each other before I left."

"Yeah it does." Vince took out a small necklace from a small pocket from his backpack that's in the shape of a sun after placing his staff in a small paper seal that caused Rena to raise an eyebrow. He gazed at both the necklace and the crystal orb sadly. "...Brings back a few memories."

Akari gazed sadly to which Vince quickly noticed. He went into his backpack and pulled a small bag. "Akari. I forgot to give this to you."

A look of curiosity appeared on her face along with everyone else. She opened the bag and her eyes widened when she pulled out a small necklace in the shape of a star. "Vince... this is..."

"I got lucky finding that. I found out that's a matching set with the necklace Kasumi and I have." Vince explained.

Akari placed the necklace around her neck and walked up to Vince. To his surprise she leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "Thank you, Vince."

"Y-Yeah." He replied blushing a little.

Rena frowned a little before a look of realization appeared on her face. "Oh right. I almost forgot." She quickly went into her backpack and took out a small black box. Rena opened it and showed Vince a ring with an obsidian gem on it. "You forgot this at my home too, Vince."

Vince blinked owlishly as he picked up the ring. "Ugh. I was looking all over for that ring, thanks. Why didn't you give this to me earlier or used yours?"

"I was having so much fun I forgot to do that. I'm sorry." Rena admitted with a sheepish smile.

He sweatdropped at her reasoning but slipped the ring on his finger. Rias's eye twitched violently as she spoke up. "Is that an engagement ring?"

Rena lightly blushed while Vince snorted. "Not even. Rena's mother did that as a small joke. It's something Rena's parents made so we wouldn't destroy each others clothes in our spars. It also stores our weapons. But someone forgot to use it or remind me of it."

"I said I was sorry." Rena replied looking embarrassed.

"It's fine." Vince pressed the gem on his ring and the gem glowed, with the exception of Rena, everyone's eyes widened when his clothes glowed and a few moments later, Vince wore a black jacket with an unzipped, zipper and the collar colored red. Underneath this, he wore a plain high-necked black shirt with white sleeves, black pants and shoes colored in shades of grey and black. "Just like I remember it."

"Well, I guess it's my turn too." Rena took out a ring with an emerald green gem and pressed gem glowed also. Rena's clothes also glowed and within a few moments Rena now wore a black shoulder cape with green lines that ran down from the top to bottom on top of her white long-sleeved, button down shirt with a matching button-down corset, wearing a black leather skort with the back of it barely reaching the floor, being held up by two black ribbons that are tied on each side, black leather gloves and black and white shoes. "How do I look?"

"That's different from what I remember. Did your mom change the design again?" Vince asked looking surprised.

"Yeah, mother told me she thought it would be better to change the design to match the school colors. Though she did complain a lot about the colors being tacky." Rena remarked causing Vince to snicker.

"Tacky school uniforms...?" Rias spoke, her eye twitching violently.

Sona also gained an irritated expression from the remark but said nothing.

"So Vince, you still have to answer my question." Rena commented.

"Right now?"

"Yes." Issei and Saji got back up and stayed a certain distance away from Rena while Nimura and Momo stayed near Saji while Asia did the same with Issei.

Vince noticed everyone closely paying attention and sighed. "What's the question Rena?"

"Do you like her Vince?" She asked slightly surprising him.

Rias and Akeno along with Kasumi and Akari stared at Vince intently while he shrugged. "Yeah, she's our friend."

"Don't play dumb Vince, you know what I mean by that." Rena replied frowning.

"Alright, alright." He walked towards her and covered in his mouth while he whispered into her ear.

Rena's eyes widened while the others frowned from not being able to hear the answer. Vince then pulled back and smirked mischievously. "Your turn Rena. Our spar was a draw after all."

Rena looked mildly nervous before nodding. "What do you want to know Vince?"

"Your three sizes."


Everyone's eyes widened while Issei and Saji grinned. Rena blushed instinctively covered her chest. "W-Why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious. Besides, you made me answer an uncomfortable question so now it's your turn." He answered with a small shrug.

The blush on her face increased as she cleared her throat. "O-One hundred and five, fifty nine and eighty nine."

Both Issei and Saji gained a simultaneous nosebleed while Vince let out a low whistle. He then turned to Rias and Akeno and then to Kasumi and Akari. "So... Rena is bigger than you four."

Rias and Akeno looked annoyed at the comment while Kasumi and Akari gave Vince a bone chilling smile that cause Issei and Saji to pale considerably. He glanced towards Sona to which she noticed. "Definitely bigger."

Sona shot Vince a dark glare to which he responded looking at her with an amused smile.

"So Rena-san, your mother designs clothes?" Kiba asked trying to change the topic.

"Y-Yes. My mother is a fashion designer, that and it's a hobby of hers to make clothes." Rena answered with a nod.

Rias and Akeno had a look of jealously as soon as they noticed Vince taking a discrete glance at Rena's breasts. Akeno shook her head slightly and smiled. "Vince-kun, you were supposed to visit my place after school, remember?"

"...Huh? Oh, I haven't forgotten Akeno." He replied looking at her.

Akeno smiled and grabbed his arm, placing it in between her breasts, much to the ire of Vince's love interests and to Issei's ire. "Can you visit there in a few minutes?"

"Sure, I'll be going alone either way. I have a thing to do along way." Vince answered with a small shrug.

"What's the thing?" Rena asked curiously.

"It's a secret." Before anyone could respond, Vince sealed his staff in his ring and channeled lightning into his legs and ran away at speeds that nearly matched Kiba's.

Rias frowned and turned to Rena, Kasumi and Akari. "Is Vince always so secretive?"

"Usually." Kasumi answered sighing. "Vince just prefers to keep things to himself."

"Why? We can help him if he has problems." She retorted.

"Vince likes to be very independent Rias." Akari replied also sighing.

Rena then spoke up frowning slightly. "Not to mention he doesn't like relying on others unless it's necessary."

"That isn't a good habit for Vince-kun to have." Akeno commented.


Vince stopped running and walked casually to the outskirts of Kuoh. "Hey Yume. Are you up yet?"

After a moments of no response, Yume yawned loudly and opened her eyes sleepily. [Hey Vince. What happened?]

"Quite a few things. Are you okay though? Both of my Sacred Gears went out of control earlier." He said sounding slightly worried.

[I know. I had to reinforce the seal on Angel/Devil and redirect to Element Brand unfortunately. The power slipped out of the seal and I had to put it there so I could reinforce the seal so the stress on your body could be alleviated I'm sorry.] Yume explained apologetically.

"Well, I certainly felt it the power was quite a bit since the added power to Element Brand placed me in a bad position. I also can't use ice magic anymore, why is that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

A frown appeared on Yume's face. [Let me check. I'll find out in a few minutes also you should check Angel/Devil. The appearance of it has slowly and it just finished. I'll explain about that after I finish checking, Element Brand. Excuse me, Vince.]

Vince blinked owlishly before he checked his wrist. His eyes widened as soon as he saw the new appearance of his Sacred Gear. Half of the bracelet was colored pure white with a majestic angel wing, while the other half of the bracelet is colored pitch black with a demonic pitch black wing. "...Not bad."

Instead of waiting for Yume to come back Vince decided to go and take a shower. After a certain amount of time he came out of the shower, only wearing a towel. "Hey Yume, are you done yet?"

[Yes, I just finished.] She replied with a small nod.

"So what the hell happened?" Vince asked bluntly.

[The power that slipped out through the seal overpowered Element Brand and because of that it forced you to forget how to use ice magic due to the fact that it was an artificial element unlike your natural affinity to water and lightning. On the upside, Element Brand absorbed all of the energy that leaked out and became stronger as a result.] Yume explained seriously.

He crossed his arms and lightly frowned. "Huh... So what about Angel/Devil?"

She sighed tiredly and rubbed her temples. [The reason why Angel/Devil's seal weakened and the power leaked out is because it's been growing even stronger. It's recent change is proof of that the growth rate is faster than I originally thought. This is most likely because of Issei's Boosted Gear, remember when you helped Issei practice how to use his transfer ability?]

"Yeah, I do. How come?" Vince asked curiously.

[That affected Angel/Devil quite a bit. I had to strengthen the seal on it multiple times that day. It absorbed most, if not all of the energy you took in that day.] Yume explained as Vince nodded slowly.

His mind slowly drifted off as he gazed at Angel/Devil, recalling that time.


"Hey Vince." A voice called out.

"Hmm?" Vince turned to see Issei looking at him from the school hallway. "Something wrong Issei?"

"Yeah, can you help me train more with my Boosted Gear?" Issei asked.

Vince raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "You're asking me now?"

"I would asked earlier but you barely come to the club! By the way, Buchou and Akeno-san are kinda mad at that." He said smiling sheephisly.

"Meh. Well, what do you want to work on?" Vince questioned, leaning against the wall.

"I want to practice more on tranferring my power using my Boosted Gear." Issei answered causing Vince to blink.

"...That's unexpected. Let me guess, you're hoping you can somehow learn how to tranfer the power to a woman's breasts or something like that right?" Vince asked sarcastically.

"Hey! ...Wait that's actually not a bad idea. If I can do that to Buchou and Akeno-san..." Issei started grin perversely before Vince zapped him with a small bolt of lightning.


"Pay attention Issei. If you want my help then let's go to the gym right now." Vince stated as he walked away.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" Issei said walking faster.

After a few minutes of walking the two stood across the each other in the school gym. Vince then looked at Issei. "Take out your Boosted Gear, Issei."

"Right! Let's go Boosted Gear!" Issei exclaimed summoning his Sacred Gear.

Vince nodded as he saw the red gauntlet. "This is pretty simple but I want you to transfer your power to me and keep at it until you get a good understanding on how to do it. Alright?"

"Okay. But won't that hurt you Vince? You're a human..." Issei said sounding slightly worried.

"I'll be fine. My body is more durable than what people give credit for. Instead of giving an all out boost lessen the power you would normally give out. Only a quarter of a boost you would normally give." He answered crossing his arms.

Issei looked confused for a moment before nodding enthusiastically. "Okay!" He then pointed his gauntlet at Vince as it emitted a bright light. "Let's go!"


Vince clenched his hand as he felt a surge of power enter his body. "Not bad. Try again."



Vince grunted as he felt his body getting heavy. "Can you go again?"

"Yeah. ...Are you okay Vince?" Issei asked looking concerned.

"I'm fine. Do it again Issei." He responded.



He clenched his teeth as an overwhelming aura envelop him. After seeing Issei's worried expression Vince shook his head. "I'm okay Issei, just one more boost."

Issei nodded reluctantly and pointed his gauntlet at him. "Alright then...!"


Vince breathed heavily and got on one knee. (Sheesh. No wonder people release the stored power immediately. Just holding it in reminds me of my Sacred Gear going out of control.)

[You should be careful about transferring to much power to him partner, and Vince you shouldn't strain your body by holding in that much power. Release most of the power in between the transfers.] Ddraig warned.

"Okay Ddraig." Issei said nodding.

"Got it." Vince nodded and stretched his hand out. (I better use only a portion of that power.)

Vince's bracelet started to glow as the power started to slowly go away causing Issei to look surprised. "Huh? What happened? Where did the rest of that power go?"

[It's slowly disappearing...] Ddraig commented with a hint of surprise in his tone.

[That's because Vince's Sacred Gear is absorbing all of the remaining power.] Yume commented, surprising Issei.

[Really? How interesting.] Ddraig remarked.

Vince shot out a massive lightning bolt from his hand causing a loud explosion, Vince skidded back from the force of the attack and Issei's eyes widened as half of the gym was destroyed as a result.

He looked at Issei and shook his head. "Issei. Time for a new exercise. Use your Sacred Gear to only boost your speed and get the hell out of here before Rias or Sona come here."


"Later." Before Issei could give a proper response Vince channeled lightning in his legs and quickly got out of the gym as both Rias and Sona showed up.

"Issei. Do you mind explaining this?" Rias asked frowning.

"B-But I didn't do this!" Issei exclaimed.

Sona frowned and gave Issei a stern look. "We'll have to discuss about the damage you caused to school property."

Issei suddenly paled as he was dragged away by Rias and Sona, with Vince breathing a sigh of relief as he watched everything from behind the bleachers. (Issei should really learn how to react faster. Oh well, better him than me.)

"But I didn't do it!" Issei exclaimed as he tried to get away.

(Flashback End)

[You really should make it up to Issei for leaving to take the blame like that.] Yume said snapping Vince out of his thoughts.

"I know. I'll try to make it up to him." He replied sighing

(Now that I think about it. This is kind of having a domino effect with Ddraig's power. First Angel/Devil gets stronger and it goes out of control, then the leaking power is transferred to Element Brand to help alleviate the stress on it. But then it gets strong and grows out like Angel/Devil did.) Vince thought as he rubbed his temples.



[Are you going to practice your other form and Arondight again?] Yume asked curiously.

"If I get a chance to then yes. I have a good grasp what on it's abilities and the shortcomings of it. Makes me glad that my idea worked. It's kind of a shame that Arondight locks out Element Brand from being used." Vince mused.

[But at the very least, your physical abilities are increased by a good deal from it.] She said in a optimistic tone.

"Yeah. I kind of wish I tried that idea with Arondight and my angel form earlier. It would have given me more time for training." He commented shaking his head.

Yume gave Vince a reassuring smile. [It couldn't be helped. Besides you were trying to find a place to train with Arondight in private without anyone noticing the demonic aura Arondight gives off.]

"True. I can't say I'm not surprised I have that many restrictions when using that sword though. It is a demon-sword after all and it's mainly known to make people into a senseless berserker." Vince remarked.

[Yeah. Vince, are you comfortable with using that form in a real fight?] Yume questioned taking a glance at him.

"Yeah I don't mind. It's a little weird that I can't use any of those light spears but at least I get nice little ability in exchange. Besides, I can only use that form when I'm holding Arondight in my angel form and I can easily quit the transformation and stop using Arondight and go back into my angel form easily so it isn't permanent." He answered with a shrug.

[You know, a lot of angels would be a lot very jealous that you can easily do that.] She responded.

"That's not my problem. Besides, I don't see what's so bad about falling. I think my wings looks nicer in a darker color." Vince stated as he placed his hands in his pockets.


Author's Notes: Finally done with the chapter. It took a lot longer than I thought while I know I'm late on uploading I had a lot of trouble with the chapter because there was so much that I wrote and when I realized how much I wrote I had to splice it due to how long it was and then I had to do a lot of recheck everything to make sure the chapter came out right. Now for the explanations.

The main reason for the spar being so long was to show how Vince and Rena's spars were back then. I also wanted to show Rena's fighting style along with the spells she made along with Vince and the spells he has for his respective elements. I hope I was able to give a good enough description of the spells.

When I described Rena's outfit I did not leave a typo. For those of you who don't know skorts are essentially skirts with a pair of shorts hidden underneath, though most resemble a pair of shorts with a panel of fabric over the front.

I decided to put in write in what Rena thinks because I thought it would be nice to see what she thinks from her perspective that and I thought it fitted the situation very well. I won't write Rena's thoughts often though.

That's all I have to say for the explanations. The next chapter will come earlier compared to this one because most of it is already finished. I won't say much but I will say that the next chapter will have the treaty in it. I'm not stalling I do want to start it but I have a lot of loose ends to tie up before I do. Let me know what you think about the chapter and take care.
