
Show Us The Mark


"Did he?" Angelo sneers. "I'm here to prove today that Sasha tricked us all. He took us all for fools, hell, he even tricked his own father. The truth is with Mother and Jericho's help, he entered into a sham marriage just so he could deceive Father and the rest of us. Just so he could hijack me and take over as head of the Triple Triads."

The murmuring grows even louder.

"You are a shameless liar, Angelo. The lengths you'd go to lie are sick. You're the one trying to steal Sasha's rightful place."

"No. You're the liars. All of you."

Alessandro takes a step forward, sensing the exchange is about to heat up. "Angelo, your accusations are very dire. Are you sure of what you are saying? Can you prove your allegations?"

"Yes." He blurts out instantly.

"That's impossible, Angelo. You're lying and you know it."
