
Give Me The Knife


Listen to me, Dylan." I try to implore him but he looks like he's already lost control. "This is insane." My voice wobbles as I wrack my brain trying to figure out how I'm going to protect myself. He was right when he said running won't work. But I'll take my chances trying to run then end up dead in here, consequences be damned. Reasoning with him now seems futile. 

I don't know martial arts. Hand-to-hand combat isn't my specialty either and even if it was, I doubt I'd be in a position to execute it well. I feel like a drum. I'm not sure what to do now.

Dylan steps closer to me and I raise my fists as I step backwards to the doorway. Fear grips me in a chokehold at the raw hatred I see glowering in his eyes. This can't be happening. When I left the encampment, I knew my safety was guaranteed. Yet here I am about to be sliced and diced all because Sasha can't keep his cock in his pants.
