
Chapter 09 Edited

It has been a month since Peter and Gwen got their spider powers. Gwen has been doing vigilantism since she started but Ace felt instead of helping people. Gwen is doing this for the popularity and attention she has been getting. She also has been late multiple times in class which is concerning. Peter was surprised at first knowing Gwen was doing vigilantism as Spider-Woman, but he more or less supported her since she was helping people. Gwen wanted to invite Peter as well but he did not feel the need to since Gwen is already doing it. Peter is more focused on his life. Ever since he has gotten spider power. School life has been fun for him. He's been playing basketball and when Aunt May and Uncle Ben came to watch his games. He felt happy seeing how proud they are of him. Even some girls were interested in Peter now. But Ace, MJ, and Ned felt Peter was changing too much and were worried. He stopped paying attention in class and Ace noticed his grades were slipping. Gwen and Peter also hang out with Ace, MJ, and Ned less. Gwen doing vigilantism and Peter enjoying his new attention. As much as Ace likes to see their lives improve he feels the paths their taking seem to be wrong. They are just doing whatever they want and not taking their powers seriously.

In the cafeteria. Ace, MJ, and Ned were sitting together. Peter and MJ couldn't come because they were busy.

"Hey, do you think Gwen and Peter changed?" said MJ

"Yeah, ever since the field trip those two somehow… became more active?" said Ned

"They did not necessarily change. They just became more free. But they are doing whatever they want which is concerning." said Ace

"Yeah, I guess you're right. They seem to be happy and I want to support them but… They don't seem to be the Peter and Gwen that I know." said MJ worried about Gwen and Peter.

"Don't worry MJ I'll talk to them," Ace reassures MJ

"Thanks Ace…"

It was night and Ace was doing his usual patrol. He is a bit more distracted trying to think about what to say to Peter and Gwen. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a scream in an alley.

"Help! Please help!"

Ace rushed to the scene. It was a dead-end alley where he heard the scream coming from.

"Lady, are you okay… Huh?" Ace arrived but only to find nobody. He was sure he heard the screams were coming from here.

"We finally meet Rider."

Ace looked back and saw a beautiful red-haired woman with a black skin-tight suit. Ace now realizes what the situation is. It was a trap to lure him in.

"Black Widow, it is nice to meet one of the Avengers," said Ace

"I'm surprised you know me. Most people don't remember me," said Natasha

"Is that sarcasm? With your looks, how could somebody forget you? What does SHIELD want with me?"

"I'm glad we are getting right to the point. SHIELD wants to recruit you. Even to make you an Avenger." Natasha examined Ace and did not let him out of her sight. She has seen his files and won't underestimate him.

"Thank you for the offer but I must decline." Ace does not want to join the Avengers for now at least. It would limit his activities and there will be a high chance for them to figure out his identity.

"Are you sure? By joining us you could do more good. You will be saving more people and protecting the world. The world needs more people like you."

"That sounds nice but I still would like to decline. Joining the Avengers would limit my activities and risk my identity. Since your boss likes to snoop around where he doesn't belong."

"That's just his job. He likes to keep a lookout for potential threats…" Natasha emphasizes the last bit.

"And I don't blame him for that. But my answer won't change."

"You said you won't join because it would limit your activities and risk your identity but that is not the main reason why you don't want to join isn't it?"

Ace only remains silent which gives Natasha the confirmation she needs.

"Can I ask you why you won't join SHIELD or the Avengers?" Natasha was confused about Ace not joining the Avengers. She has been observing him for a while now and knows he is a good person and wants to help people.

"The Avengers is an organization that handles global threats. I would not mind helping if the Avengers request my assistance but you ignore the small things. Crime occurs every day in this country and the Avengers won't deal with them. Not actively at least. I want to help the people who face these crimes every day. The world is getting crazier with new more super-powered individuals appearing each day and aliens coming down to Earth. The police can't handle them but I can. I have the power to do so."

"I see… you do have a point." Natasha could see this happening. New super-powered people have appeared in the last few years. It has been increasingly difficult to stop each time.

"And one more thing." Natasha focuses on Ace's last reason.

"I don't trust SHIELD all too much and not because they tried to hack me."

"What do you mean by that?" Natasha asked

"Let's just say I have intel that SHIELD is compromised."

Natasha became alarmed. What did he mean SHIELD was compromised?

"Elaborate on that."

"Why should I, for all I know you are part of the reason I don't trust SHIELD." Although Ace is sure Black Widow is not part of Hydra. He could not take any chances. There are many versions of Black Widow and he is not taking a chance if she is part of Hydra.

"Fine… I'll make you talk myself. I have orders to bring you in."

'I guess a battle is inevitable.' thought Ace. He tries to grab his driver but Natasha shoots at him, not giving him a chance.

"I know you need time to put on your armor. But did you think I'd give you a chance?"

Natasha ran up to Ace, and they engaged in close quarters. Ace tries to fight back, but he is at a disadvantage. Natasha has more experience and is more skilled than Ace. Natasha grabs him and pins him down. Natasha chokes him, and he can not get out of the lock.

"Give up and come quietly," she said

Ace struggles but he won't give up. "Who said— gh— I need to grab a belt."

The Arcle appears on his waist, which alarmed the Black Widow.


Red armor with golden accessories and a black bodysuit start to materialize in Ace's body. A helmet with large red eyes and golden horns completes his transformation. He is now Kamen Rider Kuuga Mighty Form

Kuuga gets out of the hold of Natasha and throws her away. Natasha recovers mid-air and lands on her feet. She looks at the new armor of the Kamen Rider and grimaces.

'Capturing him will be more difficult now. And there is no data for this armor.' Natasha thought.

The Kamen Rider looks at Black Widow and goes to his fighting stance ready to fight. "Kamen Rider Kuuga, now let's fight seriously. Black Widow."

The two faced each other ready for the other person to make a move. Black Widow makes the first move. She attacks Kuuga swiftly and with well-aimed strikes. After the transformation, Kuuga can keep up with her. But Black Widow still has more experience. Don't underestimate the Black Widow. She can contend with the likes of Captain America and has her own super-soldier serum. The two fight in a stalemate with each exchanging and blocking blows. Kuuga punches her but Natasha counters with a widow's blast to Kuuga's chest.


Kuuga staggers back but the damage is inconsequential. Natasha narrows her eyes. That attack won't do much against Kuuga. And getting through his armor is also going to be a problem. She knows Kuuga learned martial arts and has some skills. But she realized he didn't have much experience. Only her years of training and experience are the reason she is staying ahead slightly in their confrontation.

Kuuga knows this and needs to break the stalemate. Kuuga sees a broken pipe on the ground and has an idea. He kicks away Black Widow and grabs the pipe. Black Widow saw this and was confused. Even if he grabbed the pipe it would make no difference to her.

"Chou Henshin!"

Kuuga's armor and eyes turned blue. Kuuga changed into his Dragon Form. If in his mighty form, his stats are balanced. In his Dragon form although maybe physically weaker. His speed and jumping power greatly increase.

Kuuga turns the pipe he held into a blue and gold rod called the Dragon Rod. Kuuga can create the Dragon Rod with any pole or stick-like object in this form.

Natasha was surprised. Turning a pipe into a rod is impossible! But it happened right in front of her. This can't be explained by simple advanced technology.

"Let's see how you handle this!"

Kuuga attacks Black Widow with the Dragon Rod. With Kuuga's speed, Black Widow barely has time to react. Black Widow couldn't get closer since Kuuga had more range with the Dragon Rod.

'He became faster and more agile. His strength got weaker but that is offset with the bow in his hands. Dammit I'm losing ground.' thought Black Widow.

Black Widow shoots a grappling hook at Kuuga but he tilts his head to dodge the line and it hits a wall behind him. Black Widow lets herself get carried by the line to get closer to Kuuga. Black Widow kicks at Kuuga but he blocks the kick with his rod. Kuuga pushes her away but Black Widow uses that moment to launch herself into the air. She sends a grappling hook to a nearby rooftop and pulls herself toward it. Kuuga follows her making a big leap and landing on the rooftop.

The fight continued on the rooftop. Black Widow shoots explosive bullets from her gauntlets but Kuuga just blocks them with his rod and tanks the explosives. Black Widow takes out her gun and begins to shoot at Kuuga. Kuuga rushes at her while blocking the shots. Kuuga knocks her guns away and kicks her, knocking her back. Kuuga grabs her gun and transforms into a new form.

"Chou Henshin!"

Kuuga's armor and eyes turned green. Now in his Pegasus Form. His senses are massively boosted. He turns the gun into his Pegasus Bowgun. A weapon that is exclusive to this form. Kuuga aims at the support of a nearby water tower. He fires and the water tower collapses falling on top of Black Widow. Black Widow dodges out of the way but does not make it on time. After the debris settles, Black Widow is on the ground with her legs stuck underneath the support beams of the water tower.

Kuuga turns back into his Mighty Form and walks to Black Widow. Kuuga checked her and saw she was fine and only slightly bruised.

"Couldn't you have gotten easy with a lady," said Black Widow with sarcasm

"If I had gotten easy on you. I would be on the floor right now. If we were only fighting with our skills. I could not beat you." Natasha only smirks at Kuuga. At least he realizes he only won with the power of the riders.

"This might not have been a good first meeting Black Widow but if the Avengers need my help I would gladly do it. And tell your boss to check who he is really working for."

"I'll make sure he hears it. Are you going to help me up?"

Kuuga shrugs and lifts the beams freeing Natasha. With everything now over, Kuuga walked away and rode off.

"What an interesting kid."




Natasha returned to SHIELD and immediately went to Fury. Natasha arrived at his office and saw Nick Fury. Fury also noticed her and guessed what happened.

"I presume you failed to bring him in."

"Yes sir,"

"Did he accept the offer?"

"No, he didn't sir. There is something else he said that will interest you, Fury."

Fury raised his eyebrow at what the Rider said would interest him. Natasha reported everything that happened during her meeting with Kamen Rider. From his new armor and him saying SHIELD is compromised. Nick Fury became serious and narrowed his eye.

"Did he truly say SHIELD is compromised?"

"Yes sir."

"Why would he say SHIELD is compromised?"

"I don't know sir. He said he has his own intel."

"Can he be trusted?" Nick Fury doesn't trust anybody. And a vigilante just said SHIELD the organization he is running is compromised? He would believe Tony quit drinking than what Kamen Rider just said.

"I don't know sir. It is understandable if he does not trust SHIELD and does not join us. But saying were compromised? He must have reasons to believe so and why say it to me a SHIELD agent unless..."

"Unless he wants to let me know."

"Yes sir."

Nick Fury started to contemplate. Although he won't trust the Rider's words so easily. It would be a problem if his words were true.

"You said the Kamen Rider is a kid?" asked Fury

"I believe so sir. From his voice and physique when he fought. He is most likely a teenager."

"A kid running around with advanced tech. The world has gotten even stranger."

"He may also have superpowers, sir."

Fury nods for Natasha's report. "Thank you for the report, Agent Romanoff. Search for any teens who could be the suspected identity of Kamen Rider. Don't mention to anyone that SHIELD could be compromised. I will do some digging myself.

"Yes sir."

Natasha left, leaving Fury to think about Kamen Rider's words. 'If SHIELD is truly compromised... I have to find out if it's true. If his words are just lies and end up wasting my time. I'm going to send a squad to capture this Rider.




It was the next day and Ace was a bit sore. His fight with Black Widow tested his martial prowess to the limit. His injuries healed after a night's sleep but he still felt sore.

'Black Widow 'is no joke. She is most likely one of the best when it comes to street-level superheroes.' Ace thought

Ace went to school and he saw Peter talking to members of the basketball team. He looks to be having fun with all the recognition he is getting. They won again in their latest match and I guess they were celebrating. Ace thought he should talk to Peter about his grades. He saw in the latest test he only scored half. If this continues his grades will suffer.

"Peter, we need to talk."

"Oh! Hey Ace what's wrong? What do we need to talk about?"

"How is the basketball thing going?"

"Great actually. We breezed through the tournament and in a few more games we will be in the championship!"

"That's great Peter but how are your grades?"

Peter flinched and didn't look Ace in the eye. "My grades? They're fine, totally fine."

"Peter, don't lie to me. I saw your recent test scores. You only got half the points. Before you at least got 95% of the score."

"So? Big deal. I could take care of myself."

"How about your Aunt May and Uncle Ben? What if they find out?"

"I-I'll deal with them when the time comes. All I have to do is get my grades up again. So they won't notice."

"Will you Peter? You seem more caught up with all the attention you are getting."

"What does it matter to you, Ace!" Peter snaps at Ace, not liking the lecture he is giving.

"Peter, you're changing. And from the direction you're going right now may seem nice at the start. But this path you are taking is going to hurt you. Just because you got your powers doesn't mean you can do anything you want and ignore your responsibilities."

Peter only rolls his eyes and does not take what Ace says to heart. "You sound just like my Uncle Ben."

"That just goes to show how amazing your uncle is. Wait where are you going."

Peter walks away and does not look back at Ace. "To class, I have something to do after school so we won't be able to hang out for a while."

"And what are you doing after school?" Ace asks to stop

"It is none of your business."

"Peter, please tell me."

"...I have a wrestling gig after school. Thought it would be a good way to earn some money."

"Peter… you shoul—"

"I have to go now Ace, bye."

Peter runs off leaving Ace by himself. "Haaah… this is bad. I hope my talk with Gwen will go well."

It is after school and Ace sees Gwen about to leave. He catches up to her and calls her out. "Gwen! Wait up!"

"What's up, Ace?"

"Gwen, we need to talk."

"Can we talk next time? I have something important going on." Gwen seems to be in a hurry and does not seem to want to listen.

"Gwen, please you need to listen. You're always late and you keep looking at your phone during classes. It's because of you being Spider-Woman isn't it?"

"Yeah so? I have been helping and saving people. They love me and think I'm cool. It is awesome!"

"But you are doing it for the wrong reasons Gwen. What you are doing is dangerous. If you are only doing it for fame. You are going to hurt yourself and other people if you continue." Ace is being serious. He has fought many criminals and knows the weight of his responsibility. If Gwen keeps this up organizations are going to target her like they did to him. Some will try to recruit him and most will likely want to covet his power. Ace is already sure Gwen is already targeted and most likely SHIELD already knows her identity. If she keeps up with this attitude she is going to lose something important sooner or later.

Gwen doesn't really understand what Ace is talking about but she knows he is worried about her. "Don't worry Ace. I'm not that weak. I can take care of myself."

"Gwen you don't understand—"

"I really have to go now, Ace. A band just invited me to play as a drummer for them in a TV show. This is my chance so I can't be late. Later!"

Gwen dashes off leaving Ace with a headache. "This is also a bust. What am I going to do with those two?*sigh*"

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

Ace heard his phone ringing in his pocket. Surprised it was his Stag Phone. This phone is only used to communicate with those who know his other identity.

"It must be Horobi. Hello?"

"Ace, we found who was responsible for the operation in the docks."

"Okay, let's meet back and discuss this in the mansion."

*End Call*

"I will deal with those two next time. I'll deal with what Horobi has found first."


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