
Cultural Clash

Soon came the day when the other students would arrive from the foreign schools, but first came Moody's first lesson. He immediately started showing the three unforgivable curses on a spider.

Neville looked absolutely petrified when he saw the torture curse, Neville had told him about his parents before. Harry felt bad for him, sadly he couldn't fix a broken mind. He could fix many things but that wasn't one of them, Harry also felt disgusted knowing the curse was casted by one of the people responsible. Soon the imposter began practicing the imperious curse on people and telling them to resist, he called them up one at a time and it was rather hilarious watching people do weird and random things like hopping and skipping.

He had Ron pretend to be a chicken, he had Draco Malfoy do pushups and he made Hermione rip up a book. Then came Ginny's turn, Harry watched carefully. He fired the curse and it hit Ginny.

Ginny was overwhelmed, everything felt right, but it also felt weird. Like it was forced, not like when she was with Harry. 'Slap yourself' a voice spoke, Ginny raised her hand.

'Wait' She thought 'why would I slap myself'? She had tried really hard to stop but her hand was moving to her face.

'Ginny' Harry's voice echoed in her head 'I am using legilimency to speak to you, try your hardest. You can do it, I believe in you.'

Ginny struggled with a new found determination, she had managed to reduce herself to merely touching her face.

"Well done" Mad-eye barked "a few more times and you should be able to throw it off" Ginny was sent back when he called Potter to the front.

Ginny wasn't worried for Harry, she knew he'd be fine. Ron however stared with anticipation, he'd love to see 'Perfect Potter' embarrassed in front of the whole class. Hermione was curious to see how Harry would react, she was under no illusion that Harry was extremely powerful. Draco was also curious, Potter seemed to break reality daily by doing impossible things but there's no way he couldn't struggle with an unforgivable.

"Imperio!" Mad-eye shouted as the blast hit Harry "jump on the desk"

"Nah" Harry replied immediately, the whole class was stunned. Not only did Harry brush off the imperious curse, he did it he did it instantly. Ron was fuming, Potter had to have some trick he wasn't hiding, or maybe Hermione was right and his sister was the girlfriend of the next dark lord. Hermione on the other hand looked on with interest, Harry was more powerful then she thought, now she had become even more intrigued by him.

Harry was handsome, rich and it appears that nearly any individual who sides with him gains respect, his power just made him have more influence and increased how attractive he was. Perhaps this year she could try harder to get him to like her, she was far more attractive than she used to be and if she went about it in the right way it could work. Naturally under her influence he would definitely not be dark and she'd live a comfortable life once they got over that.

Draco Malfoy felt utterly terrified, Potter was already powerful and now he just brushed the imperious curse off like it was nothing. He had heard stories about how the curse had made people kill themselves or even their loved ones without a second thought, sure some strong willed people could throw it off with effort but Potter didn't seem to even care about it.

"Well done boy" Mad-eye patted his shoulders "never seen a person stop the curse so quickly, you'd make a great auror, But still, don't get too relaxed, remember if you want to survive you need to have CONSTANT VIGILLENCE!"

"Thank you sir" Harry politely replied before returning to his desk. Soon everyone found themselves in the great hall, awaiting the arrival of the other students.

First came the Beauxbatons students, they arrived in a massive carriage that was pulled by elephant sized horses. From the carriage emerged Madame Maxime who was without doubt the tallest woman and person Harry had ever seen. She went and greeted Dumbledore, Harry had to suppress a chuckle when she called him 'Dumbly-dort', then the students entered.

The students were all late teen girls, in thin blue uniform. They were shivering and looked unimpressed and some even looked disgusted at the sight that was Hogwarts. Harry didn't blame them once the male population saw the girls, they began cheering, cat calling and some were even whooping at the sight of the French beauties. All the Hogwarts girls were less than happy, Harry could see that the French girls were uncomfortable and so was Ginny but Harry hypothesized that that was because the imperious curse left her a bit tired and the noise wasn't helping.

"HEY!" Harry shouted and the hall immediately slipped into silence and everyone looked at Harry, who didn't shout once he knew everyone was looking at him "how about you all try that greeting again without acting like apes?" Some of the boys had the decency to look ashamed, others felt Harry was wrong but wisely kept shut. Needless to say the Hogwarts girls were a bit more appreciative of him and the French girls were left wondering why everyone was listening to him.

"You can't…" Draco Malfoy started, but stopped when he saw Potter narrow his eyes, he shrunk into his seat. He knew the fact that they were in public wouldn't stop Potter if he got really angry.


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