

"Come in," Klaus beckoned, his voice smooth yet laced with a guarded undertone.

The door creaked open, revealing Elijah, the ever-noble brother, stepping inside with an enigmatic smile gracing his lips.

"I hope I am not interrupting," Elijah said, closing the door behind him with a soft click that reverberated in the silence.

"No, not at all, brother," Klaus replied, his own smile widening as he welcomed the distraction. "Let me pour you a drink."

With a fluid motion, Klaus set the Grimoire aside on his desk as he got up to fetch two glasses, one for each of them.

Elijah's eyes flickered with surprise. "You have been reading Mother's Grimoire?" he asked, his voice layered with astonishment. Klaus had never shown interest in it before.

"Yes," Klaus shrugged lightly, attempting nonchalance. "I thought it wise to refresh my memory, especially with all the witches around." He handed Elijah a glass filled with the finest bourbon.

"Wise indeed," Elijah murmured, acceptance mingling with suspicion as he took the glass, his gaze darting around the room, searching for something concealed—or rather something that should have been in plain view, something that did not go unnoticed by the paranoid hybrid.

"Looking for something, brother?" Klaus inquired, taking a deliberately slow sip, his gaze fixed on Elijah.

"Ah, yes," Elijah responded, his voice calm yet probing. "I thought, with Rebekah's recent revelations and your child soon to arrive, while you reign upon your throne… it might have inspired some new creation." He took a sip, matching Klaus's intensity with his own steady gaze.

Klaus gave a light smile as a small chuckle escaped his lips, though his eyes remained sharp. "Well, as you know, brother, art—painting—has always been my refuge, a world I can shape to my liking." His expression softened momentarily. "However, at this time, I find myself quite enjoying this reality." He brought the glass to his lips once more, only letting the drink brush his lips while feigning swallowing.

It didn't help that even with Klaus's memories and body, he still drew like a blind cat.

"Hmm, yes... I cannot disagree with that. In fact, I would say everything has fallen perfectly into place... right at your feet," Elijah hummed as he turned his back and walked out to the balcony, looking out over the city.

Klaus approached him from behind, leaning against the railing while side-eyeing Elijah. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not at all," Elijah replied, glancing slightly over at Klaus. "It's almost difficult to comprehend how much has changed in such a short time. Just weeks ago, you were frantic about witches plotting against you," he said, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.

"One could argue that the result was much more terrifying," Klaus countered, his own smirk returning.

"Not as much as the reaction I anticipated from you," Elijah continued, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Imagine my surprise when the almighty original hybrid chose to bow his head to the better of a wolf-girl, who carries a child you never thought possible."

Klaus narrowed his gaze at him, a flicker of irritation passing through his thoughts. "Hmmm... well, strategy often requires a touch of humility. Perhaps it was unexpected for you to witness me... bow, as you so elegantly put it, but sometimes, pride must be cast aside for a greater victory. Besides," he added with a playful smirk, "I made it quite clear who was in charge at that moment. And brother, one glance at her, and anyone with half a mind can tell she is indeed special."

"Yes, she is exceptionally extraordinary," Elijah replied, his expression drifting into deeper contemplation as he stared into the distance before returning his gaze to Klaus, who remained unwavering.

Elijah let out a soft chuckle. "You seem to have grown even more cunning, if that were possible. Take this city, for instance." He gestured toward the skyline. "For almost a century, this city has been under Marcel's rule. While I hesitate to admit it, he built a formidable society—one marked by peace and prosperity, surrounded by the trusted and the loyal..."

"He cursed the wolves, stripped the witches of their power, and forced them into a corner like rats. In the end, he was betrayed by those he considered his brothers-in-arms," Klaus interrupted sharply.

"Only after two new vampires were discussing plans about how Marcel had rejoined forces to create a hybrid army—quite in detail, and coincidentally, in front of Thierry's girlfriend's shop," Elijah continued.

"You spoke to him?" Klaus asked, his eyes narrowing, unease creeping in.

Elijah was no longer being subtle, and Klaus knew he had to gain control before it spiraled into something that would force his hand.

"Actually, her. I was merely taking a stroll when I encountered a young woman claiming to be Thierry's girlfriend's friend. Now, I say 'claiming to be' because she seems to have mysteriously vanished..." Elijah paused, gauging Klaus's reaction, but his demeanor remained inscrutable, so he pressed on. "She reportedly overheard the conversation and chose to share quite an interesting theory."

"And you just happened to run into her while strolling down the witch's quarter?" Klaus asked, receiving a small smile and nod from Elijah.

Klaus smirked. "Well, don't keep me in suspense, brother."

Silence took over as the smile on Elijah's face completely disappeared, replaced with an indifferent expression—until you met his eyes, which caused Klaus to take a step back as a cold shiver ran down his spine. He had to hold himself back as Elijah slowly walked closer, keeping his gaze completely locked on Klaus.

"She believes you orchestrated all of this," Elijah said, now just a few feet away from Klaus. "You befriended Marcel to get a foot inside his empire, all for the purpose of sowing distrust and paranoia among their ranks. Then, using the revelation from Tyler, you added fuel to the fire, coupled with Marcel's history with the Mikaelsons, manipulating them into betraying Marcel—all to come to his rescue, to be the hero in need, and to regain your throne and the loyalty of those who sided with Marcel and were saved by you, of course, Davina—possibly the most powerful of the witches today. She even theorized you held knowledge of the child before your first arrival in the city."

Elijah now stood just a few feet away from Klaus, who maintained his indifference throughout Elijah's tale, but inside there was a storm of anger, fear, and even a hint of admiration.

"Little witch," Klaus thought, picturing all the beautiful atrocities he would put her through once he got his hands on her.

Klaus pondered the best way to respond, but before he got a chance, Elijah was suddenly right in his face, staring him down.

"Tell me she is wrong, brother—that this is not another ploy for power. Look me in the eye and answer me."
