
Chapter 1: The Crash

The red curtains in the room were drawn close. You could almost see nothing from the outside. But that's how Annie liked it. She felt more comfortable in near darkness. Her mom seemed to disagree on that matter, but we could say that her mom disagreed on almost anything Annie did.

Anyway, back to the story.

Seated comfortably on the couch with a Hogwarts cup filled with hot chocolate, Annie was witnessing Harry coming back with the dead body of Sedric after the Triwizarding Tournament for the 7373828th time. Even after all the years that had passed since she watched her first Harry Potter movie, that scene had the exact same effect on her as it did back then. Furthermore, she lived by the Harry Potter universe.

"Cedric! Oh no! My poor Cedric!"

She shed a few tears over her dark blue sweater with a large letter 'H' in the middle, just like the one Mrs. Weasley gifted Harry for Christmas on his first year in Hogwarts. The red curtains that was mentioned were embroidered with the symbol of Gryffindor. The walls were plastered with posters of different Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts movies.

Just as Mad-Eyed Moody was dragging Harry away, her phone buzzed.

"Who is it?", she said to herself. "I rarely get a message from anybody."

She paused the movie, so that she won't not miss anything over a stupid message. It could be anyone. She flipped the niffler wallpaper backwards and unlocked the screen.

She had a new message on Instagram. It was from her crush.

Her. Crush.


Annie's eyes went wide. She stared at the notification while thinking, 'How did he… Why did he text me? He doesn't even follow me.'

At school, they were in the same class, but they never talked. She thought she was the only one staring at him.

Well… better to not give herself hope.

Up to this point, she didn't even have friends. Let alone someone she could be dating. She was 18.

School would be over in a month, then… summer and university.

She gave a long sigh and placed the phone aside.

"I will text him back later. He must have texted me by mistake. It's better to watch my movie in peace."

Just when Dumbledore found the true Moody, the door opened.

"Be ready in 5 minutes. We cannot be late for your grandma's.", Her mom ordered with a stoic expression on her face.

 Annie swayed her head in response and the door was closed. She just needed to finish the movie.

Struck by the ending, Annie was checking her things for the last time before taking them downstairs. She did not want to forget anything. They would be staying at her grandma's place for a couple of days.

Pfffft. Everything was in place. Making sure to put Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix CD on top (she would watch it after arriving), she took her stuff and made her way downstairs, where her father was arguing over something with her mother, while her younger brother was sleeping, hugging one of her old plushies.

"Are both of you ready? Well, you have to be if you're arguing like you have all the time in the world. We all know you could do that later.", Annie remarked while rolling her eyes.

Her mom started saying something, but her dad passed through her and opened the door.

With a smile on his face, he requested, "Annie, please take Felix, I'll bring your things to the car."

She nodded and picked up Felix carefully who hugged the plushy tighter with a sweet smile on his face. Looking at the smile, she couldn't help but kiss him while murmuring, "I love you, my baby brother."

With everybody in the car and on their way to her grandma, Annie remembered she wanted to gift her grandma something.

'Flowers and chocolate sounds good. She loves chocolates', she thought.

"Dad! I want to buy grandma gifts. There is a store 2 minutes from us. Can you stop there?", She asked him.

However, her mom began shouting, "Oh my gosh, Annie! No! We are already so late. We won't be stoppin-"

"Yes." Her Dad agreed interrupting her mom.

She glanced at her mom only to see her cross her arms and stare at the road in anger.

Looking at a place to stop, her dad told, "Annie, you can get out now and go. But, be quick> Don't take too much time."

"Yeah, Dad! I promise." She replied and turned to open the door.

She was still opening the car door when she heard constant honking from behind her.

Before she could react, there was a loud screech and then


And everything became a blur…

"Aaaaaannie, Aaaaaannie…"

Heart beating fast, she opened her eyes.
