
Secrets and Surprises at Hogwarts

Harry and Hermione settled themselves into two of the chairs in Professor McGonagall's office after following her inside. They waited for her to seat herself and get comfortable before Harry broke the silence, his voice low, and even, as he spoke, "Professor, would you please accompany us to the Headmaster's Office for a meeting with Professor Snape? We don't think that our Potions Professor is too happy with us right now."

Minerva knew that this must be somewhat serious, especially if the two teens were in her office asking for her to attend a meeting about something that they must have done. Her Scottish brogue was a touch thicker than normal due to her suspicion, she replied, "What have you done this time to make Severus upset with you?"

Harry detected no anger in her words, so he replied with a touch of mirth in his voice,

"Perhaps it would be better if we told you and the Headmaster at the same time, Ma'am."

Her stare was penetrating, yet Mr. Potter did not shy away from it. Most students quailed and began talking immediately when Minerva turned it upon them. Intrigued by this development, she said, "Very well. Shall we head up to this meeting now or is there anything else that we should discuss first?"

The two teens shared a glance to see if the other had anything to add. "No, Ma'am. We can head up there now if you would like." Harry said in that same, low, even tone that was almost melodious in its timbre.

Hermione had noticed the change in Harry's voice and she made a mental note to ask him about it later.

As Minerva McGonagall let her two students up to the Headmasters Office, she was deep in thought. She was curious about the change in Mr. Potter's voice and attitude. Just a couple of weeks ago he sounded completely different and he was much more open emotionally. Something had changed, and she couldn't quite figure it out, even though she was sure that it was familiar somehow.

When they arrived at the statue guarding the stairs to the Headmasters Office, Minerva said, "Ice Mice."

After a couple of seconds, the statue moved aside and she led them up the stairs. The heavy door to the office was made of oak with iron bands. There was a large Griffin knocker made of brass about head height.

Harry and Hermione were a bit puzzled when Professor McGonagall didn't knock on the door. In fact, she just stood there as if she were waiting for something. After a few seconds, the professor turned around to face them. Instead of looking at them, she looked up above the archway that they had just passed beneath. There, directly above them was a blank canvas, its occupant gone.

Comprehension dawned quickly for them and they looked away from the empty frame. Another one of Professor Dumbledore's secrets confirmed.

Minerva was a bit surprised when neither teen asked her about the empty portrait or why she didn't knock. Not many students really paid attention to the portraits in the castle. The fact that Mr. Potter and Miss Granger looked away from it immediately told her all that she needed to know.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a muffled voice sounded through the heavy door, "Enter."

Harry had been in this office before, but he had not paid attention to detail then. He had been too distracted at the time. This time, he had a plan.

Stretching out his senses, he stepped into the room after Hermione and Professor McGonagall. He was not surprised at the number of enchanted objects in the office, the headmaster was quite old, but it was only a few specific ones that he was looking for.

His gaze swept the room, taking in everything slowly so he wouldn't miss something during his scan. His eyes finally came to rest on the shelf just to the side and behind the desk. He felt a pull on his magic and thought triumphantly, 'There you are!'

Hermione and Professor McGonagall had seated themselves in two of the chairs in front of Dumbledore's desk. They were both surprised when Harry continued past them, heading straight for the shelf behind the desk, a look of deep concentration upon his face.

Severus Snape was watching Potter closely when he entered the room. There was no look of apprehension on his face. In fact, Potter's countenance looked devoid of emotion, except for his eyes. They narrowed briefly when the boy looked at the bookshelves behind Albus's desk before returning to their normal size.

Curious, Severus swept his eyes across the bookshelf in question. All he saw were those odd, silver instruments whirring and occasionally emitting puffs of smoke, and the Sorting Hat. 'What did the boy want with the hat?' he thought idly.

Dumbledore's focus never shifted, it stayed upon Harry Potter as soon as he entered the office. He seemed to be scanning the room for something. The question in his mind was, 'What is he looking for?'

As Harry approached the shelf behind his desk, Albus felt the hairs on his neck stand on end in alarm. Thoughts were flying rapidly through his head, the most prevalent of them being, 'How does he know about those spells?' Deciding to begin the conversation before Harry could reveal something best left in the dark, he said in his best grandfatherly voice, "Please take a seat, Mr. Potter, we have much to discuss."

To everyone's complete surprise, Harry stepped forward and plucked all of the silver instruments off of the shelf and set them on the small end table next to the last remaining chair. Only Dumbledore and Harry knew what these instruments really did, but Hermione was quickly putting the pieces together in her sharp mind.

McGonagall snapped out of her stupor when Harry set the silver instruments on the table in between them. She was appalled that he would just pick up Albus's things without permission and everyone could easily hear it in her annoyed tone as she snapped, "Mr. Potter! Why did you pick up the Headmaster's effects and bring them over here?"

Dumbledore was just about to wave the issue aside but Harry cut across him, dashing his hopes.


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