
Training After a Day of Work

As i has suspected, the day was long and the work tedious. Many people were just coming in to confirm different constructions and elements of the Credit system. I wasn't exactly sold on the credit system for the economy. It was semi-communist in thinking but also slightly capitalist. It would require constant monitoring of the value of different jobs and arduous work and adjustment of the minimum credit pay. The more and more I delved into it, the more it felt like a currency, which is what Rimuru specifically did not want. 

Yet again, it was a system that sounded good on paper but was rather unachievable in real life. Needless to say I began to jot down some ideas for a currency backed by our mining or agricultural industry. Agriculture would be a bad idea due to the lack of stability of crop yields based upon numerous different factors. Mining would be a good one but it all relied upon the extraction of materials and minerals from the planet as well as the sustained refinement of such materials into a definable amount. I thought of the gold standard or the Petro-dollar from my previous life and shook my head. They were good systems for the economy but relied upon many decades of advanced technologically.

The Gold system would be recognised by the surrounding countries and nations but it would also be hard to get a lot of due to the fact we were in a forest. The mountains would be a good source but they were guarded by bird people or whatever. I was thinking it over and over when it hit me. Magical items/Materials, why don't we base the value of the currency off of the amount of magical materials we make or harvest? We can breed the deer cows and other such animals and turn them into food and magical materials...

'Why didn't I think of this earlier?'

With this system It would scale directly off of the prosperity of the people. The more food we have means the more prosperous our economy...

"Silviana! Works done... Have you gone crazy on your first day?" Shuna looked at me in a concerned way, her eyes scanning my face for any signs of insanity. I laughed a little scratched the back of my head.

"Nah, I was just thinking of how we could create a currency that would work better than the credit system in the long run..." Shuna looked at me with interest and sat down.

"Why must we adopt a currency?" She seemed mildly concerned about the idea of a currency.

"Trade, Diplomacy, Internal Stability... There are a lot of reasons. Firstly it would take a lot of problems away from the nation. The credit system is open to exploitation and mismanagement if someone has biases; which we all do. It is also very ambiguous with what someone is payed and the value of the said credits. If us, the Government, decided the value of the credits then what would happen if the leadership becomes corrupted in the future? Wouldn't we be no different Aristocracies that own their people and can destroy entire people's lives without them having the ability to defend themselves?" 

My words were shocking to Shuna as she considered each of my points. I could see her intelligence working behind her beautiful pink eyes. I looked down at my hand and started thinking to myself. It wasn't that I wanted to manipulate money or anything, no, it was because the Credit system could lead to a social credit system like in China in my past life. With this system the Government could target certain individuals for their actions and directly affect their lives due to the lowering or heightening of this score. Imagine it, a score to directly dictate a person's worth to society, wouldn't that be frightening? I would know because In my past life I worked there for a time and it was seriously concerning. Watching people turn on each other because of their social credit score and trying to maintain their own lives at the cost of other's.

Consumerism wasn't any better and the West suffered from that massively but true Industrialism was where it was at. The highest quality, the highest pay for the cheapest price. It was a very good system and took countries such as England and France to entirely new heights, allowing them to conquer numerous countries and lands. Now, i didn't like the reckless destruction of the ecosystem or the damage done to the lives of people, but the base premise for the concept was exceptional and revolutionary for people's standard of living. That is what I wanted, i wanted prosperity but balance, balance between nature and industry... A co-existence. Imagine a magically grown forest being constantly farmed by the industry but immediately re-grown through magic and highly advanced methods.

The possibilities with magic were endless and many problems could be solved by this mystical element. Magicules would be the way forwards and it would be a glorious era. I stood up and interrupted Shuna's thoughts, her face growing more and more confused and frustrated by the second.

"Don't worry sweetie, I won't allow injustices like those. Tomorrow I will create a bill of rights that can only be changed by calling a national referendum and receiving 95% support from the public. From there we will set up a legal system that is based upon complete neutrality and based purely on evidence." She was a still confused as to why I was speaking about that now but I just chuckled, it was all connected, if you have a truly neutral justice system and a rigid set of Rights that can't be interfered in by the Government or third parties then no matter the level of corruption on any side of society truth would win out. The problem is creating such a system.

"Sweetie, let's go train, I'm a bit mentally tired and just want to switch off my brain..." 

"Mmm, okay..." She was bewildered by the constant changes in topic but this quickly changed as I sidled up beside her and held her hand whilst walking out of the building. Now she definitely wasn't worrying about all that stuff.

From the meeting hall we walked all the way to the training field and began to spar with each other. We mainly used swords and shields, deciding to work on our physical abilities more than out magical. Doing 6-7 hours of mental gymnastics was more than enough for one day... The sparring was rather tame anyway, it was mainly just getting the form right and learning our opponent's moves and proclivities. Shuna was rather fond of distant attacks with a rapier, using what i called the 'en guarde' pose to poke at my defences before finding a weakness in my movements. 

I was using a falchion with a buckler, made of shadow of course. The falchion was very much a cutting weapon and required some precise control not to throw yourself off balance. The buckler was rather useful against the rapier. Unfortunately I was the slow but strong opponent whilst she was the rapid and weak opponent. We were opposites in styles needed. I digress, the spar went as well as it could, both of us winning on and off. She won more than i did, beating me out by only one point but it was still something.

After the sparring we decided to do some obstacle courses, the same ones that Hakuro had set up for my training. I dominated this part as my balance was superb and my speed unmatched, even without the super speed. Apparently my Superb Agility made me much like Legolas with the Dexterous and Agile feats he was able to accomplish. There was even one instance where Shuna pushed a log I was standing on to the side, threatening to tumble me over. Luckily for me as I slipped I was able to get my hands on the log and get up into a hand stand, moving along with the momentum of the log and balancing perfectly. I jumped off soon after to another log out of her reach. 

Let's just say I got a rather cute image of Shuna directly imprinted into my brain. She was so befuddled by how I accomplished it that she tried herself only to fall onto her ass is seconds. '1 to the Elves : 0 to the Ogres'. I mentally commented as I watched, Shuna was very funny when it came to challenges like this. She always wanted to win and strove to do so, despite the fact she may not be suited to it. 

'Wait... What happened to Milim?' I looked around and noticed a distinct lack of pink-haired joy.

'Fuck... where did she go!?'


Meanwhile, in the square of the city.

"That'll teach you, you lowly Hob Goblin!"


With a massive crunching noise the arrogant black-haired Beastketeer member dropped to the floor, his internal organs haemorrhaging as his eyes popped out somewhat. Blood splattered onto the floor in small amounts as the air pressure caused from the strike split a cloud in half upwards. The pavement below the man's feet was ripped into shreds and many people in the crowd were running for cover.

"͓̽N͓͓̽̽o͓̽ ͓̽o͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽e͓̽ ͓̽m͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽s͓͓̽̽s͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽s͓̽ ͓̽w͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽h͓̽ ͓̽m͓͓̽̽y͓̽ ͓̽B͓͓̽̽E͓͓̽̽S͓͓̽̽T͓͓̽̽I͓͓̽̽E͓͓̽̽S͓̽' ͓̽c͓͓̽̽o͓͓̽̽m͓͓̽̽p͓̽a͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽o͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽s͓̽!"


|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magic Researcher \ Healer \ Friend of Rimuru Tempest \ Ally of Ciel \ Chaotic Cultivator|

HP: 56,290

MP: 38,530 

STR- 3874

CON- 3889

DEX- 3880

CHA- 3836

INT- 3853

WIS- 3834


Cultivation Techniques:

Level of QI Cultivation: Qi Refinement

Chaos Dantian \ Basic Cultivation \ 

Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Basic) \ Lightning Control (Basic) \ Water Manipulation (Basic) \ Dancing \ 

Spells: Fireball \ Chained Dragon Lightning \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \ Engorgio Skullus \ Diffindo \ Maxima Ultima Bombarda \ Crystal Lance \ Holy Ray \ Polar Claw \ Blackhole \ Kinetic Shield \ Teleportation \ Burn Undead \ Anti-Magic Area \ Prismatic Wall \ Instant Upload \

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion


Shuna Solaris- Nightshade Kijin


Souei- Shadow Kijin


Hey guys Author Alex here, i hope you all enjoy this fan fic... Thanks all! 

Please check out my discord: https://discord.gg/NWkjSUwR

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Special thanks to all of the Besties that showed their awesome support by GIVIN- *Cough* I mean, Donating, their Power Stones!








































Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts